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Choking Angel Apr 2016
I grin my malicious grin
As the little children cower
At the head floating in the trees
And my tail in the breeze
My purple glow
In the dark of the night
Is the only thing that keeps
Everyone in a fright
I want to smile
And them be in delight
I'm not alone in this world
I've got my friend that hurled
From all the tea and the laughing
And the constant photographing
Of the memories that will always be engraved
Into the mind of the mentally deranged.
I think I have gone completely bonkers, well let me tell you a secret.... All the best people are
Tumbling, tumbling
            She f

It seems she's always gazing up from her place in the ground.

She is Alice in a cycle of bad.
Splintered Alice, no Carroll in sight.
All mad, no mathematics.

Wake up little Alice!
Wake U

Stop eating those Underland treats.
Don't drink any more of the tum tum tree juice...
It only releases the predator in you.

Dear girl,
Don't you see?
All the wonder you need
Lies deep down within.

Curiouser and curiouser
That you don't know the magic and POWER
You had from conception.

So Alice, if you would please
Stop chasing white rabbits,
Stepping through mirrors
Searching for a world of your own.

Create your world in the here and now.
S    a     e  things
   h    k
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are my favorite Golden Age fairy tales. And all the spinoffs are just making me relive the hours I spent looking for rabbit holes, and wondering which sides of mushrooms would make me grow a little bit shorter because I towered over all my friends. This will definitely be revised and tweaked over time.
Alice Mar 2016
To define him is a difficult challenge
To impersonate him is a hard task too
But who is this man with a hat on his head?
It seems like everyone has no clue.

It is the Hatter!
The most mad of all
He is also a type of friend that you can call
You can call when you fall, and no longer can crawl
But be careful!
You might don't want to see him go wild at the hall.

What was the hatter with him?
Oh yeah, he's mad!
It is the effect of high mercury
Oh, poor dear lad!

He very much love tea parties
Along with his friends including Alice
He's the weirdest man that you'll ever meet
And he has this mad, crazy, wonderful treat.

Because his madness has no end
He may look like he can harm
But don't worry, my friend,
That is just the attitude of his charm.
Tess Fields Mar 2016
Down the rabbit hole,
and off the beaten path,
I met you smiling,
arms open, ready to laugh

I couldn't get enough of that infectious grin;
My eyes greedily lingered on you
as if a look gave me everything.

I had great expectations for my new found friend; you untangled some knots to make my heart beat right again. I envisioned us together, just two people, having fun. But I guess things that are as sweet as honey and rich as vanilla must come to an end.

I got unfairly close.
a mistake on my front.
I couldn't help myself from getting near
such a warm, cozy light.
I'm like a moth on a zapper... I should have know what was right.
You illuminated my world,
Like a candle in a dark room.
I was too fixed on the flame to notice the mess being made,
wax dripping to the table,
slowly making the candle smaller and smaller.

It ended with earl gray.
A hot cup of tea.
Too bad I had to nock it
all over me.
Day Dec 2015
stop trying to
keep the time
with a
broken watch.
Day Nov 2015
we're all mad here
because in the rabbit hole
no one gets out*
Dreams of Sepia Aug 2015
You were my white rabbit
to follow, take me away

I was an Angel called Alice that
thought you a thing of beauty

All you saw down the rabbit hole
was dust & dirt, darkness,

I saw Angels sadly singing,
locked up, little pills at bedtime

but was reassured the way the world shone
when I said your name

I was convinced
you were waiting for me there

so I asked someone
the way to the fireworks

in Rabbit town, they
weren't sure if there

were going to be any
' No fireworks, on Bonfire night?'

so I followed the talking lamp lights
all the way to the dim, dank river

where a homeless man,
whom I thought to be a messenger

asked me for a coin
& pointed me to a pub

where Rabbits
were gathered drinking

old porter or stout
' There are no fireworks tonight'

they said & asked me
for my passport

''An Angel?
& down here? Ha ha!"

