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180 · Feb 2014
Remembering Your Face
Lexie Feb 2014
The lines in your face
Deepen when you laugh
The tears on your face
Remind you of your past

The way your brows crease
When you think so hard
The way your eyes light up
And you shine like the stars

How you knit your brow
When you are lost in thought
How you change your voice
And pretend to be someone you are not

How your heavy eyes close
When you are ready for sleep
The way your face crinkles
When you try to peek

All so familiar
But it hurts my heart to remember
180 · May 2019
tá tú ar iarraidh, uaim
Lexie May 2019
A departure no matter how sweet, never as much as the return
An old tongue roots himself again in my mouth
Reigns my words as they rise up behind my teeth
My lack of you is devout, and your return a worship may be
The knots we tie are ancient
I hear the cairns at the door to the nine realms whisper the words in my heart
You are missing, from me
Stones cry out when you hold your tongue
Do I know all things now
Or only those of little consequence to Odin
Title translation:

You are missing, from me.
180 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
Monsters don't sleep
Under your bed
They live inside
Inside of your head
180 · Oct 2017
Lexie Oct 2017
Ya know
I really hate
The fact that you can tear my world apart
With just a handful of your cruel words
179 · Sep 2014
With You
Lexie Sep 2014
I will follow you to the ends of the earth
Even if we never get back again
I will chase the stars across the sky
As long as I am by your side
179 · Sep 2015
Lexie Sep 2015
I shall add my existence
To the passing of this world
And intertwine my small hands
To the universe
Still unwoven in mystery
And clouded in shrouds
Of hope
179 · Jun 2021
Lexie Jun 2021
The magic in the trees is aging
Though differently than I
179 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
Because who wants a suicidal girlfriend?
179 · Jan 2014
The World
Lexie Jan 2014
The waters between.
The sky and earth.
The wind that races clouds.
Pushing pounding and burning.
Heat of sun on warm sand.
Nothing I cant handle nothing I cant stand.
179 · Jul 2019
One With Love
Lexie Jul 2019
The lighting isn't right
For us to fall in love
Sit with me in the darkness
Wait with me
For stars to come
179 · Feb 2014
The Beauty in the Beast
Lexie Feb 2014
I set fire to your lies
I burned the beauty in your eyes
I put rain in sunny skies
I sent all the spies

I put the break in your heart
I was the rope that pulled you apart
I am the broken wheel on your cart
I poisoned the sting on the dart

I led you to troubled water
I made you want her
I built the fire made it hotter
I took the blood from the slaughter

I put the beast in the beauty
I took the valor from your duty
I let you think that you used - me
I made you fell like you abused - me

I add the dark to the light
I hid the stars in the night
I put the scared in fright
I was the wind that blew your kite

I am the sand that you are sinking into
I did all this to prove I need you
I made this choices cause I couldn't get though
Not without you darling not without you - I do
179 · Feb 2019
Lexie Feb 2019
I am wanted by none
What good is plump fruit on the vine
If none pick it from the tree
It just spoils in the heat of the sun
No matter how sweet
179 · Nov 2014
Lexie Nov 2014
I kissed you goodnight
But I didn't know we would ever see
Tomorrow's morning light
Because it was the dark that set you free
179 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
Another man's bread
Has nothing to do with how you set your own table
178 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
Your lips were the edge of the world
I find myself
Forever falling
178 · Mar 2019
Lexie Mar 2019
My ghosts know me
Better than your friends know you
178 · Sep 2015
Birds(Words) in the Morning
Lexie Sep 2015
words for you
from me

do I dare let them go
to let them fly

I would much rather
keep them cadged

never to be hurt
but never to see the sun

to keep them under my wings
and shield them from the world

but nothing could ever compare
to the sound of the bird song

in the morning light of dawn
for it is a beautiful song
178 · Dec 2018
Lexie Dec 2018
I should be sleeping
178 · Nov 2019
Lexie Nov 2019
I used to be cooler
Now I'm crueler
Older heart with harder lines
Reciting memories, to pass time
178 · Aug 2018
Lexie Aug 2018
Oh that the grey heavens would split open
Like a cavernous monster
And pour onto the earth
All her sorrows and pain
178 · Aug 2015
Lexie Aug 2015
Don't leave any little piece  of me behind
Because the littlest *pieces are the hardest to find
177 · Feb 2014
Other loves
Lexie Feb 2014
You say I am the best that you could ever ask for
But I don't understand when you say you still want more
When I chose to turn a blind eye to your other loves
When its like being touched with care through burned gloves

