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 Sep 2015 Joseph Sinclair
I am the word that no
one dares to speak. I
am the insomnia that
never puts you to sleep.
Dark alleys and train wrecks
is what I am. Burnt coal
and smoke on walls is how
I look like when my clothes
fall off to the floor. An
unfinished story that lost
it's glory is how I see myself.
But with you in my life , oh
I feel so confident and complete.
I'm no longer afraid to breathe
or sleep. My eyes barely weep.
The holes in my bones are filled
up with flower seeds. And the
cavities in my teeth are filled
with love. With you I become
someone new. Someone smart
and bright. Someone who
doesn't fear the light or
dark. I become someone
who's madly in love
and so full of
life* ~
Fret Not!
Thou canst but read them all!

Hordes beset the pages now here-in
Contorting mental faculties to new and different bent

Perusal of Poetry in monumental quantities
is known to suddenly suffuse the brain with lusher thoughts, ideas

Behold! A new man doth arise
as a Phoenix from the ashes of despair

Continue on, my friend, to try to drink of all the knowledge here
While Eliot wafts his magic wand creating wonders in the air

But, ya can't read 'em all.............alas
Just a thought :)
When I see you,
I see the sun,
Blindingly illuminated,
With blazing character,
And generous happiness.
Generated from your smiling face.

I see the light
Of millions of more suns,
In the sparkle in your eyes.
You have a Galaxy
For each emotion,
In which I can get lost in.

Wonder, and lust, and
Excitement, and humor.
It's pure and in all this,
I know it's true,
I hold your interest.

In You, I see the Universe,
Filled with Light and whatever is Divinity.
I am like Creation,
Gazing towards everything in front of me.

And you see back to Me,
A chocolate, twinkling sea.
Filled with the same Light and Divine entity
We try to know in this Reality.

The Universe & Creation.
One in the same.
A strange game.
In which we have a place,
However it be arranged.
I had a very affective meditation, and wrote this piece shortly after.
What a beautiful experience this Life is.
Take the steps and learn how to dance
Break open the bars and make an escape
Find a pair of broken branches
And  a handful of feathers
And some old kite string
And make yourself new wings
Fly out of the sky
Fly free from this world
Fly off to new dreams
We fed the sparrows.
They were the size of their eggs.

She traced the muscles of my
Arm with a nail painted

Satanic black, then rested her river
Of hair of equal tone against my shoulder.  

Didn't need to whisper
Anything. We were both there.
Two minutes to midnight.
All my windows open to the gentle
Scents of Summer, and the invation
Of winged insects drawn

Towards the single candle
On my living room glass table.
It's as if a pine stripper is dancing
On my lawn,

All perfume and movements that
Sound like breeze and innocent
I want to make love to the outside.

Be inside it. Give something back to
These two magical months between
Winters, and at the same time
Worship; move with tears in my eyes

Within optimal actual love.
I smell green; hear dark blue; look
Into the sunset iris of night time
Posing as evening,

And pull words like aces out of my
Worn poetic sleeves, but this is my
Winter coat, and all I can think of is
Snow creaking like doomed souls under

The heel of Anti-Summer Herself.

Meanwhile, Odin and Buddah swing
From a tree in my garden.
All battle muscle and fat carelessness,

And I look out at them chatting
Like little kids on a playground, about
Everything and nothing, and how that's
All there is.

Their words sing to my ears like the
Up-beat hummingbird pulse
Of a newborn's heart, to a young mother's
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