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Rachel Diane May 2014
I fall a little in love with anyone who shows me their broken soul,
I get stuck on their flaws,
The rawness of their unguarded honesty in this guarded world.
I myself am broken – the realization and admission of it has set me free.
Free to see myself in pieces, free to recraft myself, free to love myself.
I know a man that says he’s broken,
I spend my days listening to his beautifully spoken, voiceless, sad words.
But my God when I look at that man all I can do is smile.

Somehow I’ll get through to your tangled messy brain that your pieces are mesmerizing,
That every piece is full of potential and breathtaking.
We’re mosaics crafted by our 2 am talks when were tired as hell,
A paradox of purity and sin - a cracked diamond; a perfect flaw.

The truth is we are both forever alone people.
But maybe I like you more when you’re half asleep in my bed.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
On canvas of sand
Their bloods were painted
Adorning the earth
With breathtaking mosaic
Of dead bodies and debris
A tesserae of destruction
Tis the devil's masterpiece
Devastating, but beautiful!*

© Raphael Uzor
Poetry has "distorted" my views!
To write a line which
Sits upon the page
Like a well set stone
Is hard.

And yet they come when
Least you think they might;
Forming in the mind
Like pearls

The smaller words which
Fit like tesserae,
Snug within their place,
Are best.

As that which sprawls above;
Bear no close study,

They'll not improve or
Save a clumsy line.
I've tried that trick
And failed.

The pleasure's that of
Craft - from pieces make
A new thing - to shape
And fit.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Like a road around a corner

never disappearing Michigan old

glory eugenics for German laws

Thirties’ ezratics racialist

limpieza de sangre, Velazquez

awaiting ennoblement, Ezra hound

reads Italian translation, 1940    

Mia Battaglia kleine mein

stumpf, o sweet Alabama

his small light


erased, obliterated, negated

Cruel hygiene unmixed

hieratic Idaho’s

small pebbles, turquoise

tesserae, Roman, Babylonian,

and them Assyrian archers

Ever unstill Ixion ever turning  

Re: Canto CXIII

BSween Dec 2020
I see you
In some flickering byzantine light.
You smile without pretence
And your tesserae image
Eclipses the others
Inspiring a sense of wonder.

If the light should cease
And you to please
Hold out your hand to me
For too much life have I, my love
My strength would I share with thee.

— The End —