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emi munroe Mar 2018
I’ve got a secret for the mad
And I’ll be honest
It’s gonna hurt real bad
I get that I won’t get it
But just listen to me now
You won’t regret it
Every little stereotype
Is gonna help you survive the night
And we hope there’s a day where you can say you're okay
And mean it
But I
Can’t promise you
That that day will ever come
And I
Can’t promise you
That it’ll ever make sense again
All we can do right now is try
Because it’s either that or die  
And I get that they won’t get it
Just power through
You won’t regret it
You’re at the bottom
This is it
No one really knows
If you can be fixed
And you think that I don’t get it
But anxiety lead me here
I do regret it
Every little stereotype
Is gonna help you survive the night
And we don’t know if there’s a day where you can say you’re okay
And mean it
I can’t promise you
That you’ll ever banish that flame
And I
Can’t promise you
That you’ll ever be the same
I can’t promise you
That you’ll ever banish that flame
And I
Can’t promise you
That you’ll ever be the same
I took one of my favorite dodie clark songs (secret for the mad) and put a more hopeless twist on it
emi munroe Mar 2018
Quite a common name
Sounds boring and plain
Put a label on name
Sure, whatever you fancy
But this fun-sized girl
As small as a *****
Will mess you up
No lie
Unless you wanna try
Her ***** blonde hair
Her cold blue glare
Something make of nightmares
The way she'll tear
Out your confidence
Let it be only fear
I don't want to make her mad
So let's call it a day
this **** isn't deep or personal so we pulling out real names whoop
about one of my friends will who do anything for us
emi munroe Mar 2018
So, ******>Do I deserve a life
I ask questions
They make me wonder why
You still stick around me
Out a of pity
That may be
I'm just a stupid suicidal girl who has nothing to offer
Emotionally unstable
I;m missing three legs of a table
I can fall down any minute
I'm just a stupid suicidal girl
As fragile as a snowflake
No one questions why my heart aches and breaks
But you
Why do you stick around dumb  me
Who can't stand on her own two feet
I tell you
I'm not worth it
Why haven't you quit
Making sure I don't die
It's for the better
The meaning of this letter
Is to ask you
So, Seo
Riddle me that
So, Seo
Thank you
Me and my friends give each other different names, so if we write something deep or personal or refer to each other, other people don't know who it is. Min-Seo happens to be one of their names.
emi munroe Mar 2018
She couldn’t do it.
She couldn’t stand smiling until her crescent moon eyes stayed permanent.
She couldn’t stand spending five hours perfecting her innocent makeup.
The sweet silky voice turned into a raspy voice, a voice of someone who hadn’t slept for days, even weeks.
The angelic smile turned into a straight flat-line.
Not one of sadness, not one a happiness, one of numbness.
The perfect glowing makeup which had taken hours above hours to prepare was wiped off onto her sleeve.
Dark circles daring to look like a black eye were seen so far down below her eyes, like her eyes melted down.
I need help!
She screamed at the top of her lungs.
The only shining thing on her body were her tears glistening down her face.
Her tears in which she had kept in for so long, hiding them behind her velvet voice and bright smile. She wasn’t a happy girl.
All the times she had asked for help, you passed off.
All the times she begged for help, it just wasn’t important to you. Because at that time she was a happy girl.
What is her label now.
Depressed freak.
Girl who can’t keep her tears away.
She wanted help, she never wanted to be labeled as a happy girl. She tried to keep her image nice and clean but the happy girl is never stressed or depressed.
The happy girl is happy.
Her image didn’t need help, her appearance didn’t need help.
She did.
emi munroe Mar 2018
I’m not sad. I really mean it.
I swear I’m fine as I am when the words I’m fine slip out of my lying mouth.
I don’t know what you want me to say when I say I don’t feel.
Do you want me to lie as I do when I say I don’t need help.
Do you want me to say I’m happy, an emotion I haven’t felt in years. Or do you want me to tell the truth deep down honestly, I don’t feel anything.
My emotions went away on a trip and I don’t know where they are. Serotonin took a U-turn out of my mind.
Dopamine lost the fight. But I’m fine, I don’t need your help.
I’m fine sitting alone
on my white turned red bed surrounded by my failures.
emi munroe Mar 2018
No, don’t put that chip in your mouth
You know it’s not good for you
And don’t even think about buying that chocolate
You know what it’ll do
Emily, why can’t you just be normal
Eat broccoli and spinach like the rest of us
Not fast food plus sizes

Why can’t you live in our universe
Nothing tastes better than skinny feels
So shape us those meals
Don’t act like you’re a size zero
When you stuff your face with honey nut cheerios
Don’t make your eating habits a lie
The truth shows in your thighs

Why can't you live in our universe
Where our legs are straw thin
And our arms consist of only bone and skin
Our wrists as small as our singular chin

Why can’t you live in our universe
Where we’re all skinny
And we’re all perfect twigs
Where we look down on the non-existent pigs

Emily, why can’t you be skinny?

Because being skinny makes me feel like dirt
I mean, what is it worth
All I can conclude is that
Skinny hurts

— The End —