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Ysabel Yaneza Nov 2015
Those who are crushed in spirit
Will have someone there
Perhaps it's God for those believe
My faith stands firm

Push out all those demons
Take those thoughts out of my system
The chemicals should not take over me
Not a drop of poison in this bottled up mess
Ysabel Yaneza Oct 2015
Visions and missions are getting unclear
But their seems to be purpose if it's you and me

However is it delusional?
A fantasy? Another mere dream?
Patience is key
To the lock of your heart, maybe?

One's disposition needs to be certain
Or else committing won't be a breeze
Help me be

Visions and missions will slowly be
Ysabel Yaneza Sep 2015
With darkness, there is struggle
Come lightness, I'm okay
For a brief moment

Or rather I'm deluded
But I can't be possibly dreaming, can I?

Time will tell
Feelings will fade
But will this stay if the dream is caused by the gone forever?

And then he comes along
My independence is shading
I don't want to need you
But could this be?
Ysabel Yaneza Sep 2015
They say don't hide it
They say don't pretend
Okay, I have it
But why only to selected friends?

The pain won't go
And you won't show
Sometimes, I don't know
Anymore, anymore

Go away
Do I really want this?
Do I really like him?
Do I really like her?
Ysabel Yaneza Aug 2015
Getting it out there
Getting myself around
Losing track of places and time
Sometimes I wish I wasn't around

And then that happened
Which turned things around
I am me and I shall find peace
For this threshold isn't what matters now

— The End —