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 Dec 2014
Why isn't the sky crying?
When the most beautiful soul has reached up to meet it?
Shouldn't such an embrace bring tears?
Or sunshine?
Why now, is all black and quiet?
Traffic continues when my heart has stopped.
The sky holds the love of my heart
That I never could.
And I'm crying,
And the sky is quiet.
I just hope the sky knows how lucky it is.
And I hope my love, my darling, can see me from somewhere
And know how much I love him still.
Please like and repost this, this is probably the only time I'll ever ask.
Andy was extremely important to me.
 Nov 2014
................A gaping
        written curse...                black hole        
of a mere                             in my    
the vacuum                              space time
    put out by                                continuum...
         Flames                              Tearing a      
 supernovae...                         huge rift        
  of stellar                      in my very
         fireworks              universe...      

 Nov 2014
Demonized Angels
The pain is strong
I am not
It has control
I do not
It fills through me
I sit and wait
It is cancer
I am me
It has control
I cannot fight it
It has won
I have lost
So long and goodnight
DarkSkies started this poem but was not able to finish it and me being the great friend I am decided I would share it with you guys. She doesn't post much because this is her reality. I hope y'all understand. Thankyou~Jinxx
 Nov 2014
Joseph Schneider
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved

— The End —