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Isabel Aug 2014
It started by you saying you love me,
but I didn't think you would be leaving.

I stopped missing you,
needing you, and I could still say
that the promise I made
Still stands unbroken because
"I'll love you forever."
Isabel Dec 2014
I deleted all your pictures,
threw away the letters,
And blocked out the conversations,
But that still isn't enough for me to forget.
Isabel Dec 2014
There's a gap between us and oh how I wish it was a seat, a row, a road, but that can't be. Just like you no longer fight for the seat next to me,or connect the rows, and no longer cross roads to see me. You no longer love me the way I always wished for.
Isabel Dec 2014
In pain, happy, angry, hurting,
and loving sides of me still loved you the same.
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I wish you good luck,
Good luck in finding someone who is willing to actually be patient with you…
someone who will sit down & listen to your pointless drama that you had with your family or friends
Someone who will HOLD you when they see you cry in front of them
Someone who will try and HELP some way that is possible
Someone who is willing to STAY even though you try to push them away when you’re mad at something randomly
Someone who sends you a “Good Morning Beautiful” text every morning just to put a SMILE on your face…
Good luck finding someone who is willing to actually LOVE you even though you can be mean & violent sometimes when youre upset.
I wish you good luck finding someone who is willing to put up with your Bipolar and try their best to understand you…
because its all I ever done for you…
I was good to you. 
Never once have I raised my voice, 
never once have I gotten violent or mad with you 
But you walked away…
and now you said you didnt love me…
You couldnt handle the 1 hour distance…
When you realize how good I was to you & that you will not find someone with the same kind heart & patience as me…
You’ll realize iv moved on…
You try to apologize and try to hold on to me again but…
im sorry…
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I know I love this girl so much & care so much about her when I feel like breaking down when something happens to her.

Why do bad luck or stressful things happen to her?

God, why would you plan a stressful life for a beautiful girl like her?

Why would you plan a life like this for someone?

God, I know you put me in her path for a reason & I tend to take that challenge.

Did you put me in her path so she can have someone like me to keep her alive?

Did you put me in her path so she can have someone as caring as me to make her smile?

To make her day better?

To show her that not everyone is the same and that there is someone out there that wont give up on her?

Someone who will show her love and care?

I don’t know your plan but I plan to stay where you put me

To stay there for her

To love her

To care for her

To keep her alive and to show her im there for her no matter what unlike people who treat her like trash.


God, can I ask you for a favor?

Can you watch over my girl for me when im not able to? Can you give us both hope for us to be together?



Give her strength to hold on

I want to be with her…

I want to be the reason shes happy and alive and the one person she can turn to when she needs me…


When shes happy

Im happy

When shes sad

Im sad

When shes stressed or doesn’t feel good because of her anxiety attacks

I feel like breaking down because I wish she didn’t have to go through this ****

I never felt like this for anyone

I just felt sorry for other people and hope they get better

But for my girl….

Its like I can feel her pain even though I never felt it before myself….

I just want to break down and cry because  I WANT TO BE THERE FOR HER!! I WANT TO ACTUALLY BE THERE TO GIVE HER A HUG AND MAKING SURE SHE DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH EVERYTHING ALONE even though she tells me that she prefers to go through it alone….

I know I CANT fix everything but I CAN be there for her…..

I want to be the person that will take all her dark smoke she has holding inside from her depression….

I want to be the one to put light and hope inside her and let her know she will be alright…


She told me she wants to start new once she graduates high school

She wants to start a new life without the negative people that brought her down to this…

& I want to be the person to be there when she starts new

I want to be in her new life making her happy….

If I lose her, I wont know what to do anymore…

Its scary….

Because I have hope for us and want the best for her

The best for both of us…

My world might just end if I lose her

So I pray every night that we will have a good life together

Because its what I want

Its what I want for the both of us

For god’s sakes

(I made a few people cry with this so i knew it was good writing, old writing but good)
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Shes this girl who needs someone…..

Shes this girl who still has a brick wall up so nobody can break her heart again…..

Shes this girl who needs me….

She cant let me go as for I cant do it either….

I care for her way too much to just let go…

Her emotions gets to her sometimes but that doesn’t stop me …

It wont stop me from loving her….

Loving her til my heart stops beating …

or even then……


We met that one day for the first time…

She this girl that ran to me as fast as she could…

With all her might….

Feeling free for the first time in a long time

only for a hug…

A hug that showed our happiness…

Her freedom….

A hug that shows the power of our love……

The love that she needs and want…

The big smile on her face made me smile & made me say …..

“So this is how love is? im liking this” …

The one girl im starting to love….

The one girl I actually want ….

The one girl who trusts me enough to let me hold her heart and make sure it don’t break into pieces…


She trusts me….

I want her to trust me ….

I want her to Love me as much as I love her.


As we walked into the woods

She held my hand so gently

We walked to the small stream just to show her how beautiful it can be…

My leg slipped into the water & she laughs

Her laugh is perfect

Her laugh is what makes me smile

Her laugh is like music to my ears

Her smile is PERFECT

So perfect that I wouldn’t change it


Everything around us was so peaceful

The sky

The trees

Our breaths

Our hearts


Walking back…

I kissed her scars…

I turned my head to her

The first perfect kiss was made

A kiss with passion

A kiss of love

A kiss so amazing that will never be forgetten

Our hearts were saying to kiss again……


Arriving in my room

So quickly we kissed

With so much passion in our hearts

Pinning me against the wall

Showing me her passionate love

The world around us seemed to disappear

It’s a good feeling because now……..

im addicted to this love
(old poem but decided to share because i like the way it's written)
Chloe Potter Feb 2016
there’s something really comforting
about the smell of cigarette on your fingertips
the act is disgusting
I loathe to partake in it
but the smell is warm
and comforting
like being around someone you’ve known
your whole life
like your father, lighter in hand, sneaking out the back door
and smiling and letting you sit with him
like lying in the grass
closing your eyes
and feeling your pores
engulf sun rays
Chloe Potter Feb 2016
I loathe the night
It’s too quiet
and too filled with words
that’ll never be said.
JA Jan 2016
The night hasn’t reached its turnover,
Moon’s still up there, waiting for deceit—I look over
And here I am thinking about you.

I think about how I could always turn to you
During these hours that I feel empty
And you’re the only one who’d unravel me.

I think about your understanding that felt so right
And here I am, so wrong, but you’d still fight—
And I almost forgot how I was before you.

I think about that magic of how you make me smile
And carelessly be myself and do crazy for awhile
And I almost forgot how to bring that smile back again.

I think about all the tears you’re not suppose to see,
And feel and hear the pain people put me through,
And I almost forgot to think you did for once, too.

Moon’s still up, sprinkled stars all over this majestic skies,
And my train of thoughts are all about you,
And how we could turn all these back, for a second or two.

I thought about you, about me, about us—our friendship, love and trust
I’d rather think about how happy we were—than see and think how “us”, fell apart.
I’d rather think about how happy I am now—but don’t worry you were still a part.

Well then maybe, I miss you—fragments of you, me, and us
I miss those little times—little pieces of you in me
Or maybe, I happen to miss the old me to believe what is now; to happen and see.
For all the people you miss, are missing and will be missed.
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