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 Sep 6 Zazu
 Sep 6 Zazu
I regret everything.
I regret falling in love.
I regret leaving.
I regret opening up.
I regret hurting so many.
I regret being desperate.
I regret changing.
I regret running away.
I regret staying.
I regret turning away.
I regret meaning everything.
I regret feeling unsafe.
I regret playing games.
I regret loving.
I regret caring.
I regret it all.
So darling,
In the moments
You turn around
And catch me staring at you
Wide eyed,
Know that I’m drinking you up.
Carefully filing everything you do in my memory
So I can pull it out
On lonely walks in the park and down the street,
So I can think of you
On cold nights laying in bed.
Because it won’t last,
But I want to remember
Every second.
Do you know me by now?  
Are you paying attention?
Do you consider any potential
Or is it an empty well
Halfway full
Or somewhere in between
Either side?
Is it a matter of pride
Or somewhere in between
Either side?
Does my pushing pressure
Or motivate?  
Has it always been too late?
I don’t take it personally
That you are not ready for me
But I wish I knew
What you see between us
In a year or two
 Aug 27 Zazu
Carlo C Gomez
the best things in life are free tax
...and recycling fee
 Aug 19 Zazu
 Aug 19 Zazu
all this love inside me and still i am
but not like i used to be.
it doesnt ache the same way.
im not weighed down by this impenetrable grief,
rather it is something that i carry with me.
a brooch of misery pinned to my lapel
this sadness, is so delicate
like a flower, watered with my own tears.
when people say it gets better,
is this what they mean?
do they mean that the depression never goes away
but becomes a quiet hum in the back of your mind, forever playing its solemn tune?
 Aug 16 Zazu
Peter Balkus
Go away, Misery,
don't make me feel so blue.
I was lost, so I've let you in.
It was nice not knowing you.

Go away, find someone else,
there are billions of people. Why me?
For I was the only one who opened the door?
Oh, to Hell with you, Misery!

I don't need friends anymore.
Leave me alone, Misery, please!
I got rid of the ones I had had,
for one day they turned enemies.

Go away, Misery,
don't make me feel so blue.

It is too late now, you are already in.
It was really nice not knowing you.
 Aug 16 Zazu
Sometimes you just
have to go cry in the bathroom
and wonder why you’re
not enough
feel such an intense
pain that only a hug
and love from one person
who isn’t there would solve,
and then go back to work.
He doesn’t want to see me
Whatever his reason be
But there is no way
I can’t take it personally
Once upon a time
There was a queen
Of a land nobody’s ever seen
She sent out the brochures
Invited one, in particular
And one only
Whether he showed up
Still remains to be seen
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