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  Oct 2017 wordvango
Lawrence Hall
The Dreariness of Dawn

“Carpe Diem.” Dawn, and all its cliches’
But what would one now seize? Unrequited dreams
That slouch in the corner filing their fingernails?
A cup of coffee at the kitchen door?

Dawn is the illusion that this day might
Be different from those that came before
Like advertisements promising happiness
And delivering failures postage-due

Well, you might as well get up, and get dressed
Dawn.  Because, maybe, this time, just maybe…
wordvango Oct 2017
seen one  of life's peaks
seen many mountains
been around a few of life's
mysteries and evaded

I saw my children come  out of
their mother's womb
I fell on my knees
at the majesty

I was near when people close to me
passed into the next world
I've seen history be told
by wise old *****
whose days had passed 90
or 93

I have seen young die too soon
7 11 13

I wasn't there when my dad passed
I've  loved dogs
and cats children and women

Music and ages and strangers I never knew
in the distance
I see me pass
I  see the world keep on spinning
I only wish
for the chance to tell
to certify my love
hold her eternally
one time
before the end
It may seem impossible, for me to love you more,
but the love I hold in my heart, is sincere, to my child I adore.
I think about you all the time, but as fall draws near,
my thoughts fill my heart with love, for my child that was so dear.

Ten little fingers, ten little toes,
that strawberry blonde hair, with the curls we both know,
the sweetest little pink lips, that ever I have seen
you were the perfect picture, my little strawberry queen.

An hour before you were born, I knew you couldn’t stay
so I then held you for hours, giving you your perfect name.
It may seem impossible, for me to love you more,
but the love I hold in my heart, is sincere, to my child I adore.
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