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Angel Escobar May 2014
You're so beautiful.
I love the way your eyes look.
I love the feeling i get when i stare into your eyes, and i get amazed and trapped in them for hours.
When I look at you it makes my heart beat faster and faster.
You tell me constantly how you hate your "chubby cheeks," but I holding your face while i give you a kiss that has a thousand meanings.
You say how much you hate your body, but the fact that its yours it means a lot.
I fell in love with the way you are.
I love that i get to hold you in my arms and kiss your head.
I feel special having you by myside and being able to call you mine.
Every kiss that i give and gave you has a meaning.
I love that you are you.
You have accepted me for myself and that meant a lot. I Love You
i grew up in a stressful, painful childhood. no one understood how hurt i am and what i feel from time to time. i sit in a dark room and look up at the ceiling and think ' whats my purpose for being here.' i have many people who care for me but i just sit back and push them away because i dont know who is really true to stick by me and whos just playing me ready to walk away.

is it worth it to self harm ? is it safe to run into the dark ? is it okay to block everything out of your life and do whatever you want because you know that no one matters to you anymore? Every day i sit around my house by myself and wonder how many people truly care and love me. when something good happens to me i think its just a dream and it doesnt mean anything. i look around the world everyday and wonder why everyone is so happy and why cant i be happy like them.

my dad left me when i was younger , i saw when he beat my mother and i just sat there and cried because i was just a young boy. my mom thinks im a disappointment because of everything ive done to the family. she wants nothing to do with me. i feel like why was i born if i have no purpose on earth. maybe i do have a purpose and maybe i just dont know it but when i find my purpose ill finally be free. ive runaway from home , ive done drugs , ive been caught , why dont i just face the fact that im a **** up and no one wants to deal with me anymore..
Angel Escobar May 2014
I was flying high up in the clouds, i didnt know where i was going but i was interested to find out where i would end up at. I was filled with questions and wanted answers. "where was i going?" "Is it a good place?" I hoped to find the answers i wanted and thought if i ever would at some point. "Where am i heading too?" I was heading to a big cloud right above my head. I approach it. The first thing i saw was a gate with the words "heaven." I was filled with thoughts. "Am I really? Am I really dead?" As I approach the gate I was looking around, and saw an angel flying by. "What am I doing here?" I thought and then i thought that i really did not belong here. I got woken up by my brother shaking me and asking if i was ok. He said i was asking weird questions. Luckily it was a dream. It felt so real that i remember the details of the angels face. Im scared..

— The End —