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527 · Apr 2014
Deep Thoughts
Red Bergan Apr 2014
My mind wanders blindly,
Deep thoughts spin.
Cascading me down into oblivion.

My heart aches,
From the past asunder...
These thoughts leave me defenseless.

What do I do now?

They cut me like a dagger,
That bare bodkin of despair.
My love is forbidden,
To break the surface.

The wings are entwined together,
Unable to beat..

Deep wounds,
Many lessons....
A Dark angel,
Scarred by her own weapon.
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Everyday I walk.
Past the house of tarn,
Past the wild pastures.

Hooves of dignified beats trample,
Past me.
They snort, kick and rear.
Free from mans grip this year.

Their masters leave them to their beauty,
Their grazing.

I always say to myself.
"One day, I will ride again."

One day I will ride again.
To be or not to be free.
From the world of agony.

The horses are in my heart forever.
May the cowpoke live on in me.
Thy precious rider.
Will find her beast.
I miss riding to this day.. I will ride again.
524 · Mar 2014
As Lycan or Vampirith
Red Bergan Mar 2014
A new dawn begins,
When a knife slits you're throat.
Or an arrow pierces your back.

As Lycan,
You survive.
Healing in short bursts.

To take it out on the enemy,
The traitor tonight.

A new age begins,
The journey sevenfold.
When the pack unites.
Under the White Moon.

As Lycan,
Or Vampirith.
You will live.

In the shadows of man,
Who forever hunts.
You're dying kin.
Live on the wolves and bats of the shadows.
515 · Dec 2013
Fire & Ice
Red Bergan Dec 2013
I gaze at the sun that lays upon the sapphire sky,
Watching.. Its orange hue brightly shine.
It knoweth no soul and mind,
Just to keep the Earth warm in time.

The sun becomes apart of the earth,
but caresses no soul that accept,
Its wide, unreasonable girth.

As the sun hits me in denial,
It creates a solid burn,
that was a tempest so vile.

It rejects me behind the mask,
The sun and I,
Have a war against one another.

The sun does not caress Ice warmly,
It rejects it and pushes it away brutally.
It know not what my heart hath Hold.
It only knows the soul.

Fire and Ice fight constantly,
To rule the world within thee.
Will Thou knoweth the end?
Will Fire and Ice,
become friends?

I see the sun against a ashure sky,
It rejects me, the Icy soul who denies.
my heart is dark and cold within,
Only burning, searing,
Within the Tempest and His kin.
This poem came from a random day in Class. Thank you Creative writing! All who know their soul is different from others. Read This with a good heart and I hope i see comments. :)
515 · Apr 2014
Reaper once more
Red Bergan Apr 2014
My dark heart,
Has taken wing.
Soaring into the abyssal deep.

It pumps black,
Souless blood.
I am reaper.
Once more.
514 · Mar 2018
Red Bergan Mar 2018
Wings spread upon the back,
OF the Valkyrie on the attack.
Her breath crisp in the frozen air,
Her hair burning like fire,
She won't be fair.

The dark must back away,

You are in my way.
I will not hesitate.
I will awaken my soul.

I will not back down.
For this gets old.

Remain indifferent,
My path will remain the same.

I am Valkyrie.
My name.
Tempest burns brightly within Kekay. She is awakening and all who she hates will have their blood spilled. This will be ******...
Red Bergan Apr 2014
He tells me to run,
I stand. Frozen.

He never told me of his demon.
He never told me of his past.
As he tells me to run.
I show him at last.

A rippling roar escapes my jaws.
Cascading down the road.
I transform before him.
Showing the World.


I only fight for those like me.
Back off,
Save your breath.

My fight is not with you.
Its with them..

"What have you become?"
He says.

All I can do is stare forward.
Not uttering a word.
510 · Mar 2014
All I ask
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Sing with me,
As we dance with glee.
Beyond the ferals sight.

All I ask,
Is that you end this life.
Feeling remorse and denial.

My love your heart may be pure,
But thy actions are strange.
Why art thou cold this day?

Dance with me,
For the words of love shall warm you,
May light guide thee.
To thy hundreth!
#100th poem!!! :DD
509 · Sep 2017
Red Bergan Sep 2017
Why do I **** it up?
Why don't I just not be here?

Constantly bashing myself,
Trying to grow.
Be a better person.

It isn't easy,
It's a nightmare to say the least.

I hurt those I love around me,
Because I can't trust.
Trust no one.

