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Quixotically frenetic hegira to xanadu                    
Frantic pedantic febrile fanatic
Stalwart bulwark ubiquity's tableau
Diabolically maniacal dementia emphatic

Proximity prophylaxis ; perimeter parameter peripheral
Idiomatic virtuoso ; cognate somatalogy habitual

Objectified interstitial ; extrapolation rendition irascible
Puissant presage (apex) ; vortex crux discernible

Diminutive minutia ; iota inductive interpolations
Adjunct turpitude ; impropriety veneration conflagrations

Squanderous squalor ; scavenge scandalous inveterate
Irrefragable reiteration ; felicitous acuity recapitulate

Aptitude ribaldry ; rigmarole extraversion embezzlement
Autonomous avarice ; oscillating ostracism impediment

Irkness ire ; graffiti mantra reiteration
Inductive interpolations ; confluent catalyst trepidation

Allegorical alacrity ; pervasion inductions introspection
Egalitarian existentialism ; eyrie altruism exculpation

Analogous collusions ; adumbrate intimate obfuscate
Aorist actuator ; preterite rendition intimidate

Transient turbulence ; totally tomorrow tyrannical
Tactile acuity ; lucid lurid eidetical

Ancillary conjectures ; conjure connivance integumence
Impetus volition ; analogous confluence adamance

Palindrome pandemonium ; prestissimo rendition obdurate
Myopic Mermidon ; anathema android amalgamate

Subliminal nostalgic ; mnemonics nepotism subordinate
Cavalier humeral ; superficial syllogism conglomerate

Pilferous wheedling ; finagler longevous loquacity
Ramification decorticate ; declension suborn temerity

Mangle maim ; hectic mayhem mutilate
Relative rationality ; rational relativity confiscate

Hypothesis propound ; theoretical incursion grandiloquence
Dynamic progressive ; Endergonicaly protensive magniloquence
                                                   ­                                                                 ­        
Heuristic psychokinesis ; psychosomatic misanthropies equilibrist Haberdashery hauberk ; greaveness gauntlets catalyst

Soliloquious reverie ; phantasmagoria phalaxy enclitic
Prestidigitation gesticulation ; guidon gyration xenophobic

Demagoguery demonstrative ; precocious precursor impunity
Monad ebullition ; mirador bartizan recumbency

Ebullition mesomerism ; redolence proxy platonic
Obstreperous conflagration ; pilgrimage prophet atomic

Impending preponderance ; vituperative allusion stark
Bleakness blear ; photic ion quark

Surrogate onerous ; doughty statute numinous
Plunderous pillaging ; usurper squanderous nous

Quintessential frolic ; amorous enamor sequatious
Segregant sequesterous ; confiscate conformity edacious

Objectified collusions ; surrogate whirlpool vertex
Cohesive coercion ; pragmatic adhesive matrix

          Pandemic plenipotentiary ; salient viable seethe            
Tortuous prosthesis ; telekinesis taunt teethe

Pander paphian ; paltry ******* ramificate
Plenery putschist ; quintessential kitsch procrastinate

Telepathy tantalize ; talisman futurity copacetic
Aura auspicious ; clairaudience volatile phatic

Lexical etymology ; illiteracy idolatrous littoral
Panoramic tableau ; tabula intransigence clitoral

Logistical tactician ; mystical mores platitude
Archaic anachronism ; futurity pervasion perpetude

Obsequious diligence ; extrapolation iterative cohort
Extravagant exorbitance ; agnate aggregate cavort

Anaclitic  analgesia ; anacrusis excursion sojourn
Pilgrimage prophet ; silhouette journey taciturn

Ethereal eugenics ; euphenics constituency malfeasance
Trapesium traverse ; grandiose trivia munificence

Revelation revision ; cosmic enigma anomalous
Euthenics ingratiation ; sycophant philanderous exogamous

Renaissance raunchy ; ephemeral effulgence antonym
Effluent effusion ; Cornucopia coup synonym

Metaphysique cyborg ; cybernetics appliance prognostication
Splendiferous autonomous ; elliptical empathy retrospection

Vaunt ness verve ; multifarious nefarious concatenate
Concoct catenary ; bilkness bightness syncopate

