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AD Snail Jan 2017
Little boy were did your wings go,
Why aren't flying so high?
Are you frightened of flight,
Or the thought of heights?
But you don't mind the thought of being high.

You can't seem to see the light,
As you take another bite on your dreams tonight.
Though watch out for those lights and sirens tonight,
That surround your home now.

Might you be called a scaredy-cat,
By all the children next-store if you told them that?

Little boy are you frightened of the world around you,
Is that why you look so pale tonight?
Don't you worry now I'll be the one to bail you out of jail.

Your mind is so frail, I am afraid.
You have taken one more step but it hasn't brought you any closer to your goal of yet.

But even if the world turns a cold shoulder on you,
I will still be right beside you.
Holding onto you as we face the hardships,
Let us march forward and face the hardness of those lashing words.

Little boy you don't have to take another sip of misery,
Or take another dose of cloud nine.

Let's stop you from trying to make your mind hazy,
Let pull you back down on the ground out from the fog.
I know it was your own twisted salvation,
But don't you see it unhealthy?

Little boy why do you run from the sirens?
Can't you see there just coming to straighten you out,
And help you realize your mistake, not punish you.

You aren't afraid of what happens next,
I can see it in your eyes that you don't mind,
But oh my friend you should.

Little boy are you sick of being belittled,
Is this why your high; beyond the sky?

You have reach you limit,
And had jumped right in it.
Not worrying about the consequences,
Because your all tired and worn out.

Poor little boy you have finally lost yourself,
Tossing the brain cells you had gladly away.
Did you do it because you were sick of all those depressing thoughts?

Little boy look there you go finally as high as a kite,
But falling so quickly downwards to the unforgiving ground.
There goes your last breath.

By, AD Fox Spirit.
*Warning before reading*
These talks about the use of drugs and thoughts of suicide.
If you are uncomfortable with these topics, etc.
Please do not read!


Also deeply apologizes for making it so long.

— The End —