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  Nov 2014 Zayna
Natalia Nava
There is not a moment
that goes by
without your name
passing though my mind

it comes and stays
it doesn’t bother leaving
it comes with all the memories
the, now, painful memories
the ones that used to make me smile,
now only cause my heart to ache
i wish you could come back
but i know thats impossible

even if you did come back
it will never return to the old way
we used to be

that thought hurts more than

Zayna Nov 2014
A little ball of fur
Autumn leaves waltz with me
Trees shivering
Wind whispering
I am loving where i am...
Zayna Nov 2014
Sometimes i'm salty
Sometimes i'm sweet
Also, i'm very delicious to eat.
Sometimes i'm white
Sometimes i'm golden
No matter what i'm always chosen

You'll hear that a lot
I only take a few minutes,
I'm eaten in an instant.

The butters and salts
Smothered on your fingers,
The smell of butter lingers.
I love what i am...
Do you?
Zayna Nov 2014
Remember when you were there for me
Trusted me,
Respected me,
I remember.
But then!

Its Over!

Its now the middle of November
About to be winter,
All i need now
Is a little bit of composure
Zayna Nov 2014
The look in your eyes
Your emotions aren't cryptic

I made a mistake
I'm sorry
I give my penance
But will that be enough?
My sins have me pinned.

The weight of regret heavy,
Remember when
I used to be your baby
Can I start a new?
Maybe its better without you...
Just know,
I will forever love you too.

This is my penance.
like my poems & I'll follow you =D
Zayna Nov 2014
Here I sit,
In my vapors
Waiting here for some toilet papers
How much longer can I lingers
Before I have to use my fingers

— The End —