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Here's more bang for your buck:
Enemies are a dime a dozen,
But a true friend is priceless.
My mother was a writer.
I remember her,
papers spread out upon a bed sheet in the sand,
stacked pebbles protecting her work from the wind
as I made drip-castles at the water's edge
and braided crowns from wild poppies.
I would run to her so she could
rub grape sunscreen into my sandy shoulders
and I asked her once,
is that poetry?”
and she said “No little one,
you are poetry,
this only tries to be.”
and I thanked her,
and ran back to the water
to search for flat stones to skip,
and thought no more of poetry.
 Oct 2016 Emma Langford
I can't formulate:
what makes you think,
what makes you talk,
so i make you laugh,
by telling a joke!
I may not know,
how the muscles twich,
but that smile of yours,
is an awesome gltich!
 Oct 2016 Emma Langford
Patron: "...And can you add the diced Hamlet to that omelette?"

Waiter: "Jolly good sir, and do you know if you'll be having dessert?"

Patron: "Oh yes, I'll have a strawberry Shakespeare."

Waiter: "Brilliant, your omelette will be out before you can say 'Ides of marshmallow'."

Patron: "That was dreadful and you know it."

Waiter: "Deary me, sir."

What the flippity flop. Who in the pooty comes up with this... oh. That would be me.
 Oct 2016 Emma Langford
I am champagne bubbles
And fairy wings
And confetti sprinkles
And heart-thudding bass
And dizzy melody
And all the shining city lights that show you the
Way home

I am all these things
And every floating, giddy thought
15 again
For the first time in forever
Painting glitter on every horizon
Because I can't contain the smiles on my lips
Written 10/10/16
To be vulnerable
like a mouse caught by
its tail
pendulum swing
side to side

with a predator's eyes
shifting, following, with the swinging

Enjoying the ride
as it might be the last taste
of wind
the last pull of gravity
the final view of color

No longer dreaming of tomorrow
existing for the moment of today
Celebrating the joy of
feeling the universe as I sway

There is no fear
only gratitude
for consciences
and beginning of anew
 Oct 2016 Emma Langford
Take me away
driver man
go as far
as my wallet
will allow
so at least
to the next neighborhood
I hear their lawns
are as green as emeralds.
polished emeralds
at that
What happens when an insomniac eats a heavy dose?
His madness negates all logic
It suggests speed demon urgency
with hints of hysterics
He then writes words only he finds reasonable

Chemical hydraulics move sound
I know it echoes hollow here

But inside machinery fuels motion Rusted but fluid in it's rhythm

Chaos shows signs of struggle but never really fades

So for myself I say
overwhelm and disconnect
Conditioning in it's most hysterical
smile for the fall out
Frowns cause cancer

I've seen the animosity of my biology
it came into view with no invitation

Maybe if I explain myself to myself
I'll better understand my condition

Are you listening?


Please understand

It was never my intention to show you these mishaps

Or guide you through a gray world when I know colors are hard to come by

The bearded man stole all my happy tree's and now paints with the gods

What can you do?

Immortality seems selfish to me

They tore down the animal shelter for a zoo

I never did believe in God and hope if it's not reality
It judges me on action not faith

Because faith is fleeting in this obscure philosophy
Only action resonates progress

Good or bad
We nod at the pieces while shrugging off the fluff

saying "of course of course"

Finally confrontation came
But my skies broke even
shielded by my grounded logic

If I can't kiss you
Let my lips say your name sweetly

If I can't hold you
Let me close enough to where I feel your presence

If I can't love you
Let me show it in hidden smiles and gestures

If I can't do anything
Just let me try
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