Your other loves come around and its like I don't exist
When I see they way you look at them and feel like I got punched by a fist
This plot is way to cliché for it to have any meaning
And everything you do to me is far to demeaning

We've never known what it took for a relationship
Its like being unprepared for a painful trip

When your other loves are your only loves and I cease to matter
When you other loves cloud your vision and you cant see me
When your other loves get in my way and put me down

Then I shall cease to exist
But remember it is your choice
177 · Oct 2015
Sunlight Kisses
Lexie Oct 2015
the sunlight races to the ground
trying to kiss the earth

first come first serve
every kiss you deserve*

177 · Aug 2015
Lexie Aug 2015
Recent mistakes
And emotions

Drowned out in tears and 30.5% alcohol

Praying they will never re-submerge
177 · Jun 2018
Lexie Jun 2018
light up the walls of my paper thin soul
such that I would burn out
would you be more careful
if my fuse was shorter than it is now

this fuse; she has been blown
out of water and reality alike
many a time, and many a time again
when consent was but a dying lie

and this she calls her dying art
to live each day as if a few had never happened
as if such shadows did not cling to her heels
like every memory was a not a venomous snake

if you bit into her memories
they would not taste like your own
the are unfamiliar in their rendering
and foolish in their aftertaste

the lingering scent of midnight tears
and a thousand scars, each handmade
wrought into her body and the backs of her eyes alike
only some will heal, and only some fade

others, like your own eyes
you forgot they are their
until you turn to the glass
and find only your soul looking back

what could you shut out
if you had a door in your mind
some nights would you lock it
like you lock away me in your life

to stow away like voyagers on a ship
not a care to where it would go
only that it takes you far and it takes you from
all that you have known and that has forced its memory upon you

silent and serpentine these dreams pass
through my shoulders and across my cheeks
into the hollowness of my head
to writhe in agony in a dying light

and still these lights they flicker in the wind
would that you would close the window
but still my soul shivers in anticipation
of the knife to my heart, oh Ceaser's ghost hear me

would you even hear the depth of my scream
as it calls to you in the shadows of my mind
here I hold you, twixt hand and sternum
such that you would ever cling to me

I am but a fool, secure in my own folly
and that which I stand upon is treacherous
the closing of my eyes will not steady my legs
and stamina oh she has abandoned us long ago

I am weak in all but that I have done before
the anxiousness of my bones is a crutch and I crumble
like the walls of a tower without a foundation
and such is this I stand upon

soon I too shall fall into the earth
her waters shall reach me in the end of days
and pull me out, to be one with wind and waves
oh a memory sunk to the abyss

such is this
a candle heart
and a paper thin dream
just enough life
to ignite a soul

burning out
among the stars
176 · Dec 2017
Cardboard Kisses
Lexie Dec 2017
I have had kisses that have meant nothing
Simply an aftertaste made of cardboard and regrets

And now it seems my life is made of such
176 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
Although my bones always smile happily
Sometimes my face is less than proud
I feel like I am in a wooden box
Ready to buried in six feet of cold ground
176 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
beyond all dreams
or known emotions

