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Lexie Feb 2014
Let it go
Just let it go
You have held on for to long
All this time you have been wrong

Just let it go
Just let it go
What you don't know cant hurt you
But what you do digs so deep

But that's okay you will come out stronger
Refined by the fire

Let it go
Just let it go
Its okay to hurt
And I know you will cry

Just stop the pain and say goodbye
Let it go
Just let it go
You need to be yourself again
And you will always have me for a friend

Let it go
Let it go
As the wind starts to blow
Lay your wishes on the stars
Nothing can hurt you from so far

Let it go
Just let it go
Unclench you hands from the fists
Take to remember all the good times you missed

Just let it go
Let it go
The air is still clean
Let it go
Let it go

Just let it go
Its okay
Just let it go
And come my way
Just let it go
Just let it go
Lexie Jul 2017
My mind isn't black
More of a dark blue
Like a bruise
Just beginning to heal

The way I breathe
Not at all
And then all at once
Is painfully inconsistent

How you assumed
I was okay
Could not have been further
From the truth

I slipped so quickly
Into that dark place
But it's all in my head
Someone please let me out
Lexie Feb 2014
Lets just agree to argue
You don't smile and I won't either
I stab you and you stab me

Just let the anger control you
Let the vengeance take reign
Self control is a joke
It's so easy to just lay here
And forget the world

The way things work is twisted
Why can't we just stand face to face
Let out the emotion blow for blow

Fair and square no hard feelings
Just a chance to show what I really am
What I have become the monster you made
We both breathe air
But that us where the similarities end

Just let the tide rise high
Over flow the banks
No hugs no kisses no thanks
I don't want your help
I must do this on my own
Without you all alone

Let's me just slap you across the face
Then it will be your turn
For you to teach
And for me to learn
Lexie Feb 2014
Loving you hurts
But being alone is more painful

Saying your name burns
But the silence starts yet another fire

Looking at you is so hard
But the firmness in my heart cant make me look away

You changed my life
And you changed my name
You heard my heart beat
But you inflicted the pain

I thought you would fix it
All of my problems
But now that its over
I just have more scars

The mess I made
The milk we spilled
But none of it mattered
Since we were together

I'd rather not sleep
Than sleep alone
The darkness bites
And the light burns my eyes

The words are redundant
Just the same lies
And I cry out each night
To the starry skies

My wings are bent
My arms are bruised
My head hurts
And my heart is over used

Let it go
I just need to punch a wall
Hold on
Why make the pain last

Just leave me and let me die
Carry my body out with the tide
Lexie Oct 2020
You may hate me
But you can't deny
I make you feel
Lexie May 2019
You make dead things out of living things just to make money
You make lies out of the truth and make anyone who tells you otherwise to look a fool
You make God cry and you made me angry
You tried tearing Yggdrasil up by the roots
But those were knots your fingers could not untie as carefully as you twist your tongue
Lexie Nov 2018
You told me you knew what love was
Yet even the bones of your house are cold
You lie with your tongue between your teeth
I cannot wonder how you sleep at night
Lexie Jan 2014
Birthed into a world
Of sin and of pain
Given a mark
Given a name

My life began
Made in a womb
I shall live my life
Then be hid in a tomb

My life goes on
I sing a lonely song
I walk on earth
And watch the sky
I seek the answers
But deny what I find

My starts at the beginning of a road
Not knowing where it goes
Just following where the wind blows
I walk this street this is the path I choose

Where it goes only God knows
I don't see the signs
And the stars in a straight line
Only seeing details much to fine
And the sun when it shines

My life begins
I know now when it ends
I will reach the top
And then there I will stop
Seeking yearning to know my purpose
Wanting to know if its all worth it
Lexie Sep 2015
These minty memories burn the back of my throat.
Lexie Sep 2018
I am not lost
Even though you have left me
It is only much to quiet now
You were my lifesong
I am strong still
Now it is much to silent
Lexie May 2014
Nothing last forever in a world so broken
Lexie Jul 2019
I want to be such light
That even long after my dying
I will brighten up worlds
To be as the life
With the stars in the dead sky
Lexie Dec 2020
I miss you, again

Though there is space in between

I always loved my friends best

Held them highest

Like young stars

Against the black of a thousand year old sky

Is this why

We are so low now

Perhaps I should not speak for you

I, am so low now

I pray, winter treats you kind

As, it has robbed me of all my kindness

Each snowflake is different, they say

This one is melting away

Before spring

May spring

Come to you again
Overwhelmed- Harry Hudson šŸŽµ

I cry when I think of you, there is never just one reason why.
Lexie Sep 2018
You were knit together in a womb with a silver lining
Lexie Feb 2016
I promise to hold you
I promise to listen
I will care when you don't
I will be your light in your dark
I will be your friend when you feel alone
I will be the one that you hold to
When everyone else has let you go
I am your steady rock
In the eye of the storm
Cling to me
For I promise to *never let you go
I love you to much
Our souls are intertwined
To ever be broken apart