When I think I'm better,
That sickening feeling attacks.
Claws across my heart.
My brain seizes to think.

I panic,
I freak out.



Why do I do this to myself?

I **** it up,
Because I'm so ****** up myself!

Bad DAY.
505 · Apr 2014
Hey, whats your name?
Red Bergan Apr 2014
My mind is racing,
Sprinting down the track.
Spinning in a burn out.

I am at loss for words,
I cannot speak..

Such a sight tis thee,
Thy sweet and good man.

What might be in store for me?
Is it love,
Or is it hate?

Only one way to find out.

"Hey, whats your name?"
504 · Mar 2014
Dark, noSympathy
Red Bergan Mar 2014
A life of darkness,
Consumes every ounce of light.
I live in secrecy,
Behind the gates.

My ways are different,
More Tradition than class.
I might end your life fast.

I care not for what people say,
They are entitled.
To their antagonizing opinions,
Both inside and out.

A life of secrecy,
Living amongst the crowd.
All you see.
Is a person all alone.

Thou hath no sympathy?
For the man whose weak...
Natural selection is a cruelty indeed.
492 · Mar 2014
We are not immortal
Red Bergan Mar 2014
The mind,
The body.
The heart.
The lungs.

We all think,
We are immortal.
**** you were wrong.

Our hearts beat,
In constant flow.
Providing your body.
With oxygenated blood.

Fear thy fatal crash or wound.
For it will end your life,
Faster than you can blink.
481 · Apr 2014
Hindering bones, Prey
Red Bergan Apr 2014
Body broken.
Hindering bones.

No way to go,
just lay there alone.

Safety first they always say....
Why not adventure?
The prey.
479 · Mar 2014
Red Bergan Mar 2014
A place where we come together,
Is a place of love.
A place where we write.
Like, comment and admire.

When you join us in this age,
You will see.
How we think, feel.

Writing is more than just putting words to paper.
It is home,
Where you are accepted.
477 · Apr 2014
Two Reapers
Red Bergan Apr 2014
As I silently weave,
Through the crowd of bliss.
I can make out an eye,
Watching my every move.

I leap from stone to stone,
On the pallid roof tops under the moon.
I know he follows.
His pressure is close.

From the peripheral vision of my eyes,
I see two swords fly my way.
My scythe comes to life.
Saving my hide.

My body halts and my head turns.
Once again,
A battle must be fought.

"You never give in Dark one."
He chuckles silently.
"I always get what I want."

"Not me..."

With a roar,
We collide.
Pressure builds.

When two reapers fight.
Only one can win.
476 · Jan 2015
Frozen and Stoned
Red Bergan Jan 2015
Frozen secrets,
Deprived of warm words.
Rolling off lips,
Cold as stone.
476 · Mar 2014
Forgive, Forget. Hell no
Red Bergan Mar 2014
It's all the same.

None can forget,
What has happened today!
So much blood,
A dying host..

All just stood there,
Watching horror unfold.
I cannot forgive what you have done..

Now this blade will end,
All that you've done..

I will never forgive you,
AND  I will never forget.
That day I gave my soul to you.

Now mortal..
Die now in vain.
May peace guide you,
To Hell's Gates.
Anyone have these days?
469 · Mar 2014
When I think Of you
Red Bergan Mar 2014
When I think of you.
I imagine us forgiving each other.
For the past arguments, the fights.

It fathoms me with desire.
To speak one word..
Just one sweet word,
For you to see that I forgive you..

My heart breaks when I don't hear,
See or feel you near..

When I meander about,
Lost and afraid.
I think of you.

My friend,
You are far away..
I wish you were near.
Please live..
Your life fully..

This is for a lost.. Friend..
468 · Sep 2017
Nightmares Grip
Red Bergan Sep 2017
Seizing from sleep,
No more rest.
Shaking mind.

Nightmares grip,
Chains the one it holds.
Ripping every shred of faith,
In having sleep.

Please make it end...
Help me...

My god help me!
No more... my god no more
463 · Jan 2014
The Marks
Red Bergan Jan 2014
This world is not kind,
Not in these times..
No one understands the difference.

To all,
You leave a mark.
In history's scrolls.
It records your very life that's untold.

Your mark depends on who you are,
As a individual.

The Marks together form a symbol,
that defines your world in detail,
Allowing you to come upon the veil.

On the ending day of your life,
Those who meet a great destiny,
Shall become great.
In the context of history...

