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In the chaos of the sea,
moonlight and tears,
for which my heart burns
of letting you go unloved.

In the calm of the storm,
the days blur into one,
for which my eyes haunt
the denials of my beliefs.

In the wintry mountains
where our love was buried;
in the fiery rivers, we lost,
time past, but I'd love you still.
I now understand
the reason why it is called
falling in love

*because it hurts.
As we move on
to the next page of our lives,
always remember
how happy we were,
how we smiled together
how we laughed like its the end of the world.

You can keep my heart,
my fragile heart.
Keep it within your soul,
deep within your heart.

I'll always remember
how you kissed me
while you whisper you loved me.
Always remember that
I will always love you.
She is like a blade of ice,

so sharp and cold,

yet so beautiful

that freezes my heart.
You may not see me,
        but I always look at you.
You may not hear me,
        but I always listen to you.
I am may be nothing to you,
        but *you are my everything.
don't think about the way he held you when he saw you cry for the first time. don't think about his smile when you turned around and caught him looking at you. don't remember the sound of his voice whispering your name to see if you were still awake at 2:48 in the morning. don't recall how perfect and warm his hands felt on your body and how gentle he was with you.


remember him shooting down your ideas and making a mockery of your opinion. remember how he called you pathetic in front of his friends and laughed as you tried to shake it off. think about how he told you that he was glad that you two could joke about anything with each other, after he called you a *****. realize the distance he created in the final weeks in the countdown to snipping the thread that delicately bound your heart to his.

remember him telling you that he never loved you. remember him treating you like a child, remember him calling you beautiful only when you laid on your back on his rough flannel blanket, staring at the ceiling until he decided he was satisfied.

remember waiting for him to text you and call you and talk to you, remember him ignoring you and making you feel worthless.

don't remember how his eyes sparkled when the sunlight hit them in the right spot. don't remember him pulling you close for a kiss.

(i was only in love with the idea of you)
My name is--

Never mind.
I forgot that I don't have one.
You can't know me.

You don't know me....

At least that's what you told them...

You could never just admit it.
You would never just tell them.
You should have went out shouted it out,
Loud enough for the whole world to here you.
But I only ask of this because you were so ashamed of me.

I love you...
And you know this
Because you know you loved me...

Cause we were together

We were a thing
I couldn't have just imagined it
We spent 4 months together

Cuddled up in the back of your mom's car
Laughing at my jokes
And spilling drinks
Arms around each other
Lips locked together.....

But now you say that you don't know me??

Of my deepest darkest secrets has been invested into your very soul.
****** into your hands for you to hold onto.

And in return I had gotten trustful looks of lies.

And now every time you look at me...
You turn the other way and laugh

Because you know I'm a freak.
You know what's wrong with me!
You know everything!

But you still say that you don't know me...
But you know you do.
You know you loved me!

And I know that I loved you....
And I know that you know you loved me too

So I am just waiting.

Waiting on the day you will tell the world

That you loved me.

All I wanted you to do is not deny this.

Deny that there was an us.

That you know that our laughs
And our smiles
And our times together
That our everlasting foreverness
Was not made up
It was true
We were real

And you loved every bit of it....
Including me.

It's me.
And Baby...
I'm still waiting.

© 2013 Kendra Bowman
i would like to line you all up
shake your hand
one by one
inform you that i don't need you
and then employ a large wrecking ball
to knock you over
one by one
so i don't have to look at your faces
any more
i get very angry
and then i cry
and cut my body open
it's your fault
i would like something to be my fault for once.
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