'' I bet she's never
been ******!"

" Look, please,
I'm just trying to find someone''

I said, not a little upset
'' Yeah, well, who?''

so I told them about you
& they laughed & laughed

'' Us rabbits don't love Angels
He doesn't love you''

'' I think he is a man'' I said
'' That's even worse : lost cause'', they scoffed

as I made my way out
of the Rabbit pub

someone brushed past me
'' Psst, psst, he lives up North''

so I made my way
to the rabbit train station

sat down briefly
on a wall to rest

just then a police car
with some rabbits turned up

'' Angel, you must be cold
what are you doing out here''

'' Yes, get in the car" they said
I tried to explain as best as I was allowed

that I was on my way to meet you
but they packed me away into the car

& before I knew it, drove me there too
Now I'm just another Angel

locked up, drugged & singing sadly
' mental health' the problem, apparently

& each day they tell me
that you don't love me

that's what they do,
the rabbit quacks

but when I get out
I'm going to find you

I'm an Angel,
& Angels always have faith.
A variation on & borrowing some lines from my earlier poem ' Do you believe in white rabbits', playing on/twisting the theme of Alice in Wonderland, but based on true experiences ( metaphors aside). I'm not locked up anymore, btw & nothing ever came of my love for this person in the end but at least it's making poetry...
Dreams of Sepia Aug 2015
So I went
down the rabbit hole
thinking I was following you, my love
They would have said
it was Mad
that's why I didn't tell anyone
that the living room table & house
was divided into different countries
America at the helm
Germany, Britain and Russia
as I stood in my chequered coat
for days on end, crying
believing people thought I was Stalin
or else, a diplomat
about to be killed
& M&S; tea, the package
being red & black
made me think of communism
( red) & fascism ( black)
& though being neither
I wanted to promptly
order my mother
to spread it amongst the people
then realized the irony of this
& refrained
instead, asking her
why she was sending signals
to the neighbors
by putting the kettle on
whilst praying for all the believers
in and of True Love
True Love,
salvation & fury
debased by them
on purpose, I thought
' Erotomaniac'
Simply for wanting
to have hope?
Believing in romance?
And you,
who rejected me
you'll never know Wonderland
all you saw was a rabbit hole,
darkness & dirt
& it's true, it all just turned into barbed wire
& Angels singing, locked up
little pills at bedtime
fear, my only crime
& yet for a while before that
the world shone
& I don't know how to talk about that
it's just that I thought
every person I met
would lead me to your door
that all the songs in the world
were sung for me
& that all your poetry
was a declaration of love
just waiting to happen
Apologies,  this may be disturbing for some. A true portrayal of the strange places my mind went 2 years ago, circling around my fear for my life following a threat I received & my love for a fellow poet, a breakdown the full extent of which those keeping me in hospital against my will for so-called mental illness on several occasions back then didn't know about. All they knew about was my fear for my life, not these thoughts & that was enough for them to label me for life so I figured it's good they don't know about this. Also, I do not approve of labels/ judging people as mentally ill/psychiatry etc. To me, what I went through was just an interesting experience.
Dreams of Sepia Jul 2015
She chases the white rabbit
in the afternoons

plays blackjack
with the doves of youth

her innocence
is colored Pink

her queer dreams
are made of silk

she is the Queen
of sunny afternoons

her heart
is like stained glass

which the light appears

and fades

*blackjack - is a card game played in American casinos
LB Parker Jul 2015
I follow you
      Into the most
       Odd little world of
         Madness and magic
           Jubjub and Jabberwocky
              Red-painted white roses;
                 Such a beautiful adventure
                      I have only dreamt about.
                    Still I'm bothered by how,
                   Even in a place like this,
               You only think of the time.
            My dearest white rabbit,
         I would truly hate to see
     All of Wonderland
  go and
With love, kelsey
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