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Death-throws Mar 2015
I'm .. I.. I'm sorry
please forgive me.
I don't know what I've done
but I think I broke you.
and I understand your life is a roller coster
and that Sometimes existing is too much of a weight to bear
And I get the fact your walk in closet Is  stuffed to the brim with
the skeletons of your past
And I understand. that those useless bags of flesh and bones keep trying to come back to life
and crawl out of the back door and into your mind
but I cant help feel that im to blame,
And I know im not..
but I think I broke you
and I know my well timed excuses threw a spanner in the  tracks of your roller coster
but I thought i was going o.k.
And I know the grip i have on you isn't deadly...
but ive realised that you are nowhere near mine..
you can walk away at any moment and im still the one at fault.
but I love  you
you cought me in both arms when The only other option was to land on my  face
so please dont let me fall now
all This time i thought you where a porcelain doll..
who knew i was made of craft paper
im sorry sweet heart, i didnt mean to drive the peg home.
i hope i havent,
but your walking the tight rope in my cranium again,
please dont fall
Antonyme Jul 2018
Forgotten bottle sits upon
chilled coster so long ago
in a couple of hours
Radio still plays hits
circulating through a long-dead heart
VIII, so it seems.
Key clicks,
five soldiers fall
into pre-drilled foxholes,
letting their guard down for only a second
to long,
just like any day though not
so much
head wrapped in a cocoon
never opening
to let the butterfly emerge,
more like suffocating it.
The very thing bringing new life
Hoping for a new day of sunshine and rain
and telling my left from my right


foot or hand?

frogot my water bottle on my dresser.
radio playing tunes that I LIKE.
sounds about right.
Vincent S Coster Oct 2015
She adopted Irish words and lingo
As her moniker-  
Like the Meadbh of old, a queen
Of many talents
Her's was the gathering of languages
A menagerie of the tongues of the earth
Spoken as she lamented with crossed accents
So that her French sounded Italian
Her German sounded English
And her Irish like the incantations to old legends
In which she would have been worshipped-  
If not feared
For what is not to fear in her eyes
Which speak of a passion
Like the intensity of Picasso's eyes
That screamed his power
She is the same- A famous beauty
Like a song from childhood
Her power to transfix is in her eyes
Wells to get lost in-  
For she is the fairy queen of Hessen.

©Vincent S. Coster 27th October 2015
This poem does not feature in any collection and is appearing in "print" for the first time here on this website.
soul Jul 2018
You gave me peace
or it was just in my dream
you went away in few
left my broken heart to sew
your words echoed in the closed room
With black dots blinding my vision
Promises to together forever
Were these only me who swore?
Or you were just blabbering  Like a broken tape
Repeating in my ears again and again
Love i felt
Was it all a lie??
Those sweet messages
Were they all fake??
Walls are mocking at me
that we painted grey
Road we travelled are asking
" where is the other one?"
Benches are felling lonely
Without our chirping
Being with you was like a rollar coster ride,
Sometimes high and sometimes low
Too short to last forever
Past Memories are bluring
As the heart is fixing
Hurts so much when they chose someone over u
and remembering all this **** makes  you fell lonely again
Vincent S Coster Aug 2016
The metal blade
That kissed your skin
Will nor remove the pain
Nor form scars
To match the ones
Formed by betrayal upon
Your heart
The seeping blood
So crimson
Will not wash away  
They way that tears do
The sadness you may feel
Spent on people who
Mistreat you
But they are fools
And so beneath you
And their razor blade tongues
Cut into you
But you will rise above
Their hurtful words
Like blood red roses
In the snow
And from the ashes of  
Your broken self
We'll see the fire of  
Your beautiful spirit
And we'll have roses for ashes then

*© 2011 Vincent S. Coster
Taken from the 2011 Gothic pamphlet Nocturnes. Based on the poet's own experience of self-harm in this poem he is speaking to all who are driven to hurt themselves but does this by using the device of writing to an undisclosed individual.
v V v Jul 2017
Like a young schoolgirl she flirts with the orderlies,
skid resistant yellow stockings swinging beneath
her wheelchair. Yellow defines the wackiest of the bunch.

She scooches across the room,
strapped in like a child in a car seat,
her socks providing excellent traction
on the shiny grey linoleum.

To see her this way is a bit shocking,
she speaks in a child’s voice,
like a little girl at play,

its such a strange sensation,
it reminds me of the time in the seventh grade
when Mr. Coster told us about the ghosts
in Sunnybrook’s basement,
I find myself questioning reality,
looking for ways not to believe.

At first she wants to pray,
and while our heads are bowed
she talks directly to Jesus, “there you are!”
she says, “and what a pretty blue sash you have on!”,
I steal a peak at the door
to see if Christ is there.

Next she wants to sing, and away she goes
while the girls join in….

The doctors say she’ll never again be who she was,
the mini strokes have done away with her.
I quietly concur and tell myself its not so bad
to see her this happy.

But within a week they move her to long term care
and all hell breaks loose.

“I want to divorce your father!”, she snaps,
“I’m tired of his ****”.
But when he comes to visit she purrs like a kitten
about undying love and how she’ll only be happy
when she dies in his arms.

The reality of her dysfunction
has never been more evident.

My whole life is a byproduct of her chaos.

Her eyes begin to take on
the wild look of a crazed dog,
She slips me notes and whispers strange things,
like she’s being watched and needs to be careful
about speaking too loudly,

I desperately try to make sense
of what it is she’s saying
but I’m completely distracted by
the lady across the table
with the television remote control
in her mouth, clamping down firmly
as if it’s a candy bar.

