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Non Jarvis Sep 2014
Heno, ‘dw i’n syllu,
Heno, ti’n gwingo,
Heno, ‘dw i’n gwintyllu
Yr awel sy’n ddi-flino.

Heno, ti adra,
A’r hiraeth wedi cilio.
Heno, ‘dw i adra,
A’r atgof yn fy mlingo.

Heno, does na’m newid
i be’ ti’n deimlo,
i be ‘dw i’n gofio.
Heno, nid oes addewid,
Heno, nid oes ni.
This poem is in Welsh, my mother tounge. The translation below is literal, and therefore does not rhyme as it does in Welsh;

Heno - Tonight

Tonight, I'm staring,
Tonight, you're writhe.
Tonight, I'm dissecting,
The breeze that's non stop.

Tonight, you're home,
And the longing has dissapeared.
Tonight, I'm home,
And the memory is skinning me.

Tonight, there's no change
to what you're feeling
to what I remember.
Tonight, there's no promise,
Tonight, there's no us.
An Edwardian lady ,
with a letter to write ,
she clings to it dearly .
For with fine perfume. to write for , it is sented with a kiss from above ,
and smudged in lipstick and all of her love .

For This secret she holds unto her chest to her is divine ,
for it passes through the ages of time .
All wrapped up in string ,
and richest perfume ,
as she walks down the street with her head in the air ,
With whispers of love to guide her there .
To plump and powder and preserve her pout ,
the freshening air on her face ,
makes her the envy of every gentleman’s glancing embrace .

For she cannot wait to post her letter ,
for tomorrow it will be too late ,
the sooner the better ,

Just in time before she is wed ,
to land on the mat of his Park Lane address ,
for that letter to arrive in the letter box
of her love ,
Scented by the richest perfume .
One last chance before the day to say ,
how much I am looking forward to giving a barrog to my love .

An Edwardian gent sits down to write ,
for it is his last  chance to do what is right .
To send a final letter before the mail man leaves ,
to his beloved .
He tells of how his heart starts to bleed ,
as the quill of his pen moves to every beat of his heart ,
a thud thud thud as his thoughts run away ,
to tomorrow when he will kiss his bride and say ,
“ Now I have given my heart away ,
I wait for the day I can give a cwtch  ( Kutch ) to my wife ,
for .
“ Our silky cocoon has opened to colours so bright ,
Oranges and blues dazzled by the suns beaming light ,
adorned forever ,
In sweet twilight.
Dwi  Wedi  cwympo. ,
for I have fallen head over heels in love with you .

— The End —