So pray, grow and emote.
For the ending day is just one breath away,
and there will be no escape.

Your mark,
The symbols.
It's all your own story,
For only you....
Are the one to tell it.
462 · Mar 2014
Red Bergan Mar 2014
I claw and scratch at the surface,
Relentlessly trying to escape.
Trying to save my life.

No trust comes from me,
I hide it deep within.
Poker faced.

My nails bleed with precision.
They are crying out to me.
Numbing the hate, the pain.

I am restless.

No love,
No hate.
Just numbness and pain.

I claw and scratch at the surface,
Of heavens gates.
Only to fall.
Beyond the walls of hell.

I am self conscious within myself,
Nothing to say.
Nothing to be of use.

Just going through the realms,
Between me and you..
444 · Jul 2014
Red Bergan Jul 2014
Deny thy as daughter,
Son, mother,
Father, aunt...

I deny thy right,
To be a daughter.

If it were only so easy..
To stand alone under a parental wing,
Red Bergan Mar 2014
This city of old,
Has the greatest history of all.
Historic, Proud, Archaic.

The wars faught,
Between demons and angels.
Began here.
In heavens tear.

A city in the sky,
With a pictorial glow.
Has ancient words.
For a warrior to hear.

This city is old,
In ruin.

One can only hope,
There's nothing living.
442 · Mar 2014
Leave Mom Be, Father
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Why must you fight,
To justify you're right?
When it comes to you,
Being mad at mom?

You she doesn't deserve me,
She doesnt care about me.
Well your dead wrong.

She has been there,
When you have not.
She knows I care,
About her a lot.

An abundance of love,
Goes out to the mother who fights.
She will never give in,
Your divorced.

I will not leave here,
And go to that state.
I will stay with her.

Mom loves me very much,
It's who she is.
Ive known here more than you,
In the past eight years.

Don't fight her,
You will lose.
I will return home to her.

She's family.
She's my mother.
Drop the act.

I will go home.
Sooner than I thought.
Family issues never end,
They always surround me.
I can never win.
437 · Jan 2015
Longeth to Loveth thee
Red Bergan Jan 2015
The longing to love,
Can be a severe sting.

When trying,
To love you.
433 · Apr 2015
Red Bergan Apr 2015
Blood will spill the ground,
When you try to pin me down.

You're lucky I could control it,
I don't let that anger spit flames and burn those,
I love.

This all happened,
Because you overreacted.
And made me fear for my safety.
I was never safe there.

The chains are gone,
Time for me to grow up.
426 · Dec 2013
The Wild
Red Bergan Dec 2013
The world is not as chained as it seems.
Feral beasts roam this earth,
Content to **** and breed.

We know not their souls very worth,
but they know the fear that you smell of.

The wild isn't kind to a human like you and me.
It shall hunt you down,
and eat you whole,
as you bleed out,
Gazing at the animals soul.

The blood of a beast can run within a soul,
But can you tame your beast,
in this wild world?
Yeah I try not to be too straight forward with gore but I was soo tempted!!!
425 · Dec 2013
The mirror, 17 years.
Red Bergan Dec 2013
Looking into the mirror,
I see ashure eyes staring back at me.
They define the soul I do not see.

The world hath no hope for humanity,
It only shoves us aside.
Knowing lies behind closed eyes.

The woman I seek in me,
Is far below the surface.
Within the black crevice.

She is more mature than I,
She knows her path that she seeks,
She waits, observes, and treads lightly.

Today is the day everybody see's.
When their birthday comes,
and no birth of happiness is shown.

Looking into the mirror,
another year has come and gone.
Seventeen years now.

Today is another step closer to the adult,
who hides behind the archaic eyes,
of the wolf.
Behind the blue skies.
Dec, 18th is my birthday don't ask!!!
423 · Apr 2014
Within the Angels
Red Bergan Apr 2014
Sparkling Angels.
I believed,
You were my savior.
In my time of need.

Blinded by faith
I couldn't hear
All the whispers
The warning's so clear

I see the angels
I'll lead them to your door
There is no escape now
Now mercy no more

No remorse 'cause I still remember
The smile when you tore me apart.

You took my heart
Deceived me right from the start
You showed me dreams
I wished they'd turn to real
You broke the promise
And made me realize
It was all just a lie
417 · Apr 2014
Red Bergan Apr 2014
Your fangs,
Cling to my neck.

A howl escapes,
Bringing heaven to hell.

Come now,
See how I taste.