I find you

beyond all hopes
I will ever know

I find you

beyond all lies
I will ever tell

I find you

when I am lost
and cannot find a way

I find you

when I am lost
and cannot find any way

I find you

You pull me down
tied me to this earth

I found you

made me a place
to stay

I found you

let me learn again
how it is to love

I found you

In the darkest
midnight hour

I found you

In the shining light
of the sun

I found you

In the quiet
of the first dawn

I found you

Above the beating
of my own heart

I heard you

My love I heard you calling
whisking me away
taking me to a place
where you wanted me to stay
to be yours

and yours alone
tethered there to a stone

Beyond all eyes
That could ever see
You got lost
*but you found me
176 · Aug 2018
Lexie Aug 2018
I want to write for you
But sometimes I have no words
To string together like lights
I have only this love
A moment for Tess, that is nothing for our years of friendship. <3
176 · May 2018
Lexie May 2018
your memory smells like ginger and my favorite cotton t-shirt and kisses on the third day of spring
176 · May 2014
Stars (6w)
Lexie May 2014
The stars are farther away tonight
176 · Apr 2019
Lexie Apr 2019
Wisdom is nothing when your lips part without regret
176 · Oct 2014
Inspired Eyes
Lexie Oct 2014
The sky is the color of my eyes
But I am pretty sure I rain more
Which is strange because
I confine myself to the indoors
I was always told it can't rain inside
But it proved a good place to hide
176 · Jan 2021
Lexie Jan 2021
On occasion,
When feeling particularly human
I sit in the rain
Let the sky come on to me
176 · Sep 2018
Liquid Lessons
Lexie Sep 2018
I have lived a whole lifetime today
and I think that is why it took kissing you drunk too learn how to love you sober
176 · Feb 2014
Choosing Sides
Lexie Feb 2014
The veins in your arms are different than his
I know because I have traced them many times
Your hands are different, stronger
With more beautiful lines

They way your eyes absorb the sun
And how you shake your head
I wish I could be yours
But I am his instead

When the lights flicker and I am afraid
It is his should I lean upon
But when its day
Its your smile that leads me on

When my hands are cold
And he grabs them they do not get warm
But when I stand between you two
My heart is so torn

The energy he gives me
Is unlike any drug
But when I am near you
I feel safe secure and snug

When you catch my gaze
And I can see the jealousy
I wish I could let you know
I long to be free

He says he loves me
But love does not burn
I tell you to be patience
You will have your turn

But how can I leave
Someone I know, and knows everything about me
For someone I don't know
But says they care about me

How can a child
Face all her fears
How can I choose
Without all the tears

You ask me to pick
Between love and desire
You ask me to choose
Between which of you makes me feel higher

Once this choice is made
I can never go back
It might as well be set in stone
Or written in white and black

If I chose you
Would things still be the same
Or would I cry out in the night
Haunted by his name

Or do I chose the safe side
To stick with what I know
How do I leave him
How can I just let him go
176 · Feb 2016
Lexie Feb 2016
I thought that you were a great source of grief in my life
but then I discovered it is only those that come between us
between you and me my friend
that cause the pain
I miss you.
Every moment.
And many tears have fallen
From my cheeks to the floor
But they are not out of anger I hold against you
They are of glass broken
Out of lies of separation
I love you.
175 · Jan 2019
Lexie Jan 2019
I have seen you
And I have glimpsed death
In life I have never known coincidences
175 · Nov 2014
Lexie Nov 2014
Sick of being beautiful
Sick of all the lies
Except for when I hear you
Tell me with your eyes
175 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
I tried to suffocate the pain inside the shell that is my body
but it choked my lifeless instead
so now inside my messed up head
all my cells are dead
175 · Dec 2018
Head Space
Lexie Dec 2018
My head is an abandoned house
With graffiti on the walls
The red door is closed
And all the window panes are broken

