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wordvango Oct 2017
continuing to
    indicate myself
          describe in words
               those hidden parts
fortuitous did
     I think ahead
            those years ago
                I named myself

a  pseudonym
     a combo of
                 my dream
                       and a one-eared
wordvango Oct 2017
Charged headlong off-white
red gilled hard as any man can
rammed into the fortress
forehead first saw stars
and  stuttered
then got my strength back
charged again
a bull in a straitjacket
wild I went off
all the sweat and pheromones
mutating my body into steel
and iron
so I charged again
stupidly drunk
predisposed to rescuing
my snow white
from the evils of corporate
America and the rich guys
and she looked up saw my swollen eyes
came down from her tower
and took me to
her apt on Park Avenue
(how hell she pay for that)
but I was drunken by
thudding my head against
and took her to bed
like a lion on steroids took my lady hard
and lovingly
woke up
The next day to a note
left on the pillow
and banged my head on the
  Oct 2017 wordvango
Akira Chinen
We've been dumb-downed
to Hallmark Haiku poetry
that doesn't even follow form
or know what haiku is
other than some type
of Chinese or Asian or Nip crap
but don't worry were not being racist
because we have a friend
that has a subservient Japanese wife
who always has dinner ready
and doesn't mind bending over
and taking it up the ***
whenever he needs to get off at home
and she doesn't complain about
how or who he gets his happy endings
when out and about after office hours
and I wish I could be so blatantly
lewd and charming to walk up to anyone
and say whatever it is people say to someone
to get them to come home with them
and take off their clothes
and pretend to be looking for love
but only really care about
getting off at being normal
but I'm so painful shy
that I can't manage to talk whenever
an attractive stranger or even friend
sits a little too close
and my vocabulary is reduced
to one and two syllable sounds and head nods
and anything of importance
that I might want or have to say
gets locked in future regrets
of staring at the ceiling
somewhere in the darkness above my head
and life has turned into a media circus
of social update status *******
where hearts keep our ***** hard
and likes get our ******* wet
and even though none of us are truly alone
we all sit in our private cages digitally *******
to try and **** our feelings of loneliness
as we purchase sympathy cards
with cheap Hallmark Haikus pretending to look for love
The warmth of water
standing face to face,
lovingly holding close
hearts begin to race.

Eyes meeting eyes
the world disappears,
a beautiful song
the only sound to hear.

Lost in each other
finger traced lips,
warmth of the water
a passionate kiss.

The touching of souls
nothing could compare,
the true beauty of love
everlasting moments to share.

The warmth of the water……*
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