Careful though,
You might become the prey.
403 · Mar 2014
Bloody Knuckles
Red Bergan Mar 2014
As my hands clench,
I fell the skin rip.
Creating ****** cracks.

These cracks are my life,
These ****** knuckles are alright.
I'm use to dry skin.

My anger boils,
My fist form.
Creating cracks.
Of a ****** Lifeline.
I hate it when my knuckles are cracked and bleeding.... **** YOU WORK!!!
402 · Mar 2014
the Dream World of the pack
Red Bergan Mar 2014
As my body fades into sleep,
I enter the realm I seek.

Where you go to be free,
Where you run with the pack.
You are wild, a wolf at last.

This is the realm of happiness,
It does last.
Forever in your heart,
Awaken to reality's death do thee part.

Thy pack is joyous,
bounding with glee.
To see you stand there,

My eyes are grey,
As the wolves take.
Whatever they can,
In this valley of the wake.

Thy dreams are precious,
To one and all.
They will silence you,
As you fall.

Silence, My brother.
Innocent sister.
This time has come to pass.
When you run with the pack once more,
Look for your soul's fast.

Awaken into reality,
Your mind returns.
Another day dawns,
To gain is to earn.

Good morning my friend,
Hath dreams kept thee well?
Archaic one is thee, Fall into sleep.
384 · Apr 2014
Red Bergan Apr 2014
In the deep, dark forest...
I stand alone.
Watching the tails of tree's dance.

Bellowing roars erupt in my soul.
As the Lion takes hold...

The beast I once feared..
Has my soul.
383 · Mar 2014
Jack and the Crown
Red Bergan Mar 2014
A venomous beast.

Bring him to his knees.

Stretch out thy wings.
It is man versus beast.

White radiance,
Black soul gem.
Souls of one million.

Cautious curiosity.
Zealous mortal is thee.

The beast may roar,
Smack it down!

It is a game of dominos,
Between Jack,
And the crown.
Random thought. Comment please!
372 · Mar 2014
You are beautiful
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Beauty of the day..
Goddess of the night..
She  *know's...

The Moons flight..

Beautiful tis thee,
Your heart..
Your soul
Is Free.

The Nightingale's sing,
Sprouting about the scene,
They have a meaning..
It's known as..

Remember who you are,
What you will become,
You are destined for fate,
To take it's fatal turn.

Believe in life,
After your death.
Beautiful is I,
Alongside you as well.

You are beautiful.

As the Sun
As the moon.
Course through time,
Red Bergan Mar 2014
We travel far and wide,
To seek the ones who hide.

Our wings of white,
Our horns of black.
We dance above.

War is like a tinderbox,
Only takes one scratch,
Of the match..

As Guardians,
We will protect our people..
Expanding our wings to the steeple.

Roar my siblings,
Calm this everlasting storm.

Bring forth the golden one.
The beast of fury,
He will not fall.

He is a Dragon Slayer,
The Lord of Skies.
He stands beside his mate,
The Girl of the night.

With our wings of White,
And our horns of black.
We will pursue,
We will. Attack.
Random thought. Add comments on what to add to this poem and lets see how long we can make it.
355 · Jan 2015
Dark will end
Red Bergan Jan 2015
Dark lies pour into your words,
Death will follow your steps.

I fear not your terror,
I feel nothing.
And will mercilessly destroy you..
A Valkyrie promise
353 · Mar 2014
Red Bergan Mar 2014
The mind,
The body.
Phase everyday.

They work simultaneuously,
To keep you alive.

To react,
Your reflexes heighten.
Within the heat of battle.
Presenting a renewal.

Heighten your self.
The War is in pursuit.
May life guide you,
To a golden suite.
352 · Mar 2014
Remember (Five W's)
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Remember when,
You got lost and hugged a tree?

Remember why,
You did those things?
That you weren't suppose to.

Remenber who,
Held you until you cried,
Yourself to sleep?
For a loss that was unforgivable.

Remember what,
He gave you on your day?
Of sadness and depression.

Remember where,
Those scars of unjust came from?
That night was painful.

Remember that day?
How you loved him so...
Your heart pulled the strings..
To see him slip away..

I remember..
352 · Dec 2013
The Fool
Red Bergan Dec 2013
You see the world as a joke,
You're perfect by nature,
not a science project.

Difference becomes one with defiance,
you are the fool they know.
Take kind to who you are,
for the jokes are the show.

