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  Jan 2018 Erin King
If we were more honest
If we typed our minds
There'd be a lot more comments
And a lot less likes
  Jan 2018 Erin King
Francie Lynch
Finally. I'd been striving for a one word poem. After achieving it, I wanted a no word poem. Here it is. I guess this is no longer mine, but ours.

"The Invisible Poem" was selected as the Daily.
I'm humbled... to say nothing.
But I believe a response is necessary.
To all those who liked, loved and commented, I say thank you. I've read all you've written, and most of it is very creative and complimentary.
There are others, detractors, who claim "*******," etc.
Well of course, this only begs the question, "What is poetry?"
I can't answer that. I've written on it. But what I do know is what poetry should do. Its purpose.
If a poem should arouse emotions, bad or good, make people think, have people want to write, to express themselves (and I believe I'm on the mark here), then, anything can be a poem. Even a page with lines on it.
Thanks again to all the readers.
And if you're still *******, don't attack me... go after Elliot. :)
  Jan 2018 Erin King
funny how many there are
in every aspect of life
except it isn’t
at all

with a sunny day
there’s a stormy night

with a beautiful girl
there’s an ugly mind

with the blue water
there’s orange fire

with your long hair
there’s mine short

with your dark eyes
there are mine light

with your big smile
there’s my frown

with your extroversion
there’s my introversion

with your oblivity
there’s my meticulosity

with your whole heart
there’s my broken one
  Jan 2018 Erin King
Joshua Blair
What is life. Life is just the cycling of death. We look up to death. We look forward to death.
What is death without life. You have no death without giving yourself life. To die you need to first have a life. Contrary to belief you aren't born with life. You make life or you disappear one day. Without life that grave is just a name. Choosing to settle for less in life is choosing to rob your life. Choosing to stop it from ever being. Choose life. Make yourself something.
Just do something. Please.
  Jan 2018 Erin King
We write
As if
Nothing else
Ever mattered
As if
Every word
We will ever write
Are just petals
Of our favorite flowers
To be blown away
To all the authors/poets/artists put there who let the emotion flow out of their veins like the very blood they hold

— The End —