Collusion recalcitrance ; exude emote id
Imbue adept ; except inept did

Psychic regalia ; cephalic fallacious adult raw
Concubinage condolence ; preternatural propensity ne plus ultra
onlylovepoetry May 2017
the early riser guider, pastel orb of high color value,
looks askance at the two men watching it,
for fresh and clean, it, the sun, from
the horizon born and bathed and toweled blue terry sky dry

the men, well they stinkin'
from body sweat hikin' and grease and drinkin'
Mr. Coffee and cheap *****,
an expensive high, when next day payback comes due

but none better for inspire to hire and
merging men's alternative verses writ in alternating styles,
trading stanzas under a lighting-felled inspiration tree,
waiting for that insightful light that comes too brief

how can it be each thinks, that tho never in the flesh met,
thank to Mr. Coffee and cheap *****,
the bond just gets stronger every day way,
the poetry better with each sippin',
as many rivers confluent on their way home
to the slightly jealous observing Pacific sea,
the original mother lode of all creation,
well, She says:

good job and good luck remembering anything
and getting home safe and sound!"

to which we drink a toast of Mr. Coffee and cheap *****
and it ocurs to one, perhaps both,
this is kinda a love poem after all
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
Wrestling with the rifts within,
Fraught with an inner turmoil,
I stagger down to the sea,
Seeking to uncoil.
Standing out on the pier,
Alone with the song of the shore
And the sea around me,
The bitter questions dissipate,
The draining weight lifts free.

Waves crash and currents move
Like gravity made plain;
A watery force droning as voices
The sound of this presence pulls me
Into a trance of fate.  
My reverie foments, my mind drifts
And my thoughts fly
Like sea spray.

Inside, I am dancing, daring, flirting with
Danger and teasing the tides!
Soon, I feel like I am floating above
The deluge,
Yet my courage abides.

I am in that place
In the midst of a constantly flowing
But I am steady,
Held within its reach.
I am not lashed by the elements
Nor tattered by the winds…
I feel immersed in this dynamic
Field of hydro-power
And showering sonic sheets.  

This place has become a part of me,
For my heart has joined with it
And the two become one:
Pulse and flow,
Flesh and wet,
Water and blood
It’s the rise and fall of
Centrifugal churning
(beneath the waves and within this body),
It’s the crack of a quickening surge!

In this bracing instant, we hum
In sympathetic harmony,
At this moment, at once, I am
Vulnerable and victorious,
Pallid and empowered,
Passing and present;
All of these combined.

With the lurking land mass of my life behind
And this mysterious, epic depth before,
My soul hangs suspended
And separate from those on the ships and
Those who tread
Beyond the shore.  

Behind, in the earth, I have been fashioned
For a life like the teeming masses
I see every day.
With so many years gone by, under
The wandering sun and the
Waning moon,
I have journeyed in vain.  
With the taste of dust in my mouth,
My feet are blistered by
The fractured terrain.

I am yoked with the weight of
Bruised memories, still unresolved
Conflicts in my mind.
That earth realm leaves me weary,
In black and sullen confusion, blind.

Yet something is calling me back
To forth,
Out from and above those wasted years,
Like so many fingers
Clutched around my neck!
I sense my flight and my future are found before me.
I feel girded for the trek.

There is an overwhelming need
For a desperate DEPARTURETURN!  
To evolve…

Then, within my soul and with
The salt of my saliva,
I gasp at a realization...Yes!
This is a chance to chart my course!
To start my life anew!
To face the epic depth of
This fearful moment!

To descend and rise….to baptize.  

There seems to be mercury in my
Blood stream for it swells until
My eyes swim!
There is a cataclysm in my psyche
As the crashing ricochets

My soul, my fears, my hopes and my heart
Are fluxing and flying wildly, like sea spray!

There is a feeling of being drawn out,
Like a force of gravity
On a current of inevitability.
At this moment, at last, I am one.
"If there ever is a time your heart is restless, think of me. The lyrics, the melody flowing through you like the wind on a warm summers day. May it bring comfort to your heart, and peace to your soul. Think of me once more, as the song moves through you, forevermore." © 2014 Christina Jackson <3 A beautiful song to go with this <3
Nat Lipstadt May 2017
Oh Sally,
on the day you "disturb me,"
the messiah will, must have come,
anything else, but a minor inconvenience,
a foolish distraction

Lola! Grandmother!

the things we say with out thinking,
quick retorts that boom an
instantaneous, say hey Willie Mays,
mutual concern cognitive proposition,
and you foresee the child conceived within

