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 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
Circa 1994
**** it.
**** me,
To say you're sorry.
To make me glad
After an argument that's made me mad.
Hold my hips
And pull my hair,
Stick your hand in my underwear.
Mouth on mouth
Muffled moans
Hand on mouth
And squirmy toes.

Forget the flowers,
I want a kiss.
I don't want to talk,
I need to touch.
 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
Words could never capture you,
Encapsulate you, encompass you
Because they are not strong enough
To withhold such beauty
They are too small to occupy
The love you carry
They are too trivial, too mundane
Too exhausted
To distinguish, define and denote
To embrace
Everything that I love,
Everything that I believe in,
Everything that matters,
Everything that is you.
 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
A calm wave rushes over me
That brings only one thought into my mind:
 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
Just Melz
So soon to touch
It's never enough
You swim in my brain
Naked and alluring
Feel me
Want me

Enticing me with pain
Whispers of 'mine'
No need to be tame
I've changed my mind
Scream out my name
Give me all you got
Please don't hold back
Once in a lifetime
Please me
Touch me

I'm reaching my prime
You've reached my insides
Sheath yourself deeply
Inside my body
I'm so very ready
Take me
Arouse me

I want all of you
Every delicious inch
I'm never through
I can't get enough of you
Lick me
Bite me

Drink all of me
Like I wanna swallow
All of you
Don't you know
What they say is true
It's the nicest, sweetest girls
That in bed
Will rock your world
Pleasure me
Taste me
Tease me

Finish Me
 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
 Dec 2014 tiaamaariaa
Before her I was a still sea of darkness,
Now I am a sea of crashing waves,
And my beautiful sun is overhead.
What infatuated
about him
was the ability
he was blessed with
of touching her
in such a
unique and genuine
that no other living creature
had ever done.
How he could
touch her
and nothing else
ever mattered anymore;
a connection
so beautiful that neither both
could ever explain
in mere words.
How he could touch
without him ever
her at all.
That's what
the most about him.
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