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jessie irvin Mar 2011
once there was some self respect,now, life is control by drug useing interlect.taking all selflove aspect.turning you into a reject, forgeting pain so quick is incorrect truly a drug user defect.
Supermodel Dreamimg
(Changing it up, a little more adult then usual)

I was walking down the street
It was just the other day
Came across a Supermodel
Who stopped and asked my name

At first I was a little scared
Not knowing what to do
It's not every day a Supermodel
Stops and talks to you

I decided I would play it cool
Act like it's no big thing
I think I made the right choice
Because it drove that girl insane

The Supermodel followed me
She kept asking me to play
Started taking off all her clothes
I didn't know what to say

I just stood there in such disbelief
As she slowly came my way
That naked bodied Supermodel
Began to slowly kiss my face

Well I placed my hands around her
Felt the softness of her skin
I sure was ****** when I woke up
From that dream that I was in

So I layed there in my bed
Closed my eyes and it began
Used the supermodel of my dreams
To help me clear my head

The anger it was beaten back
Useing only my right hand
I felt it quickly disappear
And fall back to sleep again

(Oh my God yes I just went there with a poem and the world did

Carl Joseph Roberts
Come on now my poems cant all be lovely, teaching, meaning and reach out. Sometimes you just have to explore the edges and press where others think you wont go. For those who really know me they know I would go much further than this but im pretty mellow in my Hello Peotry works. So if this one offends you compared to my usual style then simply pass on it as a blip in time and a one off. Still I hope as poets you see that there are many different subjects to discuss and in reality this really is not that controversial compared to so many other poets on here.  Anyway I hope you enjoyed the read.
Looking upon my hands
My heart sees their treasured worth
Hands now bent and worn
From the struggle of their work

I depend upon these hands
For them to do what they do
I ask they a little longer hold their strength
I pray Lord they see me through

These hands to me have been faithful
Hard work has been their task
Lord keep them strong for me
This of thee I ask

My two hands are tired Lord
I know you know their aches and pains
I ask Lord if tomorrow comes to me
Renew their strength again

So that I might do my work
As I have for so many years
Useing these two hands
That know not doubt or fear

I know someday they will fold
In eternal peace and rest
That will be their reward my Lord
For these hands you have blest

jessie irvin Mar 2011
Go back to your dreams,remember the beauiful things ,before drugs took away self love and wonderful sence. look in your heart in see what this mean, these dreams, was cool they was more then being a feind. go back to the place that keep you clean, drug useing destroy dreams.
Emo kitty Aug 2014
We live a life were..
   Kids are distracted from crying by phones
      A little kid knows the moms password be for he can speak
  Were kids instead of going outside
We'll they'd rather stay in,
     Playing on Facebook or Twitter
Whatever that is.
And I'll admit I spend some of my time
   On my Facebook doing nothing
But scrolling down.
Being board
     When we all could go out and bike
Or skate, or take a walk
     When instead of useing our phones
Witch is a trapped society in its own
    We could ask a stranger for directions
   We could use what god has given us
It's called speech and our hands
  Use the words you know
Or the hands to sign.
Put the phone and the laptops down
   Take in the relization
That there's a world to be descoverd
Look at the sky and listen to the birds  
   Not saying musice is bad becase I'm **** to say it's something I love
   But putting it aside the other day
I relized just how much I missed..
Just being out side.
This is our society
We can always change it
     But not unless we want to
So instead of haveing your musice in
Or being on Facebook
Or twitter or other media sites
Go be with a Frieand
Go for a walk and talk
Like when you were 10
Playing out side on the playground
Amazing your never to old for that :)
   Don't listen to the haters
Belive in what you want and go have a good time with some Frieands
I know our parents always Say stranger danger
     But howed you get to know the kids you call friends now?
Good luck out there and smile tomorrow's a new day it isent over.
myranda Mar 2019
How can you sleep at night
Knowing  your tearing a family apart
Do you think your saving someone
Saving them and giving them a better life
In reaity YOUR NOT!!!!
She says
"You need to get stight A's"
"you need to change who you are"
And you cant stay stay who you are or where you belong
How can you sleep at night
When you used her for sexaul things
Then up and left
Useing her like a toy
Want to be left alone and loved at the same time.
How can you sleep at night
When you left , came back and left again then came back
"Your so bipoler"
My soul feel like a pit of blackness
broke many times now stronger
wanting to float away because been hurt many times
Anit it funny how you can sleep at night and the other person can't
Kyra Wallace Apr 2019
For every night you left me here,
I will not ever shed one tear
You say you love me but is it true?
Do you love me like I love you?
You say goodbye and come right back
You show up and show a lot of slack
Why did I bother with your fake love
I give your heart a great big shove
Your heart is cold like the wind in winter
Intead of being with me your with her
Saying she’s a friend but I’ve heard the news
Your useing girls like they are living tools
you sit there with me but you only lie
This time it’s me who says goodbye

— The End —