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IDK Sep 2015
I'm your pawn
Usesless and used
But I don't seem to mind.
You're my king  
My everything
But now...
You have your Queen

I've tried Knights in shining armour
All have been quite a charmer
But I would still do anything for you
Even though you have no clue

Maybe one day
I'll make it to the end of the board
And I'll be your Queen
But then again
That only happens in my dreams
'Cause I'll always be your pawn
I'm just a tiny pawn on a big chessboard
Perig3e Sep 2012
The blessed shroud of sleep lifts,
Ones usesless limbs
Have filled in the nocturn hours with mercury,
Not swift Olympian Mercury,
But the toxic fluid metal
That nearly weighs the same as lead.
A new day,
A new day
Weighs in
Without volitional choice.
Ben Aug 2016
I'm sure that
When the world ends
The sky will be beautiful

One of those days
That looks like a
Dollar store
Painted  landscape
In a chipped and dusty
Golden frame

I'm sure that
Everyone will probably
Have gone to work or
To the pool or
Out to eat or
Just sat like some
Seem to do

I'm sure that fog
Will settle on leaves
And bark in
A forest
Where deer and
Birds will graze

I'm sure that
The people
Will think about
All the stuff that
Sits in their houses
The cornucopia of
Usesless **** that they
Spent all of their lives
Trying to amass

I'm sure thoughts will
Wander to the
Dusty knickknacks
On bookshelves
Filled with those
Books that they
Meant to read

About the
Pots and pans
And cans of spam
The gourmet
Frozen meals
The fridge
The stove
The whole house

Melting into goo
They will think
About watching their
Hard work
All going up
In flames

It will

I'm not so sure
That you will be
With me when the
World ends

If that's true
The world has
Already ended
And I may as
Well be a pile of goo
In some wall street
**** birds mind
As the skyscraper
Crumbles from
Beneath his feet
betterdays Sep 2014
earth's call.

parched am i,
with out your grace
and precipitate love.
i will curl up,
shrivel and die

then you,
will look upon
dust and death
and the tears,
you spill
in grief,
will lie usesless
upon my brow.

is a fickle
flighty thing.
hears wisdom
in earth's words
and lets her tears
flood on down.

except for rain's
rhythmic coda.

sky's love song for earth
may need some work
Kimberly Weber Dec 2014
It's been a while
It's been so long
It feels wrong

What are you?
What have you become?
What are you since I've been gone?

Shall I see growth
Or regression
Is it safe to call that progression

So much is different now
Who am I
To tell you what code to live by

Who am I
To judge your journey
Because at the end you will be worthy

But the return
The return
These painful scars, they burn

To carry these burdens
So far
But back here how usesless they are

The return is never what it seems
No welcome for the hero
Just pain that they must never know

I return to emptiness
Scars and pain no one can heal
I am alone in my battles that no one can feel

So we carry on, drag our feet
As we journey on to places no one has ever been
To things no one else has ever seen

To each his own
Battles to carry
Demons to burry

And we return,
We return to the things we used to know
And find they no longer suit us like they did all that time ago

Where to we go from here?
We only wanted to go home
But home is no longer the place we had known

Where to then?
For heroes at their journey's end?
Is there no place left for them to mend?

The return
The return is never what you dreamed
You come back and more time has passed than had seemed

And the return is painful
But you come and anyway you smile
Because after all that you know it is worth the while

To have left and grown
To witness what you left behind
For the greatness you came to find

The Return
It's been so long
It feels so wrong
But I think this isn't where I belong
Cam Mar 2018
I smile
And laugh
And talk
Along with everyone else

But inside
My head
Is churning
With thoughts
I know are not welcome

I hold it in
Try to shove it in a box
And throw it in the back of my head
Where I hope I can’t find it

But my wishes are ignored
And they come tumbling back
To the front of my mind
Where they whirl around

“Are you okay?” They ask
“I’m fine” I say

I’ll just try to hold it in
For a little while longer
Until I snap
And slowly disappear
From the life I used to live

I scream and shout and cry
Tired of thinking I am usesless
That no one cares

Trying to trick my self into thinking I don’t have depression
That those people I see in the pamphlets who look so hopless
Couldn’t be me

Maybe if I say that
“I’m fine”
Enough times
I will be okay

— The End —