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Allen Page Feb 2015
Pandas are fluffy.  Labradoodles are…
Bake the road, crush the world.
Richard Feynman, Freddie Mercury?
Can you be unique?

We are defined not by ourselves
but by the Television set
by the media
by our leaders

What the hell is this Orwellian nightmare?
Do we exist independently?
Individuality is discouraged
unless you have money

This postmodern splash
The drones of nighthawks, flapping by the shores
The shores of Calavera, of San Luis Obispo
If the mountains drifted out to sea

Let the toaster rule you.
Let the media.
Not like you can stop them.
Wheee! Ride, piggy, ride!
from my book 'How To Write Pro$eperly

LESSON 18: Marketing Your Product
Get outside and box.

How to Make Good Money as a Poet

Keep up the volume
Then they have to buy all the books
And go looking
For something good

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

*** angles
in relation to women’s personality gauge it
chart it
*** angles
Canadian research grant

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

Rhythm-in-a-jar, and it vibrates when you pick it up
or could be handwritten
with desperate plea
send money
fax phoney part
please pleas
should colour of lid
indicate mood of poem
should label
indicate word topic theme
or what of material
metal lid or plastic
* Replace the safety seal so they have to punch cover
Note: if freshness seal broken, do not consume

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet
dead poet cookbook
dead poet cookbook


limited edition collector poetry
signed by author
artist proof worth more
more worth more
per line $1 $5 $100 sky’s the limit
self-effacing charity:
give-drop poem-in-a-jar to bums to sell
use as tax write-off full retail + “costs”
have party supporting charity more tax write-off
wheee! thank you, taxpayers
mmmm! tax write-off

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

Verse libre
Convince public that your random scratch ins
have deeper meaning social import
esoteric ****** meaning
make it plainly oblivious for them
doubletalk and doublewalk
run at them
when you recite
a poem
attack poetry
possible sales to war department
note when publishing do not include how to make money poet stuff proprietary secret

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

Poetry Repair
Fix other peoples poems
Putter with their pitter-patter
Charge per word (or line) no word
Fix their lines
of poetry and charge them for it
Could franchise this idea
Have walk-in shops around the planet
Poetry Repair;
Pete's Poetry Repair; friendly sounding.
Come down to Pete’s, we'll fix what’s the matter with your pitter-patter
Could increase sales by charging for coffee and downnuts
when they bring in their poems for repair
(Making money as a poet is a joke, easy living man)
Pete’s Podium of Poetry Repair
Poetry Repair
There's gotta be money in it somehow

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

In the backs of magazines *2007 or spam
Now you can make EASY MONEY AT HOME
With the fastest growingest gosh-**** bestest
Poetry Repair
Can you spot the error in this?:
Twinkle twaddle little star
How I wonder what you are
Yes. You saw it. Easy, wasn't it? And in no time at all
you'll being doing this to even some of the greats:
Romeo, Romeo,
Oh where for **** thou Romeo
Editors pay big bucks for this stuff
Poetry repair
do it at home

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

1 book = poems + free towel inside
free towel inside your book of poems
poem and a free towel
could be symbolic message
something about a towel and a poem
maybe the beach
maybe the *****
something about a towel and a poem

More How to Make Good Money as a Poet

very goth
sort by flavour
poem-of-the-month club (with underwear)
poem *******
poem *******
******* with poems on the ***
maybe women will let me write on their pantied ***
and charge them for it
(I'm voting for poem *******)
***** Poetry
I’ll be rich
fifty bucks a toss
Painted-***** Poetry
for fifty bucks a toss
I'll come to your house
and paint a poem on your *******
We'll discuss each poem
over tea and cookies
so you'll get what you like
get what you like
poem on your pantied behind, painted
fifty bucks a toss
Call now!
Marc Hawkins Nov 2017
Veins, veins,
length and breadth,

beats to freedom
or desolation;
a terminus

lost on a circular.
An ebbing destination,
unchartered targets,

Follow the signs.
We are a one way street,
follow the signs

on software maps.
by sequential lights

and us, caught
in a dragnet
within steely fish,

gasping for air,
choking on smoke,
bilious coughs,

hacking sputum,
gobbing phlegm globs
in interval gaps

within gridlocks;
nose to **** to
nose to ****.

The rage, the stares
the shouts, the finger,
the Grrr’s, the Rrrr’s,

the honks, the blares,
the bumper to bumper
expletive shares.

