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Life is a whirlwind of emotions
and you are my shelter from the storm
Hope you and your loved ones are happy  (:
It was just yesterday
when you decorated my locker in a shower of glitter-stickers
and big fat hearts
that made me smile ever so foolishly
From the rays that shine
upon my back
and the babbling brooks
and twittering blue jays

The Morning Glories rustle pleasantly
at the touch of affection
and their lips part slowly
to the taste of hope

How the light breeze
flows through every strand of her fire hair
and electricity pulses beneath our feet

Memories of the springtime
waft around
in a smoky haze
as I exhale back to reality
A heart of gold she would
Never give it away carelessly
Especially in a world where
Real love seems so fake
In retrospect, she


Don't ever leave me
I write because...

it helps mend my soul
and sow together the pieces i didn't know were broken.

it expresses my inner thoughts, worries, and fears
and relieves me from my hurt
so i can put up a smile for society
and laugh with the people
who laugh at me

it lets me be anyone other than myself

it passes the time
and makes me forget
yet feeds me
with stories from my fellow peers
ily all already <33

— The End —