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10.4k · Jan 2015
The hero has fallen
Park Jongwon Jan 2015
The hero has fallen
With nothing but a sadness
The hero has fallen
With nothing but a pleasure,
With nothing but a cheerful
Tanka! 5-7-5-7-7
4.9k · Jan 2015
The Sun
Park Jongwon Jan 2015
The gigantic sphere
in somewhere we don't know
resting on the throne of
the Sun

The gigantic sphere
up in the east sky
rising slowly like
a man climbing up
the Everest

The gigantic sphere
up in the west sky
falling slowly like
a snail climbing down
the Everest

The Sun is slow
but we feels fast

Why so fast while so slow?

'Cause you are having Fun!
4.7k · Jan 2015
My hero
Park Jongwon Jan 2015
My hero is here
to save me
from the troubles

His strong arms and legs
His powerful mouth
His strategical brain

My hero was here
to save me and
He is here
to save me
from the troubles
1.8k · Jun 2015
Left Behind With a Hope
Park Jongwon Jun 2015
Things abandoned are
Left behind
In the darkness

Nowhere to go,
Nowhere to live,
Suffer and pain

But still,
somewhere in the darkness,
a little spheric light
fly around,
and that we call,


Behind the suffer
Behind the pain

a little spheric light
wait for our call
and that we call,

1.5k · Jan 2015
Park Jongwon Jan 2015
Angel is
Not here but
Going somewhere
Else with his
L**ove ones
745 · Jan 2015
A day
Park Jongwon Jan 2015
A day without the Sun,
there will be no light,
there will be no hope

A day without the Moon,
there will be no darkness,
there will be no rabbit

A day without People,
there will be no happiness,
there will be no love

A day without Animals,
there will be no happiness,
there will be no cuteness

A day without Money,
there will be no joy,
as there was no joy

A day without Me?
there will be no world,
as there was no world

— The End —