The rolling down,
the alighting,
the threats,

the fighting.
The falling down,
the separation,

the rolling,
the thunder,

the trudge,
the stops, the starts.
Follow the signs,

follow the signs.
Robotic conveyors
for humans,

fossil fueled

grumbling, grunting,
wheee-ing and

and screaming
and spewing
and chuffing

and guffing
black plumes,
air tarred,

veins, veins
clogged and bogged,
viscous, molasses,

liquid black blob.
Road fogged,
numbers logged.

Veins, veins,
follow the signs,
slow crawl.

Veins, veins,
follow the signs,
follow the signs,


Copyright Marc Hawkins 2017
nivek Oct 2014
your love keeps the wheels on
this rollercoaster of life
HSH Nov 2017
Leaves just fall

Like a human with no care in the world

Or a soul searching for a home

Like it's timed

Before the next person jumps out of a plane on their first sky dive


Each leaf knows when it's next

To meet the feat

And the fate of other leaves crunching beneath my feet

Floating down in such a way that looks like they're saying "I'm next or wheee wheee" like the little piggy crying all the way home

It's now or now

All in competition for the most creative landing

Categories like most flips before falling to the ground or the most graceful float around

Descending in pairs of two, maybe with the leaf they grew next to

Not in this alone


Meeting every family member and neighbor in the same place

All the same fate

I wonder how the strongest leaves feel when all have left the tree and they remain

Through the colder weather

Sometimes through snow

Always through rain

Proud or lonely

Or are they weak?

Afraid to fall and leave the comfort of their roots

Or serving as a symbol and a remembrance of the life of the tree once bearing the greenest of leaves that we all seem to forget about when fall comes

Too fascinated and enraptured by the leaves that change colors because they're different from the norm

Yet we miss them through the winter as we tear them apart

As we walk throughout each day going through what they go through

Falling and shedding as graceful or messy as we can be

With or without someone beside us

Pieces of us we let die and give up for new life

We wait to be reborn with the trees

Until a new season rolls around and we.... marvel over the falling of leaves again

When there is no longer something pretty and new to amuse us

We long for old things

Always coming back full circle, always beginning

Always beginning
Donall Dempsey Feb 2019

all its little life
the triangle longed to be
a circle

"I want to get around!"
it piped up
in its little Isosceles voice

"It''s preposterous!"
screamed his mother Scalenely
"...whoever heard of such a thing!"

"You should be proud of your lines!"
scolded its grandpa

"A triangle can not be..."
said his Papa in a right angled kind of way
"...anything other than a triangle!"

"I always felt I was a circle
trapped inside
a triangle's body!"

one day a passing poet
eavesdropped in an idle moment
on what the lines were saying

"Why ever not...why
ever not" said the poet
poet chaps tend to think like that

so he erased the brave
little Isosceles
drew him again as a circle

laughed the former Isosceles triangle
delighting in its circle-ness

this is the kind of things
poets think of...

. . .poets do.

‘Art is nothing but this slow trek to discover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence [your] heart first opened.’

So said Camus...I never forgot my first circle and triangle and dodecahedron . I was sad I couldn't get the dodecahedron into the poem but then a poet is a person of many faces and facets so I guess it gets represented in this symbolic way.

A poet I guess, to be more precise, would more likely be a pyritohedron because it has an irregular pentagonal dodecahedron, having the same topology as the regular one but pyritohedral symmetry while the tetartoid has tetrahedral symmetry.

When one thinks that there are 6,384,634 topologically distinct convex dodecahedra, excluding mirror images—the number of vertices ranges from 8 to 20. (Two polyhedra are "topologically distinct" if they have intrinsically different arrangements of faces and vertices, such that it is impossible to distort one into the other simply by changing the lengths of edges or the angles between edges or faces)one can see the vistas that loom large in the eye of the poet and the choices constructed as stellations of the convex form. It's a kind of...I don't know... geometric degree of freedom with limiting cases ...ahhh you have to do it to understand it really. Now to get back to that Camus feeling about writing and the utter simplicity of the circle and how a triangle forms in the's a long slow trek.

But then as Nietzsche always was telling me, "Donal..."  he'd be forever saying:

"We have art so as not to die of reality!" or was it "We have art lest we perish from the truth." It was hard to make out his mumblings from under that grand moustache.

