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The light makes my eyes drop,
The heat makes me weak,
My ears close to outside,
And fill with songs of sleep.

My hand becomes my pillow,
My chair becomes my bed,
My eyelids, now, my curtains,
As stars light up my head.
Why is it that you always look so

When you laugh so much
that your face flushes red,
when your pink shirt reflects in your cheeks,
or when you stand in the sun,
bathed by the orange-yellow, white,
light beaming off your brow in specks,
when you surround yourself in leaves
of greens, dark and not,
and when you lean in close
to your computer screen,
and the purple-blues bounce off your nose.
Ahahahaha I'm weak
there is plenty of time in the world,

just not enough for us
i was never one to spend mine wisely

this is old and useless but im posting it so i can pretend i can make things again
I remembered
I promised you a poem,
In fact one a day for our love-
There's a problem though,
I can't seem to get them out:

   Because your presence
   Is like a million words,
   A thesaurus sitting right
   Next to me,
   And what you are to me
   When you are with me is an
   Eternal sonnet.
   But when I tried I began to
   Understand something that brings
   My understanding of us clearer,
   That we are the same in separate
   Places, in the same solitude
   Without knowing each other's
   Pain or fatigue.
   That we are both not people,
   But the wind freed in our selves,
   A gale freed from the conventional
   And we become a sudden verse,
   Nostalgic and naive,
   Stubbornly young and hopeful,
   There in that place,
   When we are together,
   I cannot write the poem
   That has not yet finished
   Being written.
She's just like the wind.
Slow and breezy.
The wind blows me away...

And so does she.
Blame me
your cold hard stare
You point
finger at me
And I
back in your lair
I TOOK away three pictures.
One was a white gull forming a half-mile arch from the pines toward Waukegan.
One was a whistle in the little sandhills, a bird crying either to the sunset gone or the dusk come.
One was three spotted waterbirds, zigzagging, cutting scrolls and jags, writing a bird Sanscrit of wing points, half over the sand, half over the water, a half-love for the sea, a half-love for the land.
I took away three thoughts.
One was a thing my people call "love," a shut-in river hunting the sea, breaking white falls between tall clefs of hill country.
One was a thing my people call "silence," the wind running over the butter faced sand-flowers, running over the sea, and never heard of again.
One was a thing my people call "death," neither a whistle in the little sandhills, nor a bird Sanscrit of wing points, yet a coat all the stars and seas have worn, yet a face the beach wears between sunset and dusk.
//            ~    ~          \


/   (       (    \

•               """""                •

who do you love dear child ?

who do you  love ?

they walked together thru the woods

Never really told each other anything

•     •

They thought if they just hung together

It would be enough

( It wasn't )


why do you love dear child ?

Why do you love ?


Do you know

What you can really do together ?

Who do you love dear child ?

Who do you love ?

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