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 May 2014 Zach
MaryJane Doe
The change in my pocket
Does God really want it?
Not much to give.
We all gotta live.
A sinner in the pew.
Just one of a few.
Searching for the truth.
Must we pay for the proof?
Money is the root of all evil...
I heard that in this very steeple.
Contradiction Strewn with fiction
No wonder I'm lost...
it comes at a small cost
The change in my pocket
Does God even want it?
Its confusion I bought
as I sit in the pew.
This is just a thought
just one of a few.
 May 2014 Zach
1:23 am, this exhale just brought me back to life
The music has influenced my environment
Strangers and lovers and thirsty hearts lingering in my presence
Being pulled by my sides by you and reminded I was beautiful
1:27 am That moment made me reassure my being
I was loved, I was drunk, I was high, I was in love
And that’s all it took, we danced, we danced, and we danced.
Tongues hungry for each other’s minds
Your knowledge excites me; your heart evaporates in me softly.
Your touch is irresistible, and I’d be a fool if I decided to resist you.
3:00 am the goodbyes were a mess
Is this forever can we be that again
Can we do that again and again
Come back and love me I want to be around you again.
4:00 am your knowledge excites me, you’re in my mind, you’re in my tongue, you’re in my breath, you’re in my ear, you’re in my sense, you’re in my head.
Back and forth, it was you, all about you.
5:00 am intoxicated thoughts.
 May 2014 Zach
did you ever wonder
as you walked along the sea shore
and picked up pretty shells

whether, there was,
a naked hermit crab
hiding among the rocks
and water swells

*"well **** me....i just got
gazumped, again,
on my new seaside condo...."
 May 2014 Zach
MaryJane Doe
In a knot
Pour poor me
gimme a shot
it ain't what it is
and it is what it's not

I foundoubt
Poor pour me
Something stout
Whilst I sit
& drunken pout
About what I
Just found out
 May 2014 Zach
i promise.
 May 2014 Zach
Engaged in meaningful conversations
Intertwined in chaos and revolutions
Happiness has left me
And this sadness has conquered my soul
Threw up in my lane of no return
Continuing this journey with bullets in my heart
Is like aching for love and holding back
Victory isn't common, winning is abhorred
Create moves to make moves
Positive vibrations leads to aroused lights
I am trying.
I promise.
And if I complain let me live in vain
Cause I only have one life for this fame.
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