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Ustyrlig mis
Nej, du må ikke tis
På vores åh så værdifulde krybe

Tolk nu mis-
Tolk din historie,
Som du nu har fyldt med tis.

Åh mis
Så forunderlig,
Så nysgerrig du er.
Men kan du ikke se,
At dine unger tisser på din krybe.

Tænk nu mis,
At din krybe er sat til sænk,
Vis du ikke beslutter dig for at tænk'

For hunden vil snart gø
Og så må du dø.
Daan Nov 2019
Zal ik voor jou vertalen
wat je niet kan zeggen, voelt,
zonder piekeren, malen,
opdat je sneller ziet wat je zelf bedoelt?

Laat mij je tolk zijn,
je draaikolk zijn,
je meenemen naar een vloeiende,
ongekend hard boeiende,
versie van je zelf.

Ik zal voor jou vertalen,
van binnenkant naar
bovenste beste, buitenkant verhalen,
zelfs al klinkt dat raar.
Ik wil graag voor jou vertalen,
bel me op en zeg het maar.
Was dat waardevol?
Lennox Trim Jan 2021
I would like to call my first witness to the stand, 
Will the characteristic name selfish please stand,
"Is it true, that you believe the world revolves around you?
If so , how can a ***** even evolve around you?,
That's why in conversation ****** tolk around you, 
Because if he cant walk with ,****** will walk around you,
That's meant exactly how it sounds too,
Always jumping to conclusions without sound proof,
Know how to hit me where it hurts ,with such a profound tooth,
Then when my feelings are revealed,  you become soundproof?"
You know ******* me softly , you're well known for your silky execution,
and you like a story ,
Never been one for the hasty resolution,
And for that alone is why im seeking  Restitution,

This is it. the Jury is hung,
My mind is out of it but my heart? Its  latching on to you like the song that Sam sung,
There's been too much time lost playin victim, 
Which is why I'm here to ask that you wave this indictment,
Not gonna lie and say that there is no need for conviction,
The truth is your honor,  that SHE. SHE is my addiction ,
Not a day goes by when I don't think about her,
I never say never but I never saw me without her,
But To be Frank , its tragic what she got up in her attic, I've had it with the dramatics,
it's like her formulas quadratic,
My mind is filled with static,
I tried to hit the box for clarity,
I planned 100 different ways of asking her to marry me,
But I could never get the timing right your majesty,
Then it all fell apart , miraculous, no magically.
Blom In Blou Aug 2020
Skielike hartsbegeerte verskyn oorstelp
Verlang na bo om op berg vas soos boom
Wil staan gaan saam met dit wat is!
Sonder afwagting sonder skroom
In die lewegewende liefste Stroom
Sommer so sonderling se droom
In stralende lagge ligse verwondering
Salig met sagte wit wind wat wolk
Sonder sodanige mondige verklaring
Wil skugter skuif saam as woordlose tolk
Gewortel in aarde geplant vir liefde se bewaring

— The End —