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Neville Johnson Aug 2017
Seeing you gives me shivers
I despair, seeing you with another
I just want to disappear
For I still love you
And I blew it
There's nothing I can do
I'm the king of sorrow
The ****** fool

But I don't say these words
I pretend I'm doing fine
We chat about our lives
I make a little smile
Then I ride off on my bike
Then comes a little tear
I'm not fooling myself
I miss you
And that means everywhere

I can only blame myself
It's too late to make us right
There's a whole conversation going on in my head
I've no more fight
Just resignation at this resolution
Some lucky dog has won your heart and soul
I get a glimpse of your happiness
It takes my all to stay in control

I've lost you, but I can't wait to see you
To wallow, however briefly, in your charms
Knowing I will never again taste your lips
Or have you in my arms

It's a sad situation
As bad as it can get
I still love you
But us you can forget
Goodbye becomes an uneasy token of grief

when love fades then walks out the door;

it's very sad to realize love's been too brief,

working at it has become a chore,

it is not worth it anymore.

The attic holds a memory of severe pain

shelved remains an engagement ring;

I can't fathom how a love for me you did feign

that I was merely a Spring fling,

I know I cannot trust you again

you made my tears fall like rain.

Held faceless against spare sunlight graying shadow

being invisible to you,

I had foolishly basked in your smile and although

a foreboding came into view ...

apologies cannot make love grow,

sacrifices ... I will forego.

Past the little details that tend to resurface

I try to go about my day;

my heart breaks whenever I think of our first kiss

waterwork woes are on display,

that is when our together I miss,

O, Lord!  Why do I reminisce?
The first phrase in each verse was given by a Contest Host ... I had to fill in the rest of the sentence and accompanying verse in a four stanza rhyming poem.  I do not know the form.
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
your way the who the body
swells the
lifts the

of my thoughts
the niggling
wafer of
your thighs

feel better than
my cheeks
can feel the air
(and i can only breath when)
they are untogether together.

feeling–and your back does–how
do you feel
about how
feelingly it

musters razors
in my skin when
your *** also?      (and how can i
                                describe how it
                                feels like joy
                                made some
                                supple real of
                                realness in two
                                halves of a broken
                                perfect?                      )

it defies words.

there is no cheap no word no sentence
made that by does not at describing it

i am myself, and can i say how much
that is a better thing when i am between you? are

And how can describe it?

the way it turns so deeply into creases
of divinest flesh;

half feet
half knees

upon who hurts to pray inside you
my love fist?

it cannot be said nor sung nor anything
but tasted into one swoon of many tongues
upon it–

my mouth has lived whole years not so pleasant as five minutes between your hips.

— The End —