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I'm going to write this poem how I talk in real life so... don't judge how I talk!

T-The S-shy One
T-The S-Skid-dish One
Th-Those are m-my nickna-ames
E-Everyone s-says that I-I'm j-just like H-Hoodie from C-Creepypasta
W-Which I am
B-Because h-he stammers t-too
L-Look him u-up

E-Everyday I'm l-limping down the h-hallway because m-my foot is b-bad and I h-hear:
"There she goes!"
"What's up with the limp?"
"Hey! Hoodie! I have cheesecake!"
E-Everyone knows a-about C-Creepypasta
M-My best friend is C-Crystal
S-She is my M-Masky
W-We both <3 ch-cheesecake

O-Or I could b-be Canada
Fr-om H-Hetalia
Hetalia i-s an anime o-on Netflix
So yeah that happened O
Eve Redwater Jan 2012
On what day did the Seeker, that foul-shaped gangly
Figure, weep and belly-crawl toward me
Forward winding? In craven eaves, in parsley fields,
I wrinkled sleeves, running, running,
A bare-foot straw sock stuck fast and wide
While crows were nodding, nodding, nodding.

The mansion breaks the parsley skirting; my mouth
Is panting, low, unsightly. A butter cloud of moths
Were dancing, and caught my cheeks with tender tags
Of sickly salt-pan glister. With baked stone walls I
Pushed the tail-bone, and time was wailing fast before
Me, it scratched my back into a cup of clawing,
Chasing fingers.

He seeks me still in wooden boxing, under sweating
Hands are shaking; time atop my crush of raven
Swings a hefty, dullsome, tune. Knees were pulled far
Up and rounded, domed and white, and jade, and black,
Stuck and stinking fragrantly, the skiddish slums of slime
Betrayed me- sleeves were *****, hot, and green.

With backbone slinking down the body, the clock
Grows loud with muffled strumming. In front, the crack,
The door before me, small enough to wholesome hold
Me, blanks the mansion's putty light. Arms that longly *****
The run trail, scoop a crackle from the door frame;
Ones that pester, hound and perish
With longing, longing, longing.
Bill murray Jul 2015
Grand pappy isn't happy when his wife goes to the store

Grandpappy feels ****** when he has to lay down on a floor

Grandpa's has got his wife's back

When the bellowing skiddish make their move

Grandpappy and grand momma

We are two chitlins so cool
For little *****
brandon nagley Jul 2015
There's a cat down below mine porch,
(One of the mama cat's newborns around here)
Mum said to me,
"Look" that cat looks like a baby cow....
Due to its cute black and white spots....
She said look at how (skiddish)  it is!!! ( because it was shaky)
I told her
Mum, I'll calleth it skiddy.....
Mum replied back
Not skiddy,
As the baby kitten looked up at me
With its cute little face
And skitted off....

I love mums humor,
And the little critter's that cometh around....
S Smoothie Apr 2014
Folder: DEDICATIONS With Love or Otherwise.

its time.

you have twisted my thoughts enough.

you beg me to write about you,

you swarm my home with words from every direction

desperate admiration

unattractive attentions ironically invite compassionate beauty

such a skiddish mind argues in loop holes to stay safe

you have begged with every thought worthy or unworthy

you have given your all,

now you ask for my sumation of the cracks and all,

glimpses of your dark winding whirlwind of sweet scrawling squalls,

like golden leaves flickering in the sun,

a glimmer of shimmer in a twisting dark mess

I have seen them.

yet, I will not describe them beyond this,

for I fear you may be dissapointed by my standards of beauty.

I have many versions and you have sat ever so lightly on all but some.

I send a kiss to float down upon your troubled brow,

you have succeeded in inspiring me,

with your twister of twisted verse,

and i have found some deep beauty where others find perverse

I don't care if it kills me, I like the taste.
Sueño Oct 2018
What a day
You’re such a beautiful force
My hands froze but they’re so warm
I’m nervous and you know it
I’m willing to go for it
But I can’t
I’m struck
By the feeling of your touch
I tried but was skiddish
You call me out on my intentions
You try to make me feel okay
We laugh and smoked the night away.  
I rather not tell
The reasons why I’m glossed
The reason my head is all fog
I’d rather not pour my heart out again
I’d rather much reside in a friend
But I did what I came to do
And that’s be with you
Your next level sense of awareness
Is something new .
But it’s also your downfall,
Your blunt approach
Surprisingly effective
You’re just like me
But more collected
You’re attentiveness
More selected.
I was shy
You have me shook
You sat there and read me
Like a book

— The End —