The fool see's events before they happen,
their brazen and are called on by many.
They take on all contracts to ****,
to ****** or to die,
they will be fulfilled.

Their lives are within us,
they are our mask.
Be wise to choose your fool,
for it will guide you through the task.

The silent moon rises on the falls of light,
For we will rise,
within this darkest night.
We are,
The fools.
350 · Apr 2015
Caged from her Mate
Red Bergan Apr 2015
When one cages her,
From her loving mate.

Only her rage and despair,
Can be heard behind the locked door.

Curse parental abilities.
349 · Feb 2014
Red Bergan Feb 2014
Thy hearts grace may dance,
Lenient is your trance.

You've come far from the dark,
Now waking in heavens light.
Religion has saved you tonight.

You love your children as always,
Guiding us in this world today.
Trust is one sacred thing.

When your heart sinks,
We know it.

When your angry,
We see it.

Let go of the past.
Your mom,
Forever and always!

My mom is there for me,
Even when the "Dark" Tries to attack.
Leaving me defenseless.
So is thy wrath,

Save me from this place.
I fear the end draws near.
To stay in one place.

I love as always,
May the light guide your way.
Even in the stormy array.

Will you be there?
Will you save me?

We all shall see.

One more thing.

I love you more than anything,
Please don't lose trust in me..
This is for my mother, We have much to discuss. Is there anyone that can relate to this poem?
348 · Mar 2014
The rose
Red Bergan Mar 2014
The rose, The rose.
Is a violent thorn.
she knows, she knows her soul.

Among the world,
She is torn.
Beyond repair,
Is thy rose.

Beautiful scarlet,
You knoweth the way.
My love, my lady.
Please be delayed.

Despite the world,
In this dark time.
The rose lives,
In the light.

The Rose, The rose,
Is a distant thorn.
She stares off into the distance,
Forever alone.
It's kind of a song i made up and have been creating since. I dont write music, I just sing.
347 · Apr 2014
Center of Survival
Red Bergan Apr 2014
I push through,
I kick the walls down.
I scream at the top of my lungs.

I am in the center,
A room of four walls.
Agony, Dear Agony!!

Kick, Scream, Defeat.
I am in the Center,
Of Survival.
346 · Mar 2014
I miss You
Red Bergan Mar 2014
I miss the way you smiled.
I've been a wreck since it vanished.
I cannot read your face.
I cannot read your thoughts.

I miss the misery I took for you.
To keep you happy.
I miss your laugh,
I miss your blush.

You always knew what to say,
You miss me as much as I miss you.

I miss the days we cried together,
The days we fought for our fates.

When will it return?
I miss....You
340 · Mar 2014
The Raven
Red Bergan Mar 2014
The ebony wings,
Flutter against the breeze.
Screeching a warning.

The razor feathers,
Black as the night.
^No moon to glow,
^No sun to warm,
The raven.

The Raven only says,
"Nevermore she comes..."
"Nevermore she lives.."

Nevermore my dear,
Now suffer..
Behind the black door.
With Lady Nocturnal.
Reading the raven by Edgar Allan poe in my English class :)
335 · Apr 2014
Red Bergan Apr 2014
My heart descends,
Into the realm of pain.
Clenching at the sound,
Of the everlasting screams.

I hug my knee's close,
Tears escape my eyes.
This severe pain never ends.
When I think of You and I.

Forbidden it has become,
Forever dead of love.
I fight still.

My soul wishes to surrender,
To stop its course.

I cannot take much more,
Of this dark world...
334 · Mar 2014
Wandering about you
Red Bergan Mar 2014
My mind wanders,
When I think about you.

I always wonder when we meet,
What will you think of me?

Will you love me...?
Will our hearts bind?

I always wonder,
I love you.
Do you love me?
Is this what we ask ourselves?
333 · Mar 2014
We are The Fallen
Red Bergan Mar 2014
We are the fallen.
Buried deep within.
Ourselves we know sin.

We are the faltering,
Constantly making mistakes,
Never knowing what comes next.

Make haste my friend,
Don't curl into that ball of fear.
Do not cry those tears.

Look out into the open,
The valleys, The meadows, The streams.
Beyond city walls,
You can be free.

We are the Fallen,*
You are the free.*

Be free...
333 · Mar 2014
Stories Bind
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Stories bind,
When pen hits paper.

Novels appear,
When fingers hit keyboard.

My mind dances with stories,
Of the just and unknown.
Whether or not it will make a book,
I may never know.
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