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 Feb 2019
Some nightmares are so vivid
they follow you into reality
 Feb 2019
the sun shivers too
I'm feeling like a lone ghost
little do they know
Haiku // 969 followers
 Feb 2019
Eleanor Sinclair
Can’t you see
It’s not you who is the issue
It’s me
 Feb 2019
Ciel Noir
I have too many thoughts
I have too many feelings
I can't sleep
When I wake up
I will be a stranger
In a stranger world
 Feb 2019
sometimes I'm bored
not feeling it

so close in touch with death
I still think no one is watching over me

I hear this song
he knows the one
or is it the air coming in from the high windows

calling over my sadness
I was happy
now my smile is losing its charm

I wonder where we go
where we are
where we stay

there's no meaning
at all


finding myself
fast approaching death

all we need is a day out
to remember we're not alone

look everyone breathes in the same air

you just need to hug a pillow
stop thinking
sleep away
 Jan 2019
Cannot wait to fall and break
just so I can scare those who love me away

Can't wait to hear you scream in my ear
telling me what I have done

I'm not myself
I'm not here
I'm not there
I'm not fine

every time I slip
I collect the pieces of glass
to hurt myself more

more more
I want to ache

don't know

I'm not fine
I'm not there
I'm not here
I'm not myself

Can't wait to see myself shatter

pick up the sharp pieces

hurt myself a little more

just until the screaming echoes out
no noises heard

just until you go away
no questions asked
 Jan 2019
I wish you knew the real me
I'm so filthy
 Jan 2019
Saw it coming
months away
in my sleep
in my dreams
an afternoon
midnight silence
I saw it coming
miles away
heard it in the wind
water screamed
to me
I saw it coming
in a tree
in a cloud
in my frown
my eyes screamed at me
I failed
I failed
I failed
do you want to know more about me now
I'm not perfect
do you want to talk to me now
I saw it coming
I just didn't want you to see it
I saw it coming
I failed
I knew every morning
this was coming
I didn't care
I still kept going

Now that I've failed
everyone screams at me
everyone looks at me
everyone asks for me
now that I've failed
everyone wants to scare me
I'm weak
I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I took off my mask
when you least expect it

you must hate me now
I should blame myself
////////  a little they don't know
kills my soul  ///////
 Jan 2019
now that I've got
my sadness flowing
like a river's stream
I've got a million things to say
a couple feelings I need to write about
I'm still in my day's clothes
I haven't cleaned up
I should sleep soon
this shouldn't happen
I lose
I lost my way
lost at sea
climbed a mountain
never came down

now that my emotions
are spilling out
like an open
bottle of soap
on the floor

I got a thousand feelings
I want to say

in hiding
I can't really say

I got hundreds of feelings
I need to scream

I must pick them up
stuff them inside a bottle

only lasts a while
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