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Hunter Leininger Mar 2015
Very recently she asked
"Do you know the pain of going through life everyday knowing the person you love rejected you but still being forced to see them everyday with no escape and having to mask your emotions?"
I gave a simple response
Yes indeed i do
Good luck maxie and sorry about about what happened
Can you believe the betrayal we face,
Every day, from the people we trust most;
The people whom we confide in, trusting
That they will stand by us when we need them?
Then they turn away, leaving us alone,
Heartbroken and teary-eyed, beaten down
By the weight of the world left upon us.
Without our closest friends, we are nothing;
The world can trample us with but one step,
Pressing down hard, until we suffocate,
Without anyone to lift the burdens.
Still, we must continue living, wearing
A smile, so that those friends who betrayed us
Will believe we are stronger than we are.
It will defeat those people, and prove that
We can rise above disloyalty, and
  Live a better life without those who have
Broken our hearts into many pieces.
That strength is quite admirable, they say,
Though truly, we cry in the dark, alone,
So no one will hear how, really, we are
Weak and broken apart by broken trust.
  Feb 2015 Hunter Leininger
Your words a fissure in my heart,
crumbling it apart,
split in two, by you.
Like a giant you stomped your feet,
causing earthquakes in the street,
and I am merely a fearful boy,
who looked up to you,
only to see you destroy.
Now I lie with my dreams dripping out,
in the form of that warm red liquid,
soaking into the seeds of doubt,
all because of what you did.
Hunter Leininger Feb 2015
I thought I was *******

I thought I was doomed

Thought what I kept to me was discovered

How? For it never left my thoughts

No one knows

No one knows it all

For a moment I thought you knew

I was terrified and confused

Acted normal to try and understand

I learned my cover wasn't blown and I was still safe

If you knew I wouldn't know wether to be happy or sad

I was scared you'd seen right through me

No you hadn't

I was still safe and I can still hide what no one knows

I sighed a relief

For now I can act like nothing happened but for a moment I thought everything changed

Hunter Leininger Dec 2014
I'm coming home

I'm coming home

Tell the world

I'm coming home

Let the rain wash away

All the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits

And they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home

I'm coming home
To all gamers

— The End —