"Are you a moustache or a man?" I'd joke back at him.


How lots of things get written...trying to make it interesting for my little girl by "story-ing" so she could take it on board in an imaginative way. Just the simple task of teaching her how to draw circles and triangles by hand and without thought...just the pleasure of Klee's "taking a line for a walk." Not an explanation of mathematical thought...she was only five but a fun way to get her to know how these things form when a pencil wants to draw them...bonky or with a ruler. The story helped push her into knowledge slowly and with ease.
Donall Dempsey Feb 2018

all its little life
the triangle longed to be
a circle

"I want to get around!"
it piped up
in its little Isosceles voice

"It''s preposterous!"
screamed his mother Scalenely
"...whoever heard of such a thing!"

"You should be proud of your lines!"
scolded its grandpa

"A triangle can not be..."
said his Papa in a right angled kind of way
"...anything other than a triangle!"

"I always felt I was a circle
trapped inside
a triangle's body!"

one day a passing poet
eavesdropped in an idle moment
on what the lines were saying

"Why ever not...why
ever not" said the poet
poet chaps tend to think like that

so he erased the brave
little Isosceles
drew him again as a circle

laughed the former Isosceles triangle
delighting in its circle-ness

this is the kind of things
poets think of
poets do
Jackie Wilson Dec 2015
pine needles
ride roller coaster branches
up and around in the wind,
flashing their sunlit outfits
of furry green diamonds
as they wave to the earthbound world.
Crash! Smack! Ow!
The chair broke.
Yeow! Galump! Swoosh!
A cat runs away with glue on its tail.
Vroom! Crunch! Grrr...
Dad's motorcycle met its end.
Clip! Clip! Done.
The raspberry patch is no more.
Pop! Wheee! Plop!
A jar of peaches sits on mom's head.
She's gonna get us! We're dead!
Two children's little legs dash over the threshold.
HE He he he...

Gurgle, growl, burp,
Tummies are empty.
Whimper, pout, please!
We're hungry, we'll clean, we're sorry.
Sigh, reach, hug,
I went to offer my services at a hockey tournament and I was heating voices bad
1  I was having evil thoughts about me and an old friend  in the mouth of a kid watching one of the games and this made me crazy
You see the force was trying to take my knowledge of me finding my way home
Then I walked out of the hockey field and I walked the wrong way right up to the end of the road
Then I was scared saying what is happening to me and I want to end this journey  
I turned left toward the city and I was wondering where the **** I was
I felt like a car was going to pull up and lure me into the car
I was scared and yelling out what is happening to me
I walked another half an hour still not knowing wheee I was
I headed further south and I made it into the city and hopped on a bus to belconnen with Matthew and Lawrence dressed up as my late granny and she helped me get home safely
I got home and my parents were worried and I went down and had cold fish and chips
I was seeing angels back then good and bad
Donall Dempsey Mar 2018

some stones
having a chat
"'s a human!"

the human stares
the stones remain

the human reaches for
one of them...then:
skims it across the lake

"Whoa....wheee...hee hee!"
screams the stone
but no one hears

the human has been &
the stones stunned into silence

"I wish he'd chosen me!"
the fat stone says
"I always wanted to travel!"

bottom of the lake
a stone chats to fishes
misses the stones he knew
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Where my life became chaotic
Where I lost control of everything
Wheee I lost everything.
Donall Dempsey Mar 2022

some stones
having a chat
"'s a human!"

the human stares
the stones remain

the human reaches for
one of them...then:
skims it across the lake

"Whoa....wheee...hee hee!"
screams the stone
but no one hears

the human has been &
the stones stunned into silence

"I wish he'd chosen me!"
the fat stone says
"I always wanted to travel!"

bottom of the lake
a stone chats to fishes
misses the stones he knew
Donall Dempsey Feb 2019

some stones
having a chat
"'s a human!"

the human stares
the stones remain

the human reaches for
one of them...then:
skims it across the lake

"Whoa....wheee...hee hee!"
screams the stone
but no one hears

the human has been &
the stones stunned into silence

"I wish he'd chosen me!"
the fat stone says
"I always wanted to travel!"

bottom of the lake
a stone chats to fishes
misses the stones he knew
Donall Dempsey Feb 2022

all its little life
the triangle longed to be
a circle

"I want to get around!"
it piped up
in its little Isosceles voice

"It''s preposterous!"
screamed his mother Scalenely
"...whoever heard of such a thing!"

