A sparrow, tweets.
A still creature somewhere in a yellow vacant tweets.
An open-hearted orphan, tweets.
Gloomy buds! They want to be flowers.
Blood drifts through the head and whiplashes me for your affection.
Emotionally choked by a memento-to-be makes me a burnt wood.
Beheaded bodies collapsing;
Time floods the corpses;
****** heads stick everywhere, as memories do.
A dagger stabbed in flesh tears it away;
Dripping blood, trumbling tissue;
The progeny are all already slaughtered.
A face is sprinkled by a loved one reddish gore, autopsying the memories.
Unjust? Carnivore brutality?
Celebrate the night when sun shines;
Hear out the thunderous waterfall noise;
Roll over on green to reach the orange warmth.
Kiss, literally;
Love, figuratively.