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Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
Slitting your throat
I think to the past
About when we were young
And when you said our love would last

Holding each others hands
We hugged and we kissed
Looking into each others eyes
The feeling was bliss

I remember the nights well
When others went out, we'd stay
Watching a movie together
I would hold you close as we laid

Under the covers of my bed
Touching each other with intention
The soft caresses became loud
And your wetness gave my body extension

Our bodies became one
Into each others eyes we would gaze
Not one thing mattered
Just our feelings at this stage

These feelings are now gone
As you've laid with another
Now your family will mourn
And I'll come for the other

I'll show him your death
As he's bound and gagged on this table
The story of your vanishings
Will seem like a fable

Now as you lay in the dark
And the blood starts to flow
A tear streams down my cheek
As you pulse starts to slow

Goodbye my love
I'll see you someday soon
Maybe in the next life
You'll take me faithfully, as your groom
Tawanda Mulalu Aug 2018
Wherein the body is dead
and the mind floats for asylum,
what do the loud knocks expect
upon the door and what shall
the skull
do with such reverberations?

I will always remember you, your
blood just happened there
and my mind was you
all along.

     Have me before
     they take you before
     your black is washed
     away again by histories
     and before the moon
     buries you
     in the nomad opening
     of my tap
     song swallowed
     exquisite and clear
     along my throat. Have me before
     the seasons end and the next
     golden man on screen says
     we must secure our borders
     and soon, instead
     of turning your boats
     away, they will fire
     bold gunpowders, as if
     in another grand campaign
     of their castles
     and silver.

Wherein your mind floats
away and all that is left
of your vanishings is a body:

I will not know what to do with that
but hope for the flood to take us all, arkless.
A Season in France,  Mahamat Saleh Haroun
Whereas, Layli Long Soldier
Michael Stevens May 2013
Daddy came into my dreams last night,

His first visit since his passing.

He arrived in the red Jaguar coupe, the XKE.

In the cockpit, we kicked up the gravel,

As he spoke of some old feller he knew back when.

The torque of the engine pushed me into the leather

As we rounded tight curves.

I caught a whiff of Old Spice,

And, saw, once again the confident glimmer of his smile

As he steered into the dusty red arc of the bright afternoon.

Always leaving, he left me again, on the edge of the bright road,

In the tall greenness of wild grass bent double by the sun.

Years before, Mother laughed and looked away, told me,

“Your daddy could always find his way back to any place he had ever been.

It was a gift of his.”

In my dream he glances back as the heat of the late day takes him,

Disappearing again over a hill among the dusty pines

Into the distance, toward other roads he’s learned to know,

Far beyond the follies of memory and time.

And I am astonished at his willingness to disappear.

Everything in me that I know begs to follow and discover with him

The true course of his vanishings.

Deep inside where it counts so much,

I have never been sure of much of anything,

But if I’ve ever been sure of anything,

I have to be sure that he will remember how to get back to this road,

Someday, and that when I meet him he will take me on along with him

As if in this dream, into the sun of a dusty afternoon,

Dazzling, dark, dreadful, deadly, kind, beautiful, together.
My intention is to tell of bodies vanished
Or mutated; the "others" who made the mutations,
Will help me-or so I hope so-with a poem
That ceases with the world's ending,
Back to civilized days.

The Destruction

Before the deaths occurred, or vanishings, or mutations,
Civilization was, different, a diverse, organized, so called,
All intelligent and of moderate matter. Everything had its
Place, no creature nor object lay in contradictory conflict.
There was electricity to light dark rooms; clocks to keep
Track of time. The universe, worked well in harmony.
There was land and air and ocean.
Land for every creature to live on, and water
For fish to swim in, air for all the living to breathe,
Societies didn’t fight, a world finally repaired.
Forever at peace: within this utopia.
The gazelle lay beside the lion; the youth respected the elderly,
The strong and rich provided for the weak and poor.
A beings' lowest emotion was simple satisfaction.
Till "The Others" or alien nature,
Settled on earth and spread out.
They took children from their mothers, warriors from their
Towns, and eyeballs from their sockets.
From another planet they brought terrorization.
Beings so evolved, and out of the blatant blue,
Found humans and bound them to trees and poles.
Some forced fire down mortals' throats, and flesh,
Some leaped in air, claiming their human slaves in the
Highest planet.
Some hid their humans below the earth, their last wish
Ungranted, grasping for life, gasping for air.
Some did indescribable, grosser torments, with water as a weapon,
Lowest of all, some mutilated babies, tormented women, and
Ate their limbs for breakfast.

Whoever their god was, he demanded chaos,
First there was disorder on this earth, and then came
Their divisions, laws and uniformities.
In the end, there was no hope.
On every riverside blood discolored the waters,
Alien vegetation spread and rose under their new sun,
Surrounding our homes; alien pawns and their diseases.
Banks and stores where rummaged through and destroyed,
Sea monsters were fed fresh earthlings,
Women were made their ****** and experienced excruciating pains,
Spread apart from their families and friends.
We assembled prisons and torture chambers for our kind,
We were their precious jewels, and earth was their vault.
Our world was divided into three zones,
The north and held prisons and torture chambers,
The south now a feed ground of the growing aliens population
And in the center, a paradise with perfect seasons and organization.
The other zones held contaminated air that darkened
The earth, grease floating atop of waters,
And chemicals that instigated fires and explosions.
Towers and buildings were torn and disassembled,
And fear struck each soul every time
The Destructor called orders of
General *******.
We fought and argued with them but nothing good
Came of it for us, the aliens continued
To tear our universe apart.
     These boundaries taken away,
The stars went dim,
The hazardous mist covered their sparkle,
Fish were depressed of their water,
Beasts from their land, birds from the air.

But something else was decided,
By a man capable of thinking logically,
A man born to a civilized earth and to the middle class,
And now, recently and forever separated
From security, love and even his God-
Such destruction made with unknown forces,
Turned humans back to clay and running water.
All animals slowly expired; one man,
Alone and crazy, rose his face to his lost heaven.
"This is the end", he knew.
A parody of Ovid's Metamorphoses

— The End —