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Aztec Nov 2016
Maybe creating new memories wasnt a good idea
Maybe i shouldve stayed to my self for a little longer
Maybe I wasnt meant to be in love ever again.
Maybe I wasnt ready for this
Why is everything so complicated?
I hear the alcohol calling.
Im coming.
  Nov 2016 Aztec
Kasey Wheeler
It's the thing you feel when he stares
The fluttering of wings that fills your head
Its the goodbye waiting to happen
The one you should have seen coming
Its the life that has no light
That you feel once he's gone

For all this is the way of love
Its tearing down your heart
While trying to mend
The single thing he broke
But that's not right
For he broke more than just one thing
He took the soul you had
Twisting it in two
Leaving it rotten in hell
He broke the heart you once healed
From a previous love
Not only reopening the old,
But making new scars, too
He broke your mind
Scarring your memories of everything you once held dear
Making the new ones in terror

The final thing he broke
The one that really counts
Is this body you hold dear
For he left reminders of his skin within yours
The way he touched
The way he kissed
To the way he stared
Now ever time you say your fine
Everyone will know its a lie
Because he made what he did to you visible
And you can't hide what's not inside

He destroyed me in four ways
First my mind
Second my heart
Third my soul

Fourth my body
He destroyed the single thing I couldn't hide
Aztec Oct 2016
Im just waiting for the day he comes back
To hear the reason why he left
To finnally have the closure I crave
To finnally say goodbye.
Aztec Oct 2016
No more words are coming out of me.
Maybe its a sign that my heart is moving on.
Aztec Oct 2016
When you left
I needed a new addiction
something that would let me forget you but would let me  remember  how your tongue tasted.
Soon after that alcohol turn into my baby.

Aztec Oct 2016
I want to thank you
For opening new doors for me,
You helped me discovered new music that helped me cope with your absence.
You helped me get that promotion in my job that I put my time in to, to not think of you.
You helped me run to my new lover arms
who reminded me im beautiful and worth something.
So thank you for breaking me
Thank you for letting me know theres always something better at the end.
I just hope someone breaks you even worse to get the very best you deserve.
- Aztec
Little hate
Aztec Sep 2016
I forgot how his grin was,
I forgot the warmth of his hands on a fall night.
I forgot
I forgot the way he would hold me
and I forgot the way he would look at me.
But if I saw him again
I know it will still hurt
Everything will come back.
Im okay now. Ive accepted everything.
Last day of my poem series.
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