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Elliot Yu Nov 2017
I fell in love with you one night in September
When crickets sang an ode to Autumn
When Gaea’s palettes matured to tones of herself
to the leaves, falling like tired angels

I remember the dying painter spitting his last few colors onto the sky,
Warm scarlets that professed themselves to be deep ceruleans and violets
When we watched, spaced, from the yellowed creaking picket fence
Wind chimes sighing in the subtle breeze.

You were the artist, a divine manifestation,
Wisps of hair breaking through your perfected face
An ocean of complexion in your eyes, hiding secrets
Reap the grains of my affection, throw it in the pitch

But I was colorless, achromatic
A beige canvas
You played me with your hues and tones and tints and
splatters of pigment

Sometimes, I’m painted vibrant oranges and yellows and reds and
pondering in sunflower fields, gentle raindrops resting on our shoulders,
crackling bonfires, leaping flames.
Pleasant comfort.

colors fade.

Vibrancy grows faint under grey.
Winter frost slithered to your heart, turned jet-black
Boreas’ wind swept you away.
Tobacco-scented Icarus, you’re bound to fall.

Ah, snowy white procession of death, take me!
Bare skeletons of trees shiver in the morning chill
A heaviness carries the shattered ice of your eyes
Unforgiving, piercing, daggers to my soul.

You fell in love with him one night in December, and I wait.
Minutes liquify, oozing to hours, seeping through cracks of my sanity.
a small project
Mayah Seals May 2015
As the flaming hues of yellows and reds and oranges
Gracefully fall across the horizon
The sky darkens.
The receding rays of gold fire and frost blue
Fade into deep ceruleans and violet purples
Until there is a world of an unlimited shade of blacks and silvers
Decorated with a galaxy of stars
Spanning every shade, tone, and hue of a rainbow
And everything is, was, an will always remain
An explosion of colours
Copyright ©
Brandon Dec 2023
through your eyes I want to see
vivid ambers and saturated ceruleans dance
fusing with each other
creating your earthly coppers
instead of my velvety violets
for jordan

— The End —