If you were a tree
I would be your gentle breeze
Always pulling of your dead leaves
So new life can grow again
If you were the ocean
I would be your shore
Giving you something to reach for
If you were the sun
I would be your moon
So you could have your moment to shine
But also your rest at night
If you were a mountain
I would be your valley
Laying in between your arms
Wrapped in your majesty
I promise you my nights
And I give you my days
I will stay in your head
So I can learn your ways
I promise you my thoughts
The ones in my heart
So when you feel afraid
We won't be far apart
This is my life
But you are my world
This is my day
But you are the best part
This is your tear
But I feel it on my cheeks
This is our chance
Let's not waste it

I promise you a hug
When you cannot lift your arms
I promise you and answer
When you do not know the question
I promise you my wrists
And the scars they bear
So you will remember
That every step of the way
I have been there <3
Lexie Sep 2015
We played with lighting
And I got struck

We played with lighting
And you had all the luck
Lexie Jul 2018
I will patiently explain my love to you for every day the sun dances with the moon
Lexie Aug 2018
You will speak again
When the full moon rises
My lips quiver
In anticipation
Kiss me now
With the light of the stars
Lexie May 2018
every step i take with you
though set at my normal pace
it seems the seconds are set
at thrice the speed of normal time

and i spill words out of my mouth
they trickle across our hands
out across the tar of the road
and into each others quiet souls

you are my companion
my friend and butterfly confidant
we have walked years at each others sides
though never in the other's shoes

you have read into the depths of my soul
and you did not run as soon as you saw scars
i have seen into the darkness of your eyes
and still i see the light, it is radiant

and such is this that God would give us
the one that we would need
so that we never have to walk alone
oh my beautiful friend

i think if you shouted my name
no matter how great a distance
was separating you and i, my friend
i would hear it in my heart

you call out to all i am
for you know that i am made of such
the fallen bits of stars, dreams almost empty
and the sparks of a soul still burning

and i know you were wrought
out of every speck of untarnished sunlight
and all of the sunsets born into sunrises
only to be that which the world does not know

because you transcend all that brings you pain
you are greater than the height of the waves
seeking to pull you under in the storm
still i reach my hand to you, my friend

though words could fall me
and all the love catch in my throat
it is not bound to my chest
and i pout it out for such a time is this

that you would need me
for i have always needed you
because i think to fight alone is to lose
and to lose you i could not bare

and such a time is this
that we would strengthen each other
in the light of the candles so dim
in a world ruled by others wish and whim

and though the world deceive you
cast you out upon its streets
know that i believe you
you are all good things to me

even if you cannot see them
does not mean they are there
for you look out upon the ocean
but much is below the waves

we walk together still
through valley and over mountain
i turn back to see our steps
but their are to many, i cannot count them
I love you Tess
Lexie Jun 2015
Is there any truer comparison from light to dark
We find beauty in the stark contradiction
But I propose I different proposal
That you cannot know one without the other
What beauty would we see in the dark if we did not know another
How could we know depth of the sunshine
They are not opposite at war
But twins who argue evermore
Over who will rule
And who will fade
And whether or not we will see this place
Lexie Apr 2021
You called it grief
I will not name it differently
Lexie Sep 2014
I was stupid; like a blind girl waiting to see the sun
I was hopeful; like a blind girl waiting to see the sun
I was in the dark; like a blind girl waiting to see the sun
I tilted my face to the sky; like a blind girl waiting to see the sun
Lexie Nov 2014
Why do I want people to like my poems?
The joy is temporary.
And it doesn't change my life.
It's just a drop in my tank of ego.
And a drip in my heart that's cracked.

But I enjoy in anyway
Lexie Sep 2015
i have a broken heart
dont know where to start

found a place
met your face
stood in line
for a time
dont know how
cant slow down

make it up
make it fall down
love me now
take my heart to town

by my joy ride
my happy place
be the smile
on my face

like in a song
be my muse
make a beat
we will never lose
Lexie Nov 2014
I put my world on your shoulders
And you could handle the weight
I put my heart in your hands
And you held it like glass
You warmed my soul
From head to toe
And just like you promised
You never let me go
Lexie Feb 2016
How do I know?

