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Merry May 2018
Television taught me to talk
Now I don't know how to walk
Unless I'm in high heels

Fed a pop culture diet
I don't know why,
But I think you should try it

Cruising around
In a Chevrolet limousine
Flicking through
The pages of a magazine

Silver screen beauty queen
Cult classic with a classic colt
Shooting up in the pictures
Truth and fiction in the lyrical mixtures

Televised script gone viral
High roller girl in an upward spiral
It's a glamorous soundtrack life
With a soulless soundtrack laugh

Television has all the appeal
So now I don't know how to feel
Nothing feels real
Because I don't know
What real is beyond the reel
I recited this poem at a poetry slam the other night... I didn't place and I disagree with who they instated as second and third but, whatever.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
I take my seat upon the couch
and hit the power buttons.

Blue-hued light washes over me
in beautiful cascading ignorance.

I mindlessly flip through channels,
briefly stopping to look at cars.
And cheeseburgers.
And movies.
And Bowflex.
And lawyers.
And jewelry.
And petfood.
And starving african children.
And starving animals.
And cellphones.
And service providers.
And medications.
And disorders.
And maladys.
And sales.
And beautiful people modeling clothing I will never wear.
And stores I won't ever shop at.
And lives I'll never live,
only dream of.

Because commercials are now more entertaining
and more relatable than the shows between them.
Tell me some of your favorite commercials.
Griffin Boyd Aug 2010
Do you remember him?  
The one who appeased the children
And teased our sense of direction

Where will he lead us today?

Maybe to a secret place
That we  shift to the back of our minds with age.

So let's get led on the tracks
That someone once labored over

Towards where we shall learn.  

...And while We are (all up and secluded)
   In our humble abode away from the rest...

It's for words, not spaces, that we yearn.

— The End —