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Parents assembled
cameras at the ready
the graduates march
with mortarboards tassled.

Faculty tributes
ever glowing praises
but graduates listen
with an eye to the prize.

Pomp and Circumstance
playing throughout the gym
while graduates ignore
with hopes for a cupcake.

Kindergarten bites.
~Christi Michaels~ February 2015~

suspended here
land in-between
chasm of otherworld
lays within
dreams that ride on
Spirit's back
bring stength through years
moments past
no fear of yarns of old that linger
within my heart~deep and tender
beats to breeze
moves tassled grass

rivers cascade
cleansing fresh within 
my flesh my soul
gifts bestowed upon my Being
accepting all I'm given to know


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
accepting all I'm given to know
I gavel a wooden grave
,For my infancy set my
Golden sun over the fields
Of repetitive sirens milling
In my head and tipping
Scales of a blinded saint.

Order , order be proclaimed
Innocence is to be adjourned
And sent to preliminary trials
where I constantly seem
To look up at minerals
Smiling at flashing lights
With a chain of mediocrity
Like a noose around my neck
Declaring the plausibilty
Of my golden thread!!

Every tick and tock
I break away to
Dabble in the dark arts
Of marketing humanity
And turning my eyes
Into shop windows
...-Display cases to sell
My soul to the masses.

Order! I strike down in an attempt
To order myself to order!!
Confess your sins upon the Lord!!
My hand burns strikingly
Into charcoal on the light
Word of a guiding shepard.

Order lies with honour, my
Leash prevents me from
Tassled pillows and applause
And eradicates the whispers
Of order in my infernal mind

Guilty as charged ,to life
With abscence of parole
And good it be
If searching for love
Naked cuffs be
Then maybe this life
Is not for me

Draw your verdict on
The tangy taste of my hide
As you pleasure yourself
At the sight of my downfall
Into an endless abbys of
Doing wrong things in
search of the monogamous
Jeremy Ducane Jun 2016
Your hair pulled back to bun,
Your focus on the phone.
Head up for inspiration once,
Then quick return to frowning words.

I watch you from across the train;
An elegance of tassled shawl,
Faint scent, disdainful glance
At passing green. A sigh.

Much later in the journey,
The reply.  Temples briefly held;
A hand that comforts
And despairs.  

Those careful words that did not work.

— The End —