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Lynette Goh Feb 2015
When I first met you, you were all charm
Said all the right words, gave that cheeky attention
Falling into that tangled web you've weaved
I was contented to be cocooned there

We laughed, we kissed, we grooved, we moved
I thought that we had something special

But now…

I wonder whether you did all those things with me
So that you can understand why she liked it with another
To prepare yourself for all that **** and pleasure
And then leave me for her

I held you during your fallout
I put up with all your jealous girlfriends
Yeah sure what we had was supposed to be simple
But humans are not made of ice

So we cried, we built our walls and we turned away
I made my bed and you chose to go with another

I wonder whether you did all those things with me
So that you can understand why she liked it with another
To prepare yourself for all that **** and pleasure
And then leave me for her

You could have told me the truth
And I could have taken you off this pedestral
Instead you gave me half-hidden lies
And I was blindingly stupid to give you my heart

But we tried, I agree, and I won’t discount your effort
Still you hid another in your own heart

*I wonder whether you did all those things with me
So that you can understand why she liked it with another
To prepare yourself for all that **** and pleasure
And then leave me for her
Lynette Goh Oct 2013
My heart, it cries out
When injustice is around
And helplessness sounds
Lynette Goh Oct 2013
can you see my soul
sinking, boiling, adoring
the mess that is you?
Lynette Goh Oct 2013
A little nervous
Biting my lips
Anxious thoughts
Running through my head

Nerve wrecking dreams
Of failing through
Pours cold water
On all that’s blue

Wish for confidence
Self assurance
Things will be alright
One day, one fine day
written for day 8 of NaPoWriMo
Lynette Goh Oct 2013
Colours washing in the rain
My vision is black and white and grey
Hope never seemed so far away
My heart is yearning for yesterdays

Now things have reached a peak
Ask me to return but I can’t
All i can do moving forward is just
To face the turning tide

I gotta face the turning tide
Forgo the choices I have made
And face the turning tide
Lynette Goh Nov 2010
All I have is this.
Just my two hands and my feet.
Everything else is broken, bruised and *****.
Will you still take it all?

My heart is wretched.
It wanders away from you.
My head is warped.
Tangling fantasies and reality.

Nothing about me is dependable.
I am only human.
I can try my hardest to be a saint,
And still fail at being good.

I am tired from weeping in the dark.
Tears that hide the true yearning inside.
All I want is to be loved unconditionally.
Will you love all of who I am?

I hear someone calling.
My ears are shuttered.
Can it be opened? I don’t know.
Still, will you take it all?
Lynette Goh Nov 2010
I dreamt of Freud yesterday
With his imposing air of superiority
Suffocating my need
To have a little autonomy

Libido and Thanatos
Runs past my mind in fast succession
Oedipus and Electra
Pauses the screen in motion

I dreamt of Jung today
Diving into the collective unconscious
Floating on the symbols
That is universally serendipitous

Archetypes and motifs
Flatter the culture of humanity
Anima and the persona
Sheds self unto the lights in harmony

I’ll dream of the future tomorrow
When everything’s all said and gone
The old will always be with the new
As written of past in stone

Though conflicts harbour trouble
And dreams reproduce it’s latency
Anxiousness is part of life’s bundle
So conquer it we must, positively
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