"should be a poem in there somewhere"

in the handed pen, drawing heated inspiration,
from the confluent patty platelets of the
shared single river
of heart lungs eyes flowing as one into this
busy subgle poetry pointer finger @ 4:18am

your secret safe well hid within this writ,
you, mother laureate to a thousand at minimum
so many secret lovers and children in your posses,
the eloquence of your kindness world renown
your behind the scenes presence,
I am smiling, stupified, amazed discerning,
and stand awed,
the global Amazon store of only good

so late nite/early morn the clarity rises with sun
so many secrets lay before me in plain sight - prior unrecognized,
what was obvious, delayed, as sometimes I hear,
messiahs are

one more, maybe two, perhaps as many/few as a minyan ten
of grandmother queens raising up the children,
poets all, such as yourself
then, Messiah will be choice-less, compulsed, compelled
to return and bless us all

course, even when that happens
you still won't be disturbing me,
for you will be right-sided beside him

but not to worry for at this continental crossover hour,
most are sleeping, others feeding the babes,
some returning from church or mosque,
no one looking here at ShePo,
a secret of glory disclosed,
only you will see,
so as promised Lola,
your key to a certain stairway,
safe tween
just us three

no tears please,
for this but just,
a just confession, an overdue library book,
a poem resting on my night table
awaiting reading, composition, completing,
and that's between
just us three
5:11 and the orb majestically rises refreshed
from the East Rivet
and the windows reflect its muted irange presence,
but just one window observatory
winks, sparkles,
musr br loose or eyes tearing
G Apr 2015
À l'allure
Ou tout se passe
Vit à la dure
Et grimace,

Les drones
Les transgénique
Les goûts confluent
En clique

Le superficiel
Se gonfle
De compliments

Alors, fatigué
Du futur
Le temps s’arrête
Couvrant de baisers
Les couples en fête.

Triomphe toujours
Sur le faux
Mes yeux de velours
Sans détour,
T'aiment, sans dire un mot.
Au confluent du provisoire. Le 4 avril 2014-G.
bulletcookie Apr 2019
when violins play
sound becomes a miracle
taken: from a cat's gut
horses' swishing tails
tree spirits and spine rosin,
flying into the air
climbing infinite heights
to land in patterns
on these confluent tarmacs
of hearts and music

"If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die."
Twelfth Night Act 1, scene 1, 1–3

-William Shakespeare
Third Eye Candy Nov 2015
i am unknown.
however i bake
my cake
the quintessence of a fool
is His oven,
or Her

let the heat
play Winter's Thoughts
and arrive
before the likes
of me
and my complete

I am redacted
from the narrative,
much like -
your reason to breathe -
lurks behind a

or a fog is a glimpse.


the parabola
from the arch of
all Monte Cristo !
you shank the villain
as villainy is your twin.,,
we cohabit  
the one
and split the difference
the same.

from some " within ".


like thin filaments of music returning to a stream
to bow their heads in the Eucharist of a slit wrist  -
we are confluent in the chambers of our undertow
and serve such masters, a world can endure
but hardly love the triumph of the cube
over paisley cubes,


i almost say something all the time.


all the Time,
Ken Pepiton Dec 2020
Entertain strangers bearing messages from ur…
gent le… see;;;
earlier efforts have  left us legends writ in a thousa'd
angelic tongues,
none tamed by man, the measure of all things,
yet- 2020 tech, I swaear
gone undefined
all this time

say it the ineffable nth degree
word of sorting
knowers from initiates,

who told you you were nekkid?
tic tic tic
tongues of angels, sssome sibilant, some humm
in time to all creation's background theme

Don't you  want somebody to love?
Come on
old man
-- slick grace
-- we  did the fast that broke the joke yoke chain letter
this is the answered prayers,
those ones in tongues
no man can tame

No lie, gotta see it as true to say it is, aim and miss,
aim again,
cheat, use the beam in my eye.
---------- times change ======
All tamed by his magnificent machines, if AI do say so,
it is.
Entertain best intentions, be
open to  believe
leave go, I let my pleasure be
given leave to be true
in the story you tellme, meme use
as weyoostodotoobeingstretched
on a rack
to a tension strugbetweengleglory story threads
and plot lines we all need for
realitied - my realm - wedominated re
alified religion as a knot species,
multi-per-pliers imagined in sworn agreement

to tell the truth, the whole truth und nada mas,
okeh? Sure,

remember, you are under oath,
any minute you may be called to account
for idle words needed to redeem a message
once agreed in the original
man to man manner

I give you my word, weyoostasy, so
we say so now.

