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  May 2019 Emily
Ananya Dubey
I trace the cobwebs
in the depths of my mind,
refreshing my memory
hiding what I find...
There are things
that can't be heard, can't be told
For some of my thoughts
might be too blunt, might be too bold
What do I fear?
Judgement? I know it too well
Whatever it is, it's hard to tell
So, let me just omit
the secrets that you don't know
And to the recesses of my heart
these words will go
  May 2019 Emily
We talk about change,
    but expect others to do it.
We talk about fake news,
   but keep reading it.
We talk about democracy,
   but don't listen to the people.
We talk about lies,
   but keep believing them.
We talk about tolerance,
   but suppress opinions.
We talk about human rights,
   but torture and ****.
We talk about privacy,
   but eavesdrop on all communication.  
We talk about freedom,
   but fight endless wars.
We talk about hypocrisy,
   but are the biggest hypocrites.
We talk about so many things,
   but not what really matters.

Stop talking,
   start acting!

Next time you are upset about something, look into the mirror.
Emily Apr 2019
Wind blowing hard.
Sun shining hot.
But this girl, is
Loving it not.

She’s not outside,
She’s stuck at work,
Exhausted, and
Wanting to shirk.

Clock on the wall.
Please faster spin.
Spring my cage, please,
Or I will bawl!
The irony, of course, is that I wrote this during my commute home, while NOT stuck at work. :)
Emily Apr 2019
To you, who will clean, this room to a sheen,
I thank you right now, to you, I do bow,
With deep appreciation and this versification.

May you clean with great glee, making others carefree.
Emily Apr 2019
To cheerful Nurse Sue and her point of view,
Who, to chaos that’s thickening, nods, and says “Interesting.”

She’s on top of her game, not one to shame,
For inquiries serious, or requests quite mysterious.

I’d hate for her work to be boring, but maybe something less “interesting.”
But whatever might come, I know she’ll never be glum.

May her high spirits be contagious for they’re quite advantageous.
Emily Apr 2019
Acquila could float a flotilla
On all the blood she did draw—I’m quite filled with awe!
For she did it first try, though my vein was quite shy.

My thanks for her skill; she has all my goodwill.
May her efforts be lauded and from near and afar be applauded.
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