You just wanted to write love on my arms
And circle me in flowers
I just didn't know how to let you in
So I mutter into the cold air
"Bitter are the leaves, oh the dying leaves, of an unwatered tree."
175 · Feb 2014
Thin Lines
Lexie Feb 2014
dark thoughts oh so foreboding
mental images over loading
black seas with evil intent
troubled minds that need to vent
a race to the end of the line
a broken watch that still tells time
a contradiction within itself
a teddy bear sitting on a shelf
the man that waits around the corner
the girl who's tears label her as a mourner
the imposter we all came to trust
the lies so wet we all started to rust
the breeze that does not touches the leaves
the things we stole but blamed the thieves
legs that have no feet attached
dueling partners no one can match
the lost land with all our socks
the clocks that control our lives tick tock
the vile smells from our own history
the things we know but still call mystery
the key we need to believe
the air we want to be able to breathe
the right to write anything we want on paper
the poison we called a perfumed vapor
the reason we all need a savior
the children that were never taught proper behavior
the bold words spoke from weak hearts
the things so ugly but we still call them art
the trends that show on every face
the things that never found their place
the numbers we dialed over and over again
the words we wrote with pencil but erased with pen
the vacation to hells home
the trips you took all alone
the road that speak so much more than feet
the places we go the people we meet
175 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
Hush, your crying
Little one
It will be okay
I won't let you go

Big troubles
For a little heart
But such a big heart
For a cruel world

We have all
Cried our tears
Yours no more salty
Than the rest

Hush, little one
All things will be well
The night is here
But the sunrise will come
175 · Aug 2015
Lexie Aug 2015
What is our existence degraded to?
Please comment below.
175 · Oct 2018
I am
Lexie Oct 2018
When I bit the inside of my cheek
I expected the taste of anger
To pour into my mouth and down my throat
I didn't know the pain that would also coat my tongue
And catch in my throat

I hated it
I hated this

But this taste,
Oh that I could spit it out
Or wash it down
Yet no matter how hard I tried
It burned
Oh it burned
The whole way down
To think, to know
And remember

Everything that you said was a blow to the face
Still I turn the other cheek

Hope still, as I would
But you would never know what it is to be gentle, or kind

I suppose the difference between us was so simple
That you need look no further than our hands
Mine, within each other, clammy and clamped together, like every word that I bit back
Yours, a fist in your pocket and a fist behind your back, and oh how you loved to hurt me
174 · Aug 2016
Lexie Aug 2016
Do you know how to write a love letter
I mean, you never wrote them to me
But you must know how, it is in you
Write out your heart, for me to read

I don't believe any life is a mistake
But I know I've made plenty in life
Just wanted to be your, and you mine in turn
Didn't meant to make any trouble, or cause strife

My skin burned red, when you were pulled away
A forever so much shorter than I ever imagined
So many memories crowded up in my head
Something though I wonder, if they really happened

I was lost, I loved, I lost,  I lost my love
So many words and all of these hurting hearts
Like trying to hard to make a snake dance
I thought I was a duet, I was left playing all the parts
174 · Jun 2015
Just Another Love Poem
Lexie Jun 2015
If I wrote a poem about love
Could you find it among the others
Would my emotions be any better or worse
Redundant yet unique in your melody
Like another drop of water
In an over flowing stream
Would you drink me into your life
Or let me rush away in the current
Pull me out, or let me be pulled along
Is either right, or either wrong
I'm just another love poem
About your smile and your hands
Just another strong emotion
That guides my selfless choices
Just another one
Yet still unique in the song I sing
174 · Jun 2018
a prayer
Lexie Jun 2018
...i must be still now... allow the celestials and heavens to change me to are different now my friend...

   ...and the sky falls out of my eyes...
...I cannot contain...

...such/such is this/such am I/such a time as this... ... s uch..

                  please don't let me go...

...I will not move/help/I wait...

                                     ...please don't let me go
174 · Feb 2014
The Way
Lexie Feb 2014
I watch you pace in front of your window

The way you move when you walk

The way you float above the ground

Like an angle when you fly

Like a butterfly in the sky
174 · Sep 2014
Lexie Sep 2014
it is cold in Nowhere
the candles are all lost
it is dark in Nowhere
the moon is on vacation
it is peaceful in Nowhere
the war is all behind
I am trapped in Nowhere
don't try to get me out
the cage is fake
and all the bars
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