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Peter Simon Feb 2015
Terhe are all dnifereft kdins of wlords out trehe,
Weethhr you tihnk it eixst or it deos not

Tehre are all dferfiet knids of wdorls you bnoleg,
Whteher tehy tinhk it esixt or it deos not

Yro'ue atuclaly rdenaig tihs peom in a drefenfit wrlod you dind't kenw eetsxid.
Rex Allen McCoy Jan 2015
~ ~ ~
Rsifafh setps
porepl the dsut
taht dfirts
bweeten the eras
Sintfig in
from pelaruse's csrut
taht hpaes
ingreod for yraes
Tohguh cwebobs mcok mtautriy
tehy ptcunuate the fraes
Wehn srorow sintgs ...
Tehn wosidm
gwros from traes
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Raffish steps
propel the dust
that drifts between the ears
Sifting in
from pleasure's crust
that heaps
ignored for years
Though cobwebs mock maturity
they puctuate the fears
When sorrow stings ...
Then wisdom grows from tears
~ ~ ~
Julianna May 2020
How can tehy not hear him?
he cries every night
a mad smudgy cry
How can they not hear?'

How can thet not see
his poker face?
he's putting up emtions
to keep others displaced.
How can they not see?

He never stops his cry
even when you check
How can you be so blind?
How can you not react?

— The End —