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Jason L Rosa Feb 2018
I’m still there.  
I’m on your mustache.  
I’m on your neck and shoulder.
I’m on your breath and
seeped into your lips.  
I am present in your mind,
and you are here in mine.  
So there isn’t really an absence,
is there?  
I can still feel your laugh.
And your smile.  
And the warm and fuzzies inside me.
I’m there inside you too.
Jason L Rosa Apr 2017
I thought about every
little gesture, look, song,
secretly worded I love yous,
and maybes,
and should ofs
that we shared since we met.

And how your smile and your eyes
have both stopped time
to show me glimpses of the future. 
And just ecstatic happiness,  
and thank yous,  
and oh my gods,  
and how i've never felt more right.
And how last night was
perfect and respectful and beaming
with love that was so ******* mutual.  

I just replayed the moments
over a few hundred times.
This is  real.
This is happening.
Jason L Rosa Apr 2017
Our playlist is
the best love songs
that helped voice words
we needed spoken.
Jason L Rosa Apr 2017
Your voice is beautiful
i hope the words resounded
when they were spoken from
the creation's origin.  

a loud murmur of my heart snap-snapping
to the poetry slam we share between us.

— The End —