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******* kisses within the night
Nightfall will take me away
Collect my thoughts in a paper bag
You'll see the bag rip open
place your smooth hands upon my face
to tell me "worry no more; everything is going to be okay"...
I know you're a liar from that empty statement
Kiss me off to my sweet adventure called life
I hope not to run back to you
Abuse the word love repeatedly
I know you're full of ****
You can't help it
Keep telling yourself that you can't live without me
please don't choke off those words
I enjoyed the fairy tale of your comfort
Now you've opened my eyes
I salute myself
for never caring

By: Leory Santana Dawn
The creases of your lips sinking into my skin
Each kiss flowing down my spine tickling my soul out of it's shell
I pursue my thoughts and desires
A sense of faith that this will never end
I want a tale within a tale
That I'll limp in pain in my feet to just to see what will happen as God will throw me me in your arms reach

By: Leory Santana Dawn
I fear the thought of failure
my name written in the dirt
spat upon
Standing in line
picked out
like a painting
ashamed of what..
of who I've become
The mistakes
the bad things
I look back down
at my name in the dirt
a gravelly scribble
I grab a stick,

Your mistakes make you human.
I'm not what you need
only what you can use
Long conversations within the night
Touches with passionate kisses
Acceptive of your differences
Playing innocent
The easiest for you
I'm not what you what you want
Only what you're borrowing from the next
Pieces of lost happiness channeling your mind
Tight hugs that tell you a story of what shouldn't be lost
Long walks on the beach to make time go by quicker
I'm never going to be what you need
No sense in lying within a bed of lies to wake up
Convincing yourself that just maybe...ONE DAY....
He can be the one to fill the empty space
I'm not what you're seeking or speaking of
I'll play dumb for myself not you

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Don't know who awaits me in the corner
Behind the door
in the bushes
But most certainly they'll be loved
Most certainly they'll have my soul in their hands having me as their puppet
My strings will be unbreakable
As long as I'm cared for with diligence
I won't lose my value
I'll be more than the coins in their pockets
I'll be their token
Don't know who awaits me in the fog
But when they find me they'll never desire any chances of losing me
They'll hold me captive in their heart without a time frame
I'll be apart of their wasted youth
Their daily returns
I'll be apart of who they are or will become
They'll love me with everything that makes them who they are
They'll know that they've loved me before I came to exist

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Night wrapped in night
came to take me
my bones shattered
my vessel was cast away
Day wrapped in day
Awakened me
I've became whole
A new breath
A new beginning
New opportunities

By: Leory Santana Dawn
 May 2017 Hannah Gold
Sweet chirps come from the trees
Small warbles of the animals echo around me
As I stare at the grass
Which is stained in scarlet.

Your body body lies still
Frozen in ice.
Your eyes never opening.

I wish I could turn back time
To when you stood by my side
Smiling that goofy grin
With your dimples pinching your cheeks.
Strange thoughts come at the oddest times.
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