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Deana Luna May 2014
there is a spider crawling up my back
sending bite-sized shivers as he climbs up ascending vertebra
i think of you and he makes his way to my thighs
spilling rose hips perfume
medecine of angels
the drowning ache
the tingling between my toes
delirious drool language not meant for you to hear but meant for me to answer
beneath this tiny mess of appendages and swoony eyes
i can see your mass traveling through each season
your soft tufts donning golden shimmers then glimmering at the dusk of white
but i knew you when the bees knew warmth
spitfire busy buzzing sweet melodies to the open flower fields
but i knew you when your bones kissed your skin too tight
before falling renewal and peachy light
spiders making their homes in unfamiliar hiding places
crawling hyperbolic
a silly old mess
Hunter E Sparks Sep 2011
Hundreds of tiny people sit behind their perfect shutter speeds trying to capture love
I guess it could be easy.
A held hand here. A forehead kiss there. Maybe an engagement band or two.
Maybe if you captured a swoony eyed gaze.
That's love, right?
That's love?
That's what a 14 yearold girl makes the wallpaper on her disposable cell phone.
The same one she uses to plan her disposable relationships.
Anyone can capture that.
What about like?
Have you ever seen a photo of the nervous silent smiles, after a simple conversation?
Where's the picture of movie theather wishful yet sweaty unheld hands?
What exposure would be best for the simpleness of sharing a soda?
I dont know, but I'd sure like to see.
Celia Oct 2014
I'm baffled by;

You and your condescending timbre,
your wayward ways.  
Which so often leave my psyche meandering,
in that same swoony daze.

Caught off guard, yet again.
Yenson Dec 2018
Bang on cue, minions slither and seeth
same ole, same ole, predictability of the stunted
volume speaks volume as delusions entrenches
We are fixated don't shatter our morbid trances

The lions of Jada Pinkett not those of Judah
the producers of demented illusions from Studio Z
We don't deal in truths and reality, we wrinkle too quickly
Reality ages us, let just make it up as we go along

We need the miseries of those we envy to feed on
forget the cut price botox it does nothing for our falling faces
We can't even get earth shattering ******* from our duds
to lift our moods, so in our minds we own your dolphin

What are we going to do with our miseries and mediocrity
That strong small herculian dark hero, ******* in chains
as we pleasure and play with that renowned mahogany sword  
is a fantasy that blows our minds and satiates us real good

Scripting an Eastern Love interest we are thwarting is so ******
How dare ruin our fantasies and remind us  we are deluded
We can't accept all our combined efforts and dramatics
Not to mention our gullible menfolks who skip and hop to our biddings

As we tease and rile them to hatred for that swoony stallion.
Please keep your truth to yourself.
It won't stop us, reality and truth annoys us, we need our chained beast with that wonder mahogany sword
Oh that fierce passion, that unleashed weapon in our control
Just the thought makes us moist already....ohooo...ohooo..ohhoo
hahahaha....hahahaha......that **** wild laugh...
There Once was a Grand father ,
whose only Crony was his Grand daughter ,
He was Old and Swoony ,
She was Bold yet Funny ,
Together they made the World Brighter.
Limerick #distinctive rhythm{AABBA}#one stanza ##humorous verse#in remembrance #of #my#  grand pa # happy memories#15.04.19
Elizabeth Kelly Jan 2022
Oh no.
This is it, isn’t it?
When I wake up tomorrow
It will be time to go home
To start my new life.
Early 60s guitars, Connie Francis
Singing “who’s sorry now?”
in that eternal swoony teenage croon.
Dissolving the gathering dread
Into sand for the hourglass
Rather than lock it away down down in my gut
to harden into glass.

— The End —