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Amaris Jun 2018
Daisy he desired, and of Daisy he thought
His eyes only for her, and to hold her he sought
Riches and Daisy, perfection, together
He wanted it all, flawlessly, forever
Longtime dreamer, believer, hopeful and true
Desperate for an illusion, with absolutely no clue
That his flowering dreams were wilting away
To become nothing but memories that hold little sway
Over what his life has become from before
And the dream he had once envisioned, they tore
To pieces that lay, shattered and broken
Shards of a past come future, only tokens
Of Nick Carraway's memoir writ after two years
No mourners at the funeral, goodbye without tears.
His lasting imprint, whether worst or best
Tells us that hopeless dreamers can never rest
For the elusive green light that stretches far
We go faster, faster, towards that fixed star
Boats against the current, waves beating high
Despite it all we trudge forward, and always we try.
Inspired by The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ephemeral Em Apr 2017
Floating, floating carried by the soft air
Dressed entirely in billowing white
Eyes closed, guard down, chin up without a care
There has not ever been such carefree flight

At least that is what I try to believe
If you pretend you're free then you can be
Ignore the aching feeling, let it leave
Nothing hurts you when you fly blissfully

Until your husband comes to shut the door
Stops the wind from carrying you away
From him, trapped without love, just like before
Will you again be able to be gay?

Floating way back down, trapped by my husband
I was loved once, never to be again
Based on Chapter One of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Eleanor Jan 2017
Complicated and lovely
Graceful and *****
Love and all its tragedy
Drags the innocent into uncertainty
Pretty flower, prim and proper
Had to do what everyone told her
It was his time to return
And she had no time to mourn
She was already gone
And he had to wait for the sun

Married away was the sweet flower
Lost in blue was the Great
Locked away happily in a tower
She never thought of her lover’s fate
He built a fortress with all his power
Built his way to the top with a compelling name
Yet she never saw his tragic effort
She never noticed his fabulous fame

Wrapped in a web the author was
Watching all the tragic souls
Lost in a whirl of their own morass
The lies all lined with gold
Angels eat their cake
Going along with all the mendacities
Turning eyes to the shade
The innocent in the midst of uncertainty

Love in the worst form
Beautiful and torn
Wrong and adorned
Pure enough to mourn
Never amounts to success
Love is sinking
Lost in a dream
Like boats against the current
Borne back ceaselessly
Back into the past
This poem is my own interpretation of the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
Her nervous laugh
is the ***** of a champagne glass
he does not care she has no brains
he worries about his tie
asks her to confess
she never loved Tom
showing off his wealth
built on the sand grains
of dodgy business & deceit
& brick of bravado
a siren, she has called his heart
to sail to her across the years
all to end in a gunshot
by a pool
Have been watching the various movie versions of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald & hope to re-read the book soon. I think the 1974 movie version with Robert Redford is the best movie version there is. Btw, if you've not read the book/seen the film & don't know what happens, she doesn't shoot him & he does not shoot her, he gets shot by someone because of something she does by accident.
Katie Aug 2014
summer is just a bruise blossoming on my pearl skin
i'm eighteen and the world is sadistic
but you tell me i wear it well
you wear me
we're so elegant in this sin
you word me like a pariah
when it ends i'll be hell

you string words like a necklace
pull them around my throat
poet with a finest flute
filled with liquid gold
we lose
endless impressive nights
to the keen of jazz
trumpet notes collapse
a jaw bone against
a new language

dress me in silk
perfume my neck
engrave me with
your new decadence

you say
threading the word through
the tail end of august
like a chain of open mouthed flowers
the nights are wilting
shortening their hours
i could give her the world now
gold and love and the finest furs

when september comes
i turn nineteen
i wait in the atrium
bronzed like a summer's statue
your finery thread heavy against my neck
i am leaning into your mirror
the one that decorates the hall
it cuts me off at the neck
when it ends i'll be hell

— The End —