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 Aug 2014 Caitlyn Worth
Le Lotus
On this rainy sunday night,
I am thinking about you,
My tears fall,
Down my cheeks.

It's a rainy sunday night,
And I am trapped here in my room,
Looking at the dark crying sky,
I am missing you ♥
It is sunday here in Malaysia! B)
 Aug 2014 Caitlyn Worth
Standing in the rains
Broken skies , Heavens unleashed
Sadness of the soul washes away
I'm standing in the rain it's very peaceful here
 Aug 2014 Caitlyn Worth
Iris Nyx
Genuinely they smile and speak
I know and understand this
but everything inside me is weak
so all their admiration I always miss

And even when I don't
I cannot see
Their kindness simply won't
reach and enlighten me

But still I crave the sweet taste
Of love and affection
Though there is plenty for me to enjoy
I still only feel like a burden, a bother, an infection

The words with no meaning
tumble out of my mouth
I smile and nod, beaming
but not a word I believe

This poem stopped rhyming
I'm tired of finding the words
I'm tired of living my life
I't Tired of the lies I tell myself every day

"You're fine
You look great
You're beautiful
You'll make it out alive
Life is amazing
This isn't forever
You're still yourself"

I'm a flightless bird
A toothless lion
a doe with a broken leg
A plant with no sunlight
A human with no spirit

**And I'm done

— The End —