Mother goes on and on about
a job offer she’s received,
an offer to teach a sewing class,
she’ll need some good quality shoes
if she’s to be on her feet all day,
and maybe a few new blouses,
and oh how she’s tired of pajamas.
Next she’s on to requests for crayons
and batteries, a new mattress, more light..

She mumbles now.
Stream of consciousness ****.
She’s crying more as well.
Heaving sobs rack her body
as she bounces up and down,
hands across her face in an
over-dramatic display of despair.

Its my last evening with her.
I’ll be leaving shortly.
She’s not in her chair by the window.
I find her in her room lying in the dark.
I sit on the edge of the bed and touch her forehead.

She opens her eyes but does not see me.
She is still and silent and I notice she is clutching
the blue plastic Jesus I gave her, two inches tall
with arms outstretched and the message “HOPE”
scripted on the base.

I begin to stroke her hair, long, gentle strokes
and she sighs, A long broken sigh like
one might give after a good cry.
I half expect her to put
her thumb in her mouth.

Instead she lies silent holding her Jesus
while I wonder if the blue is the same blue as
the sash of the robe he wore the week before
when she was happy.

It’s a heavy moment for me because I know
that I am giving her what she could never give,
that nurturing touch that says its gonna be ok,
the reassurance that though afraid, you don’t have
to be alone, and the full and complete knowledge
that you are loved.

I wish she would say that she wished
she would have been a better mother,
a loving mother, but she cannot because
she is on a rocket ship to outer space
and I know this,
and its ok.

Though she was incapable of
loving me as a small boy
she became able in later years
to light a spark in me for Jesus.

A spark that would grow into
a burning flame of comfort in troubling times,  
a flame that would do more for me
than any mother's touch,
at least that’s what I’d like to think.

A flame that would ultimately
teach me how to love
in spite of never being loved.

A flame that is empowering me
to stroke her hair and give comfort to
a mother who never loved me
the way I needed to be loved,

the way Jesus loves me,
with his arms wide open and his light blue sash,
standing over the letters H O P E…

I get up to go
and see that she is now sleeping.
I watch Jesus slip from her fingers
and fall to the floor,
watch him bounce a time or two then
disappear beneath the bed,
like when you drop a coin from your dresser,
and it ends up out of reach.

I leave her room wondering
if I’ll ever see her again.

I step out into the night and go home.
Michael Blonski Oct 2016
There's my father
sitting on the couch
slowly dying
slowly falling
modern traps

End table is
covered with snack bar
Can of cheap beer
but at least he used a coster

There's my father
watching the TV
Feeling life never
gave him his chance
his break

Left behind in the wake
of that which he did
not create

Pictures of the past placed
on the wall behind him
A monument of a life
that's not what it seems

There's my father
Absorbed in reruns and
political commentary

This couch is his coffin
This house, his cemetery

There's my father
that role model of mine
lost within his failures
static in time
When we got married people said it would never last because we where so diffreant.but how wrong they where you and me have been throught everything.we have laughed and cried together and felt each others pain and heartache.yet nothing has changed between us i love you more than ever.

We had a dream we had a wish we made it happen we bulit a life together.we have two beautiful little boys that are so happy and loved in every way.there was always someone who had to tell us what they thought it was easy not listen.letting the mind wander while they talked.

Theres been highs and lows good and bad times ups and downs twists and felt like one big long never ending roller coster which didnt stop.not leting you catch your breath or stop it to think for a second.

Looking back on everything that has happen we did everything that we wanted.we never listen to any one we lived the life we wanted we did the things our hearts desired.every line crossed taught us some thing new.we have seen it all in so many ways we did it our way and we are still happy in love and married.
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
As i look in the mior at my self i see two sides of me one bright and beautiful and the other a mistory awiting to be discovered. My mind is where i spend most of my time thinking long thoughts. Pondering on what is going on. My friend is my own creativity a poet esacpinv my reality i live is hell i cant escape. My mind is full of things i cant explain. Ideas creative exiting but road lesss traveled. Bc beyong every bend is a mistake i make every time i open a new door to my own hell. Where god or satan has no control over. I am a walking hell setting wild fires with nothing left bright or beautiful. In my life there is no sun just a world of hell. If i let you see what i see you might lose your mind and go psychoticly crazy just to escape the pits of fire i walk threw. Wind chimes blow giving a chill to the air leaving me with chills of fear down my spine. My bipolar is like a roaler coster a speeding car that crashes into another cras sometimes. Most of the time i spend my time in my head thinking long thoughts pondering on the possibilitys of what is true and what is false. Week after week im stuck in my head just with all my thoughts that never seem to end it never tires me at all. My friend dont follow mw unless you wish to walk in hell like me
I have bipolar disorder it helps me to write poetry by ryth by music all of my words i cant express come out of me
Benzene Nov 2020
For some
It look like an ancient castle
With rumours of ghost
Of those dead traitors.

For some it look like an
Empty playground
Where once were cherished  memories
Now turned to a barren land

For some it look like the carnival
With no functioning and broken
Rollar coster is frozen with cold snow.

For some it look like a old school
With broken rooms
That were once filled with children
Selfless smile.
Recently I Met a person with a broken heart. Who doesn't believe in humanity
And I want to help him.
But don't know how...?

— The End —