Use it wise.
Make peace, use truth, wisdom made a way
converging numbers and words
understanding passing timed
error eras, we have made

sensible, once more.
The nudge in the right direction,

is fair in love and in war, in war it's like
a goal against yourself,
the repercussions are echoed in legends

some times for 30 seasons,
or more

see how people think people are is how, see,

people are, as a person in the people group

field - AI sci-psi-psy ties straight up ****!
it is true as a man thinks,
in his core, and maybe gut, no more
- say a person, some are other now
say as a
person thinks so itshitstatssatisfie-

the people groups are bound in fields of influency,
confluent with me as the reader
who first found myself in this book.

When I told my son, who is an editor at Sony Games,
he said it sounded like science fiction.

I said may be,

and all that was long ago in terms of little thinks
at thought speed,
the unthinkable power to think faster than a
speeding photonn
or plodding muon

go ob glu on u can tolerateitgesund-clench

savory meats, special pretenderized culture
sauce, Caribbean barbecue,
long pig, ve'y ol way recipe' eh,
a code, for did we fool them or were we fooled.

Do they still believe in war?
I don't understan', we've made this peace…

That's it.
We all agree in our Secret is true hopers,
but it ai
ai aight I know, am programed to say, as money,
the lovable stuff, the love is evils' root,
as bitter has roots,
so does evil.

Garden variety episteme tehkne, okeh,
it's 2020, every body is this smart,
money speaks,
the use of it, the good bit, the worth

Money talks, the rest remains.
We come as well, words as such, none idle
each true

thems the rules the reasons --- war imagined,
the act of imagining war, must I…
if I may
sweep away the anime'
sharp edges
vector art
forms in child minds,
Ender's Game brilliant piece
- the idea hegemony redeemed --
- there's the rub
fictional friction, beckoning quest
2020 tech, nada mas, as good as any magic
as a mind may imagine itself

of mind implanted if-you-may imaginating

overcoming a little knowledge being,
a dangerous thing
a concept a gripping biting can't shrugit off

feeling that reading this is as much fun
as watching each letter, form as fully evolved so
distinctly from tastes
spiced or persuaded, made to be savored,
chewed slowly, as savory meats, charred,
smoked on the bone
on the coals, mesquite coals, smell it…

see, there, San Francisco Peaks, Kacinas live there.
There's an ice cave…

meander, flow, currency accepted smoke in jar,
a Mason jar,
brass lid -bee's wax cap

--- briefest of memories
--- tie us to the feeling, this is the way, walk in it,
wait when waiting is
list when listing is
wisht when ever will is
some others
and you love that other…
those others…
time tells
is old easy way, be true, know true as being you.

Be you true, not sorta true, yours truly, I swaersworespit.

I'll take your word. You know the way
we lambs accept the loss

of what, we forget. See, easy come, easy go.

Why are you here?

What is a still small voice saying?
Singing in the shade...
Zywa Mar 2021
Which is beyond
words is present here
in the twilight, the secret

not to know yet
how it will continue
but to feel the net

coming together in me –
invisible connections
to the heartbeats of life

In wordless language
the breathing of the pipes
conquers space from the silence

in gentle waves and then by itself
nothingness has become music –
new webs of finethreads

between sense cores
of souls once and somewhere
in confluent time
For Johan Arends #3

Chapel of the Canisius College, Nijmegen

Organpark, Amsterdam

Collection “org anp ark” #73
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
He pursues himself by becoming a Spirit-dark shadow deep in a secret, moral dimension; tense through obscurity and curved mirrors! Unswerving, unwavering progress towards your goal! Blood molecules secret, fighting mood from running runner already like pulsating nightmare pressure. The arrhythmia of passing is judging through the wall of throbbing heart-cavities and in new counting confessions! The thinking consciousness also gradually loses its mind and is terrified of an inexplicable secret conjecture!
Who could have made the mistake of not acquitting his sin?! - There is always going to be a stubbornly watching over the Maybe-Present! Disembodied tears flow through the magma-core of Snowdrop-Times and tears of stigma demanding each other appear on the retina of superstitious eyes! Even the imaginative imagination of something doesn’t help much anymore; circular, if you already have ninsen use. He dies quietly. In the trap feelings of existence, diverse cataclysmic ideas seize the protesting minds of creative, not yet brainwashed brains!
Even more than a trillion, more cells multiply themselves with renewed beliefs in hope, because they want to live at any cost and survive in the remnants of Nirvana tomorrow! The cacophonous wild noise of our celebrity-hugging ******* world is confluent and unrelenting - with its cheap superficiality, it is getting stuck! - Known: You can't give a command to a moral humanity! And if everything is about to be lost, let one find the soul strength within oneself that will lift it even further from the destruction of the Phoenix

— The End —