It because of the songs you sing
And the answers you give
The pause in your thoughts
They way you barely smile
I know its been moments
I know its been a while
And I am so sorry
I couldn't speak right away
Didn't have the words
I don't know how to reply
I can't see in your mind
But still I know
You pretend
That you are okay
And I am so so sorry
It turned out this way
I didn't leave
I still have time to stay
So sleep away the night
Because I know
This morning will be better
Though it won't be easy
I'm fine
And you are okay
But you aren't alright
I know
And I am glad that I do
I am sorry I smiled
Its out of our mouth
That the truth came
And found its place
It took minutes to settle
And I couldn't respond
I wish you the best dreams
Ever to be dreamt
I wish you the sweetest sleep
Ever to be slept
And when the morning comes
Let your heart
Have some left
I wish you had listened
When I told you
That I would only
Break your heart
From the start
I warned you
I just leave hurt
Because of the mix
Of fear and feelings
So I just walk on
But I don't move
Please don't ignore me
When we meet tomorrow
For the first time
Don't mix fear with sorrow
And that's how I know
That you are just like me
You never let go
Lexie Aug 2020
We don't always keep friends
At the rate we change
Lexie Oct 2020
Like the morning
I will be broken soon
Like the morning
I'll be going soon
Like the morning
I ache for you
Like the morning
I'll paint the sky
Like the morning
You're new to me
Like the morning
I wait for you
Like the morning
I am born a new
Lexie Mar 2016
I rise above
All that there was before
Lexie Feb 2014
You cannot force creativity it simple flows like water through me
Lexie Dec 2018
You still linger among me
As if you were cigarette smoke fingersĀ running through my hair
No one else can smell you
But I always know you're there
I hate this for the way it makes me feel.
Lexie Jun 2018
you linger in my mind
like your fingers trace my spine
wanting more, but loving this
oh my soul, just one kiss
Lexie Oct 2019
I find new troubles
At the bottom
Of an empty cup
Lexie Sep 2018
I have lived a whole lifetime today
and I think that is why it took kissing you drunk too learn how to love you sober
Lexie Jul 2019
When the earth dies
The sky will not remember me
But I think the water will
Lexie Sep 2015
Because what I do
And what I say
Are two completely different things
I have been called;
and a

Because what I do is small
And what I say uses big words
I have been asked;
What is the point of your existence
Or the meaning of your words?

And I can only say this;
to listen and be heard
Lexie Dec 2018
I went out to the storms
Tried to gather them in
But they would not listen
They were to loud in their living
And I, to quiet in my plea
Lexie Jan 2014
I talk I try to be loud
I cant interrupt they will think I am rude

I try to speak to choke back the shyness
But I cant be anything but afraid

I close my lips and I shut my eyes
And I wish in my heart to not be scared

I walk close to the waves but am kept to the shore
I shut every open questioning door

I see the light but I don't reach for it
I flip the switch and ignore it

I know I can do it
But I choose not to try

I'd rather sit here and let the time pass bye
I'd rather live a lie than have the attention

I'd rather be afraid
Than have my name be mentioned

I want to talk I want to ask
But I sit in silence with my mind off track
Lexie Feb 2019
Oh listen
With your heart
To a language your mouth cannot speak
My body will preach
Pouring out of my skin
Into the stars
Listen with your heart
Oh dreamer who is withheld from rest
That peace will find you
Where hope has left
Lexie Apr 2019
I said I loved you
If only for the reason
That when I looked in your eyes
That was when I heard music
Lexie Sep 2020
Would you still
Love the sun the same
If you saw her
Barren of her rays
Lexie Sep 2014
Good light
Good night
Soft heart
Cold night
Sweet dreams
Losing teams
Lost mind
Go behind
Lexie Jun 2015
****** television
late night stands
what you had for breakfast
perfect hands
the sidewalk that talk
the air you breathe
this nights future
oh what a tease
dumpsters with garbage dreams
****** girls shoes
dance in the club
bring home the blues
glitter in her hair
life in your lungs
but you can't climb a ladder
if I steal the rungs :p
Lexie Mar 2016
fly away little bird
sing a song, to be heard
little wings flap on by
soaring up to the sky
I watch from below
but you will never know
the brightness of your colors
on the ocean plains
Lexie May 2019
The world can teach you
But what does the world know
Lexie Jan 2016
sometimes its the littlest things in life
that can cause you to break
the opening of a lid
the creaking of a door
the sound of a loved one
you can't be there for
maybe being left by yourself
and you have to put
those feelings on a shelf
Lexie Jun 2019
We have our own world in the same world as everyone else
Lexie Jan 2014
Living nightmare
Frozen fears
All my dreams fade and crumble
I try to walk but only stumble
Silver leaves on golden trees
I am falling to my knees
A wish before a scary dream
A child on a loosing team
****** hands and scared feet
Running onwards to meet
To fine the dark one in the shadow
To met the maker of Odd Hallow
This road is marked with broken bones
Walked by people all alone
Frozen in time lost in space
A place ridden of love and grace

A special secret that needed keeping
The tears that needed silent weeping
Gnashing of teeth and the cold hands grasp
The time goes one with one short lasp
A round chamber, running laps
A memory with many gaps
A story I wont remember when I wake
A forgotten kiss to give or to take
A bump on my head a bruise on my heel
Nothing left to touch of feel
I drown in water in a dark lake
I want to talk you bade me spake

I need this nightmare
I need the game
I need a reason to mock your change
The power of a country silent but loud
A garden unchanged by season and shroud
A curtain that is always closed
A silent stone that slowly rose
In a yard of graves so still
With nothing left but a will
The words on paper that know what I want
I still cant I still cant

A show of power, the prowess of the strong
A silent painful ****** song
Lexie Jun 2018
i could live my whole life outside of the lines
i could run as far and as fast as i can
inside the double yellow
racing to catch up with the sun
Lexie Jan 2014
Am I really pretty
You say I'm beautiful
Is it just a mask I wear
To hide the fear

My hair is long and true
But it shields my face from you
Maybe I cant handle the pressure
Maybe I don't want the lecture

I want a touch soft and gentle
In a world so elemental
Watch my faces see the lines
Untie that ropes that hold and bind
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