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Dark Angel Nov 2012
I see you beside me
but you don't even turn
do you even see me here,
admiring your every flaw?

I just want to hold you
tell you I'm here
I want to be your comfort
everything you hold dear

Just to hold you, if only i could
I'd be your armor, your protection from all
but all you see is what's in front
you don't even see that im starting to fall

the dreams i've been having, oh the torture
they make me feel empty, lonely
and make me want you more every day
and more terified to my feelings portray

So I'll just stare from a distance
pretending i don't see you either
even though i crave every inch of you
knowing that you have my heart forever tethered
UmberSol Nov 2012
I see

I feel

help me
JoyAndPain Feb 2021
i opened your file
and what i saw
was diferent than what i expected;

i saw that you were
sad, pained,
angry, confused;

i turned the page.
you were suffering,
afraid, and alone;

i looked at your photo,
it was diferent than the you i knew,
you looked terified and sad;

i printed a new sheet of paper.
it said that i would be your friend.
that i would be your friend no matter what;

i fastened the new page in the folder
cautiosly, caringly,
with a paperclip.
sorry if i spelled anything wrong.
Mark Valent Aug 2020
from ground i understand the sky
stories flow and entwine
i know now
i do not have to chose right

from hunger i understand lust
the first drop of wine
tastes like the sweetest pleasure
and the last one like dust

from cold i understand warmth
lives sail in the seas of all
i take it in
and when its time i loosen the hold

in pain i understand joy
careless smiles are followed by tears
so i will cry
and never bother to close the door

in life i understand death
melodies are sung until they end
but when all is done
it is life i am terified i won't be able to comprehend

— The End —