"You should be proud of your lines!"
scolded its grandpa

"A triangle can not be..."
said his Papa in a right angled kind of way
"...anything other than a triangle!"

"I always felt I was a circle
trapped inside
a triangle's body!"

one day a passing poet
eavesdropped in an idle moment
on what the lines were saying

"Why ever not...why
ever not" said the poet
poet chaps tend to think like that

so he erased the brave
little Isosceles
drew him again as a circle

laughed the former Isosceles triangle
delighting in its circle-ness

this is the kind of things
poets think of
poets do
Donall Dempsey Feb 2019

some stones
having a chat
"'s a human!"

the human stares
the stones remain

the human reaches for
one of them...then:
skims it across the lake

"Whoa....wheee...hee hee!"
screams the stone
but no one hears

the human has been &
the stones stunned into silence

"I wish he'd chosen me!"
the fat stone says
"I always wanted to travel!"

bottom of the lake
a stone chats to fishes
misses the stones he knew
Wheee two days free
but I'll still be up at five
watching the day crawl in.

Thought I was sorely tempted
to find I was only sore and
it was a real letdown

but I'm alright
two days free
why shouldn't I be?

She says
the bathroom needs tiling
those papers need filing
and before I can get a word in
She gives me that look.

thought I was free
not to be.
Donall Dempsey Feb 2024

some stones
having a chat
"'s a human!"

the human stares
the stones remain

the human reaches for
one of them...then:
skims it across the lake

"Whoa....wheee...hee hee!"
screams the stone
but no one hears

the human has been &
the stones stunned into silence

"I wish he'd chosen me!"
the fat stone says
"I always wanted to travel!"

bottom of the lake
a stone chats to fishes
misses the stones he knew

all its little life
the triangle longed to be
a circle

"I want to get around!"
it piped up
in its little Isosceles voice

"It''s preposterous!"
screamed his mother Scalenely
"...whoever heard of such a thing!"

"You should be proud of your lines!"
scolded its grandpa

"A triangle can not be..."
said his Papa in a right angled kind of way
"...anything other than a triangle!"

"I always felt I was a circle
trapped inside
a triangle's body!"

one day a passing poet
eavesdropped in an idle moment
on what the lines were saying

"Why ever not...why
ever not" said the poet
poet chaps tend to think like that

so he erased the brave
little Isosceles
drew him again as a circle

laughed the former Isosceles triangle
delighting in its circle-ness

this is the kind of things
poets think of...

. . .poets do.

‘Art is nothing but this slow trek to discover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence [your] heart first opened.’

So said Camus...I never forgot my first circle and triangle and dodecahedron . I was sad I couldn't get the dodecahedron into the poem but then a poet is a person of many faces and facets so I guess it gets represented in this symbolic way.

A poet I guess, to be more precise, would more likely be a pyritohedron because it has an irregular pentagonal dodecahedron, having the same topology as the regular one but pyritohedral symmetry while the tetartoid has tetrahedral symmetry.

When one thinks that there are 6,384,634 topologically distinct convex dodecahedra, excluding mirror images—the number of vertices ranges from 8 to 20. (Two polyhedra are "topologically distinct" if they have intrinsically different arrangements of faces and vertices, such that it is impossible to distort one into the other simply by changing the lengths of edges or the angles between edges or faces)one can see the vistas that loom large in the eye of the poet and the choices constructed as stellations of the convex form. It's a kind of...I don't know... geometric degree of freedom with limiting cases ...ahhh you have to do it to understand it really. Now to get back to that Camus feeling about writing and the utter simplicity of the circle and how a triangle forms in the's a long slow trek.

But then as Nietzsche always was telling me, "Donal..."  he'd be forever saying:

"We have art so as not to die of reality!" or was it "We have art lest we perish from the truth." It was hard to make out his mumblings from under that grand moustache.

"Are you a moustache or a man?" I'd joke back at him.

How lots of things get written...trying to make it interesting for my little girl by "story-ing" so she could take it on board in an imaginative way. Just the simple task of teaching her how to draw circles and triangles by hand and without thought...just the pleasure of Klee's "taking a line for a walk." Not an explanation of mathematical thought...she was only five but a fun way to get her to know how these things form when a pencil wants to draw them...bonky or with a ruler. The story helped push her into knowledge slowly and with ease.

— The End —